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O que há de novo no Swift 2.0

O que há de novo no Swift 2.0

Apresentação no CocoaHeads Campinas em Junho de 2015


June 30, 2015

More Decks by Francesco

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Analytics func myAnalyticsLogger<T>(value: T) { print(value) } Estado da Comida

    enum FoodState { case Raw, Fried, Cooked(Cooker) }
  2. Cooker enum Cooker : CookerType { case Oven, Microwave, Stove

    } CookerType protocol CookerType { func cook(Food) }
  3. Meu primeiro Cooker extension Cooker { func cook(food: Food) {

    food.state = .Cooked(self) myAnalyticsLogger("Just cooked a \(food.state)\ \(food.name) using a \(self)") } }
  4. Comida class Food { var state: FoodState var name: String

    init(name: String, state: FoodState) { self.name = name self.state = state myAnalyticsLogger("Just created a \(state) \(name)") } }
  5. Bacon class Bacon : Food { let tasty = true

    } Meu bacon let myBacon = Bacon(name: "!", state: .Raw) //Just created a FoodState.Raw !
  6. Enums · Reflection · Carregam representação textual · Either<T1, T2>

    funciona · Podem ser recursivos (no more Boxes) · indirect
  7. Enums recursivos Futuramente enum Tree<T> { case Leaf(T) inidirect case

    Node(Tree, Tree) } Pull Requests are welcome :)
  8. Escopos arbitrários do { let myTemporaryMicrowave = Cooker.Microwave var myTemporaryBacon

    = Bacon(name: "bacon", state: .Raw) myTemporaryMicrowave.cook(myTemporaryBacon) } //myTemporaryBacon não existe mais Consigo restringir mutabilidade
  9. Outras mudanças Antes: do {} while Agora: repeat{} while ·

    Options sets funcionam como tipos nativos!
  10. Melhorias compilador · Funções e métodos · Novos warnings ·

    var --> let · Ignorar resultado de método funcional
  11. Cooker Melhorado Guard statements + pattern matching! extension Cooker {

    func cook(food: Food) { guard case .Raw = food.state else { myAnalyticsLogger("Attempted to cook \(food.state)\ \(food.name) using \(self)") return } food.state = .Cooked(self) myAnalyticsLogger("Just cooked a \(food.state)\ \(food.name) using a \(self)") } }
  12. Pattern matching everywhere · guard case · if case ·

    for case Loops com filtro · for in... where filter
  13. Melhorando Cooker Usando protocol extensions extension CookerType { func cook(food:

    Food) { guard case .Raw = food.state else { myAnalyticsLogger("Attempted to cook \(food.state)\ \(food.name) using \(self)") return } food.state = .Cooked(self) myAnalyticsLogger("Just cooked a \(food.state)\ \(food.name) using a \(self)") } }
  14. Criando um forno mais complexo struct Oven : CookerType {

    var temperature : Float var heatOn : Bool func turnOn() { self.heatOn = true } func turnOff() { self.heatOn = false } }
  15. Criando um forno mais complexo (que funciona) struct Oven :

    CookerType { var temperature : Float var heatOn : Bool mutating func turnOn() { self.heatOn = true } mutating func turnOff() { self.heatOn = false } }
  16. struct Oven : CookerType { ... mutating func cook(food: Food)

    { self.turnOn() guard case .Raw = food.state else { myAnalyticsLogger("Attempted to cook \(food.state)\ \(food.name) using \(self)") return } food.state = .Cooked(self) myAnalyticsLogger("Just cooked a \(food.state) \(food.name) using a\ \(self) at \(temperature) degrees") self.turnOff() } }
  17. Defer ou como não colocar fogo na casa struct Oven

    : CookerType { ... mutating func cook(food: Food) { self.turnOn() defer { self.turnOff() } guard case .Raw = food.state else { myAnalyticsLogger("Attempted to cook \(food.state)\ \(food.name) using \(self)") return } food.state = .Cooked(self) myAnalyticsLogger("Just cooked a \(food.state) \(food.name) using a\ \(self) at \(temperature) degrees") } }
  18. Error handling · Erros triviais --> Optionals · Erros irrecuperáveis

    --> throw · Erros não devem ser ignorados · Chega de error:nil
  19. Error handling · try · do {} catch · try!

    · NSError conforms com ErrorType · leves