BLOG — WORK — I'm a freelance web developer from the U.S. I've been developing for the web for over a decade. @georgeMandis @georgemandis 2 / 82
digital nomad in 18 countries Born in Saudi Arabia! Long story Once unintentionally cheated running a marathon in North Korea Most known project — — come see my other talk! :-D Konami-JS 3 / 82
There are only 2 types of messages: status and data. A status byte always begins with 1 and data bytes always begin with 0 That leaves 7 bits left per byte for expressing the message For a status message, 3 bits of the first byte describe the type of status message; the remaining 4 describe the channel 41 / 82
onMIDIInit, onMIDIFail ); let onMIDIInit = function (MIDIAccessObject) { // Allows us to start interacting with MIDIAccessObjects ... } let onMIDIFail = function () { // MIDI supported but access denied ... } 46 / 82
inputs and attaching listeners to MIDI messages as they're received let onMIDIInit = function (MIDIAccessObject) { for (let input of midi.inputs.values()) { if ( === "Logidy UMI3") logidy = input; if ( === "PuckCC Bluetooth") puckJS = input; } logidy.onmidimessage = handleLogidyController; puckJS.onmidimessage = handlePuckController; } 47 / 82
a little easier MIDIUtils.js puck.addListener("noteon", "all", function(event) { let frequency = MIDIUtils.noteNumberToFrequency([1]) let noteName = MIDIUtils.noteNumberToName([1]) let noteNumberFromName = MIDIUtils.noteNameToNoteNumber("A-4") let noteNumberFromFreq = MIDIUtils.frequencyToNoteNumber(440) }); 50 / 82
the same We don't need to request permission Latency can be more of an issue in some contexts Reading & writing MIDI files is easier (more packages) Some of the frontend libraries work on the server 52 / 82
to and listening to a controller const midi = require("midi"); let input = new midi.input(); input.on('message', function(deltaTime, message) { console.log(message, deltaTime); }); input.openPort(0); 53 / 82
video from Pick a random book from Choose 4 random sentences from that book to make a "poem" Display the poem on top of the video as it plays at a randomized playback speed 63 / 82