polyglot experience, focus on Web & Cloud ‣ Worked with Apple, TheScore, Superlist, A1, Slab, etc. ‣ StackOverflow: 75,000+ score (Top 5 in Pakistan) ‣ Author / Contributor of multiple famous libraries & tools ‣ Featured on popular developer communities
more microservices ‣ Glue code: Messaging queues, storage, more APIs ‣ Dev, Testing and CI complexity ‣ Proprietary Javascript ‣ Managing everything but scale
application is a Lambda ‣ Parts executed on short-lived infra ‣ No rewrites or glue, uses existing app code ‣ Handles infra management ‣ Removes the problem, instead of solving it
all locally ‣ Containerize/Deploy ‣ Find parts that need to be scaled independently ‣ Don't split them out to a separate service ‣ Wrap it in a FLAME runner function ‣ That's it!
API 1. Provisions new runner 2. Runner connects to parent 3. Parent sends runner function for execution 4. Runner returns result back to remote parent caller 5. Runner idles down FLAME.call(MyApp.Runner, fn - > # Your regular app code end)