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Web Design | Innovation Hackathon

Web Design | Innovation Hackathon

Innovation Hackathon
Woodbridge, VA
April 8th-10th, 2016

Frances Coronel

April 09, 2016

More Decks by Frances Coronel

Other Decks in Design


  1. Overview Why should I care? What is it anyways? Up

    and Coming Good Practices Bad Practices No, seriously — why should you care?
  2. Overview Why should I care? What is it anyways? Up

    and Coming Good Practices Bad Practices No, seriously — why should you care?

  4. R I

  5. more frequent visits to your website increased return visits users

    staying longer decreased user errors decreased customer support costs reduced complaints
  6. “If you think good design is expensive, you should look

    at the cost of bad design” Ralph Speth
  7. Overview Why should I care? What is it anyways? Up

    and Coming Good Practices Bad Practices No, seriously — why should you care?
  8. Someone asked me what I do all day and I

    said I move things around until they look right, and I suspect that’s as good of a definition of graphic design as I could come up with. MILTON GLASSER
  9. Graphic/Visual Designer produce high quality, high resolution, pixel perfect graphics

    “"The kerning is off and the button should be 1 pixel to the left!”
  10. UI Designer how the product interface is laid out “Those

    sign up links should be in the top right corner!”
  11. UX Designer constructs how the product feels through wireframes, storyboards,

    sitemaps “After they sign up, a thank you message should show up in the middle!”
  12. UX Researcher researches user behavior and attitudes through user personas,

    a/b testing “From our research, a typical user is more likely to ignore the hidden hamburger menu!”
  13. Product Designer A good Product Designer knows a bit of

    animation, prototyping, coding, research, and visual/motion design.
  14. Overview Why should I care? What is it anyways? Up

    and Coming Good Practices Bad Practices No, seriously — why should you care?
  15. Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and the Google. They all love their

    cards. Cards Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and the Google. They all love their cards. Cards terest, Twitter, Facebook, d the Google. all love their cards. Cards terest, Twitter, Facebook, d the Google. all love their cards. Cards Cards Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and the Google. They all love their cards. Cards
  16. Overview Why should I care? What is it anyways? Up

    and Coming Good Practices Bad Practices No, seriously — why should you care?
  17. Overview Why should I care? What is it anyways? Up

    and Coming Good Practices Bad Practices No, seriously — why should you care?
  18. Overview Why should I care? What is it anyways? Up

    and Coming Good Practices Bad Practices No, seriously — why should you care?
  19. “Most contestants don’t go past the default designs—how many times

    have we all seen that default black navbar from the Twitter’s Bootstrap CSS Framework in hackathon presentations?” M R . YA N G