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時間配分を常に意識するために、通知する仕組みを作った話 / 20220527-peacock-...

時間配分を常に意識するために、通知する仕組みを作った話 / 20220527-peacock-meets-up-01



May 27, 2022

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  1. Go bot (2) Slack Slack webhook 2 https://slack.com/intl/ja-jp/help/articles/ 11 5

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  2. Netlify Functions 
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  3. Netlify Functions 
 (2) Go AWS Lambda https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-go/ Go AWS

    Lambda Netlify https://docs.netlify.com/functions/build-with-go/ URL Slack
  4. (netlify.toml) [build] command = "make build" functions = "functions" publish

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 (3) (Makefile) .PHONY: build build: mkdir -p functions cd cmd/lambda; go build -o ../../ functions/report ./... `make build` URL Endpoint
  5. GitLab CI 
 (1) GitLab GitHub cURL URL Windows 1

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  6. GitLab CI 
 (2) Netlify Functions URL Git `.gitlab-ci.yml` `$NETLIFY_FUNCTION_URL`

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  7. References https://toggl.com/track/ https://github.com/toggl/toggl_api_docs/blob/master/reports.md https://slack.com/intl/ja-jp/help/articles/ 1 150 05 2 6 50

    6 3 -Slack- %E 3 % 8 1 %A 7 %E 3 % 8 1 %AE-Incoming-Webhook-%E 3 % 8 1 %AE%E 5 % 88 %A 9 %E 7 % 94 %A 8 https://api.slack.com/legacy/custom-integrations https://www.netlify.com/products/functions/ https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-go/ https://docs.netlify.com/functions/build-with-go/ https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/pipelines/schedules.html