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GDS launch slide deck (with notes)

GDS launch slide deck (with notes)

Government Digital Service

December 09, 2011

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 2004 – find a friend – a year of innovation

    Photo CC licenced from flic.kr/p/4xvC3Q
  2. 2004 – a year of orange! 2004 – the launch

    of Directgov, putting public services in one place
  3. Directgov – what have been the drivers? Collaboration Convergence Communication

    Customer focus prioritising needs of the citizen, making it simpler and easier to access information joining up departments to focus on the needs of the citizen converging 95% of citizen content from hundreds of govt websites onto Directgov sharing best practices across govt, raising awareness via strategic partners & developing new comms channels as adopted by customers e.g. twitter and rapid rise of mobile
  4. Directgov – today May 2004 419,000 Monthly visits Oct 2011

    31m 1.7m Trust Mar 2011 77% Satisfaction Mar 2011 72% Key measures: Traffic, Trust and Satisfaction - strong but always room for improvement. How are we doing that....
  5. Directgov – we will continue to listen Photo used with

    permission from www.museumwaalsdorp.nl ...By listening better. Opened up more channels for customer feedback like Twitter, Facebook and Comment on This Article where we are receiving appx 40,000 comments per month. Sharing this with Beta to build an even better website.
  6. gov.uk beta – today: 100s of sites, 100s of designs,

    100s of platforms gov.uk needs a tidy up & refresh. Hence beta, to follow alpha.gov.uk
  7. gov.uk beta – deliverable #1: beta test of a ‘citizen

    facing’ site N O T FIN A L D E S IG N
  8. gov.uk beta – deliverable #3 c.15 million people interested in

    the work and workings of Government. Photo CC licenced from flic.kr/p/93saH9
  9. gov.uk beta – deliverable #3 Photo CC licenced from flic.kr/p/93saH9

    Of the 100s of sites scattered across separate .gov.uk domains, the lion's share are about government organisations; explaining who they are and what they do. They’re visited by millions of people per month interested in thousands of subjects where govt has an active role But we’re making those people work hard: to know which bit of gov does what; to know how that website works; then find the content (if it’s there!) and decipher the meaning (if they can!)
  10. gov.uk beta – expect: first unified view of Government Those

    are the problems we’re trying to solve with a single publishing platform for government organisations We’re testing with a handful of departments in beta the pooling together of content (speeches, news, publications, policy info) to create the first ever unified view of govt activity In govt context, that's a radical move. But ours is not a unique problem – the BBC have just done the same. N O T FIN A L D E S IG N
  11. gov.uk beta – expect: structured definitions of policy We’re going

    further, imposing structure and rigour to how we explain government policy, in consistent formats, more clearly than before And by doing that, we’re turning content into data that other people can re-use N O T FIN A L D E S IG N
  12. gov.uk beta – expect: intuitive new publishing tool To make

    all this possible we’re building custom software that meets the specific needs of publishers in government. This will help them publish more efficiently, more consistently than ever before. N O T FIN A L D E S IG N
  13. gov.uk beta – “Remember when we had all those separate

    websites?” It’s worth acknowledging that it’s a tough road ahead. It’s scary for any organisation to give up its website. But by building something that is easier for end users to use and for publishers to maintain, we will look back and ask: why did we have all those separate websites? What was that all about?!
  14. GDS IT – the problem IT not fit for new

    purpose Too expensive Limited device access Environmentally unfriendly
  15. GDS IT – meeting user needs Use anywhere Ability to

    quickly change software Multi-OS and open source Reliable kit Low cost Sufficient security
  16. GDS IT – major steps Got internal CO agreement Greatest

    elapsed time and effort was internal CO approval and procurement Used in-house and SME support to build Aggressive timetable challenged suppliers
  17. GDS IT – the solution Apple laptops Google Apps for

    IL0 Libre office open source for IL2 Fully wireless No fixed telephony Approach and use shared machines for IL3 Large Internet pipes
  18. GDS IT – the outcome Fewer machines means greater performance

    Costs 18% of original solution – 82% saving! “Martini IT” – any time, any place, anywhere Mobile IT key part of building move Happy smiley people!
  19. GDS IT – user verdict “At last, we’ve got the

    IT system we need!” Izabella Podralska “The efficiency of you guys is scary! I got set up yesterday in about twenty minutes - computer says YES! (for a change)” Emer Coleman “Please don't make me go back to the old system!” Lucie Glenday “It's far more flexible, lets us be much more creative” Ryan Battles
  20. e-petitions – the first GDS product Public domain photo by

    U.S. Navy e-petitions is the first product delivered by Government Digital Service during the summer of this year. Delivered using a mix of GDS expertise and suppliers from the SME marketplace. Delivered in just 6 weeks including procurement. Cheap.
  21. e-petitions – the first 100 days Photo CC licenced from

    flic.kr/p/6echM9 We had immense load immediately following launch - somewhat inconveniently at the time of the Riots, swamped us, which we quickly fixed Continued with agility reacting to user feedback to make incremental enhancements A product is never really delivered, it is just released and continually evolves
  22. e-petitions – in numbers 25,000 3 million 6 Since we

    have launched, we have had over 25,000 petitions, 3 million signatures, and of these 6 have passed the magic 100,000 threshold for a petition become eligible for a debate. Importantly the government has acted on these petitions that have reached the threshold – inspiring confidence.
  23. e-petitions – is the product effective? Widespread media coverage... especially

    through social media, where mechanisms we have included for twitter and facebook allow people to garner support from likeminded people very easily. The most popular petitions have reached their 100k target inside 4 or 5 days. From the citizen view - hugely effective.
  24. e-petitions – one final thought Photo CC licenced from flic.kr/p/MQeVP

    Every minute of every hour of every day, 18 people sign an e-petition... It costs us less than 1p per transaction!
  25. Office of the Public Guardian Processes and registers Lasting Powers

    of Attorney (LPAs). Supervises Deputies appointed by the Court of Protection. Maintains registers of LPAs and Deputyships. Investigates allegations or concerns made against Deputies and Attorneys.
  26. Office of the Public Guardian – to reduce and remove

    Photo CC licenced from flic.kr/p/4knuKB Complex paper forms attempt to be everything for everyone in every context. Perceived complexity encourages often unnecessary legal consultation (89% of cases are straightforward). The business relies entirely on paper documentation.
  27. Office of the Public Guardian – to enable Photo CC

    licenced from flic.kr/p/77HwYP A flexible and scalable digital business model A business model that shifts focus from internal process to user needs in line with the Ministry of Justice’s Transforming Justice agenda Control of the digital service without restrictive & costly service contracts Staff to support customers who need the most help - Assisted Digital Substantial growth in the numbers of LPAs registered Reduction in the number of cases requiring Court of Protection intervention
  28. Office of the Public Guardian – right now Photo CC

    licenced from flic.kr/p/4rHjib Learning the OPG business - staff workshops and interviews Understanding the impacts on customers caused by current policy, processes and communication methods Designing detailed end-user research for January 2012 Identifying early deliverables, eg a digital LPA application and payment process Planning the phased delivery of the digital service during 2012
  29. Office of the Public Guardian – to deliver Photo CC

    licenced from flic.kr/p/7yAv8A An outstanding service with digital by default as the natural user preference. User-originated, 100% correct, digital applications for all new customers and fast migration to digital for existing clients. Safe, simple, quick, and compliant processing of sensitive, personal dataIntegrated with back-office systems that simplify internal processes. Phased delivery that rapidly introduces public-facing digital services and accelerates business process change A a major change in public service provision that increases the responsibility and power of the citizen
  30. Tech City Tech City is a cluster of digital, tech

    and creative companies in East London. To celebrate a year of government support for Tech City, David Cameron visited the area on the 10th of November.
  31. Tech City – how to convey this information? Normally a

    policy paper is produced for these events, but it was more appropriate in this case to develop an app for investors, talent, and local companies. With colleagues at Number 10 and a Tech City SME, Mobile Roadie, the app was developed.
  32. Tech City – the launch The app outlines gov policy

    to support innovation and technology over the last year, as well as upcoming changes. It also shows Tech City events, and what people are seeing about Tech City. As an app rather than a static document, new information can be added to the app as events are planned and policy changes happen.
  33. Tech City – the map It includes a map, developed

    by Charles Armstrong, which plots the companies in Tech City and measures the web of interaction between them by analysing the social media streams.
  34. Tech City – augmented reality It also includes Augmented Reality.

    For the November 10th launch we worked with Aurasma to animate some of the business cards live and give a surprise greeting to the Prime Minister, triggered by the Trampery logo. Going forward Tech City will be using augmented reality to showcase a guided tour / visitor experience using geolocated data.