Talk from KubeCon in Austin, about learning from other programming environments and using tools to validate and test your configurations, whether you're writing them by hand or using higher level tools like ksonnet and Helm.
computers through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools
Validate a Kubernetes YAML file against the relevant schema Usage: kubeval <file> [file...] [flags] Flags: -h, --help help for kubeval -v, --kubernetes-version string Version of Kubernetes to validate against --openshift Use OpenShift schemas instead of upstream Kubernetes --schema-location string Base URL used to download schemas. Can also be specified with the environment variable KUBEVAL_SCHEMA_LOCATION --version Display the kubeval version information and exit
The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains a valid Service The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains an invalid Deployment --> spec.template.spec.containers.0.env.0.value: Invalid type. Expected: string, given: integer The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains an invalid ReplicationController --> spec.replicas: Invalid type. Expected: integer, given: string The document fixtures/multi.json contains a valid Deployment The document fixtures/multi.yaml contains a valid ReplicationController
if spec["kind"] == "ReplicationController": for container in spec["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"]: tag = container["image"].split(":")[-1] assert_not_equal(tag, "latest", "should not use latest images") def test_minimum_replicas(): if spec["kind"] == "ReplicationController": test = spec["spec"]["replicas"] >= 4 assert_true(test, "ReplicationController should have at least 4 replicas") test_for_latest_image() test_minimum_replicas()
test_for_team_label(): if spec["kind"] == "Deployment": labels = spec["spec"]["template"]["metadata"]["labels"] assert_contains(labels, "team", "should indicate which team owns the deployment") test_for_team_label()
helm/docs/examples $ ls alpine nginx $ helm template nginx | kubeval The document stdin contains a valid Secret The document stdin contains a valid ConfigMap The document stdin contains a valid Service The document stdin contains a valid Pod The document stdin contains a valid Deployment The document stdin contains a valid Job
test_for_latest_image(): if spec["kind"] in ["Job", "Deployment"]: for container in spec["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"]: tag = container["image"].split(":")[-1] assert_not_equal(tag, "latest", spec["kind"] + " should not use latest images") test_for_latest_image()
| kubeval The document stdin contains a valid ReplicationController The document stdin contains a valid Service The document stdin contains a valid ReplicationController The document stdin contains a valid Service The document stdin contains a valid ReplicationController The document stdin contains a valid Service