WORK — Freelance web developer from Portland, Oregon. Developing for the web for over 10 years. That's... Maybe 45 in JavaScript years? @georgeMandis [email protected] @georgemandis
as digital nomad in 18 countries Born in Saudi Arabia (Long story!) Most known projects — & Once unintentionally cheated running a marathon in North Korea Konami-JS Jeklly RSS Feeds
talking to real-world interfaces Low-barrier to entry towards making interactive hardware / web / IoT stuff A tool for art projects and creative explorations that touch on the physical world
made JavaScript a legitimate server-side contender and fundamentally changed how we develop for the web and beyond. If you want longevity in this industry you have to at least pay attention to where the crowds are gathering.
Every message is 3 bytes — 1 status, 2 data A status byte always begins with 1 and data bytes always begin with 0 For a status message, 3 bits of the first byte describe the type of status message. The remaining 4 describe the channel (16). For data messages that leaves 7 bits left per byte to describe the event — note, velocity, etc.
a little easier MIDIUtils.js puck.addListener("noteon", "all", (event) => { let frequency = MIDIUtils.noteNumberToFrequency([1]) let noteName = MIDIUtils.noteNumberToName([1]) let noteNumberFromName = MIDIUtils.noteNameToNoteNumber("A-4") let noteNumberFromFreq = MIDIUtils.frequencyToNoteNumber(440) });
the same We don't need to request permission Latency can be more of an issue in some contexts Working with MIDI files is easier (more packages) Some of the frontend libraries work on the server Do more interesting, system-level things
to and listening to a controller const midi = require("midi"); let input = new midi.input(); input.on('message', function(deltaTime, message) { console.log(message); // [144, 80, 127] }); input.openPort(0);