Neidan 152 pp., Golden Elixir Press, 2011 Paperback • PDF ISBN 978-0-9843082-5-5 Web page: This slideshow is a summary of: This slideshow may be freely downloaded and uploaded to other websites, provided that it is not modified and that it is made available at no charge 2
Neidan 152 pp., Golden Elixir Press, 2011 Paperback • PDF ISBN 978-0-9843082-5-5 Web page: This slideshow is a summary of: This slideshow may be freely downloaded and uploaded to other websites, provided that it is not modified and that it is made available at no charge 50
description of the Taoist practice of Internal Alchemy, or Neidan. The author outlines the stages of the alchemical practice and clarifies several relevant terms and notions, including Essence, Breath, and Spirit; the Cinnabar Fields; the "Fire Times"; and the Embryo. The book is based on the system of the Wuzhen pian (Awakening to Reality), one of the main sources of Internal Alchemy, and contains about two hundred quotations from original Taoist texts. Wang Mu (1908-92) received the Longmen ordination in his youth. He taught Internal Alchemy (Neidan) and was held in high regard by both Taoist practitioners and scholars. He served as a board member of the China Taoist Association and was for some time in charge of its research activities. He is known outside China mainly for his annotated edition of the Wuzhen pian (Awakening to Reality), the text at the basis of the outline of Internal Alchemy that he provides in the present book. 51 Web page: Wang Mu FOUNDATIONS OF INTERNAL ALCHEMY The Taoist Practice of Neidan Edited and translated by Fabrizio Pregadio