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Start Developing with Flutter - Code and No Cod...

Start Developing with Flutter - Code and No Code Options (By: Atiq Samtia) - Flutter Forward Extended 2023

Talk by Atiq Samtia (https://twitter.com/atiqsamtia) at Flutter Forward Extended 2023 by GDG Lahore.

GDG Lahore

March 01, 2023

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  1. Atiq Samtia • Trainer at NFTP & Mass.School • Tech

    Speaker • Backend Web & App dev • Runs a software agency named ioi Technologies in Lahore • Revolutionizing real-estate agent’s operations via mobile apps [email protected]

    Community Pakistan ( http://fb.com/groups/FlutterPK )
  3. Hybrid / Cross Platform Options IONIC REACT NATIVE XAMRIN FLUTTER

    Flutter Community Pakistan ( http://fb.com/groups/FlutterPK )
  4. What is Flutter Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building

    beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter Community Pakistan ( http://fb.com/groups/FlutterPK )
  5. Who is using Flutter • PUBG Mobile (Community feature) •

    BMW App • WeCha t • Grab.com delivery app • Yandex Go • Nubank • Sono s .com • Fastic - Fasting Ap p • Realtor.co m • Ubuntu • iRobot • eBay • Toyota • Google Pay 11
  6. Benefits • Same Codebase • One code editor • Own

    widgets, not dependent on OEM Widgets • Great for Custom designs • Decent built-in widget library of Material Design and Cupertino (iOS) • Code once, Deploy everywhere! • Hot reload Flutter Community Pakistan ( http://fb.com/groups/FlutterPK )
  7. Widget Types StatelessWidget •Cannot update it’s content after build •Use

    only for static content StateFullWidget •Can update it’s content and rebuild as app is running •Use for dynamic data Flutter Community Pakistan ( http://fb.com/groups/FlutterPK )
  8. IntelliJ Idea Presentation Title 22 Feature rich as Android Studio

    but faster on low end devices 1 Better Code completion than VS Code 2 Better code refactoring 3 Better GIT Integration 4