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Design for Technology Companies: why you should...

Design for Technology Companies: why you should never use Photoshop again.

My opinions on how we should be doing design at tech companies. Hint: lean + jobs to be done.

First given at #SFRails, June 2014

Reading on jobs to be done:
- Hayden Christensen on the Harvard Business School blog: http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5170.html
- An interview with Basecamp designer Ryan Singer who describes JTBD applied to the design process in great detail: http://insideintercom.io/an-interview-with-ryan-singer/

toot me @fredsters_s

Fred Stevens-Smith

June 19, 2014

Other Decks in Design


  1. @fredsters_s rainforest Why should I care? • • Because design

    is how your users experience the code you ship. • Trends
  2. @fredsters_s rainforest What is Rainforest? • ✨QA as a Service

    (dev tools)✨ • YC S12 • Built in Rails • We’re hiring!
  3. @fredsters_s rainforest Designer: someone who makes it easier for your

    users to do the job they hired your product to do.
  4. @fredsters_s rainforest Traditional process 1. Produce multiple flat image designs

    2. Get a design ‘approved’ 3. Re-build the design in code 4. Ship to users 5.
  5. @fredsters_s rainforest Tools - why is this possible now? •

    CSS3 • continuous delivery • Front-end stuff (livereload, SCSS, SASS, grid systems, bootstrap)