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UNF Print Guild

November 10, 2018

UNF Print Guild


November 10, 2018


  1. UNF PRINT GUILD Advisor (Fall 2015 - Present) UNF Printmaking

    program strives to develop creativity, confidence, and art-entrepreneurial abilities in our students in preparation for graduate schools and professional careers. The collaborative and social nature of the printshop offers many unique opportunities for students to work together in an inclusive, constructive, and supportive environment. The majority of Print Guild members serve as Lab Monitors keeping the print studio open and functioning when classes are not in session. In addition, the Print Guild has developed a stable, feasible and sustainable model of networking and creating opportunities for students to exhibit their work on and off campus and participating in University- Wide events (see Student’s Exhibition and Service.) Entrepreneurial Skills
  2. S A L E S U B M I S

    S I O N G U I D E HOW TO SUBMIT 1. 2. 3. 4.
  3. Monotype orkshop M Why Where When What Who Open to

    the public Hosted by the UNF Print Guild Monotypes are a form of printmaking done by painting with ink onto a plate and print- ing onto paper using a press creating a one of a kind print. Saturday, March 4, 2-4pm University of North Florida Printshop: Building 45/1603 UNF’s printmaking students are fundraising to attend SGCI conference in Atlanta. Cost: $15 How
  4. UNF Print Guild Workshop Series 2016-1017 Thank you for giving

    us the opportunity to share what we love! If interested please contact John Stowe, Print Guild President [email protected] Find us! unfprintguild.wordpress.com unfprintguild.tumblr.com unfprintguild
  5. UNF PRINT GUILD Statistics SALES 2017 Here are some interesting

    statistics about the UNF Print Guild from the Square card sales summary for 2017. #1Students collectively made $1,344.50 from selling work. #2 The average student made $122.22. Which could be used for supplies for your classes. #3 We collectively sold 62 pieces of artwork!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's 62 pieces in other people's hands! Which means we are successfully spreading our talent! #4 Our top seller sold $155 (5 pieces of work!) This person attended most art walks! I hope these statistics were insightful and inspiring. Keep doing what you do Print Guild! Your many hours put into this is totally worth it! SALES 2016 Here are some interesting statistics about the UNF Print Guild that you can share with your friends! Statistics were gathered from the Square card sales summary from Oct. 2015–Apr. 2016. #1. 7pm is the largest selling hour. $1,150.01 out of $3,199.26
 was made at 7pm. (thanks to Art Walk!) #2. $1,439.01 out of $3,199.26 was made on Wednesday! (Also thanks to Art Walk!) #3 The average student made $91.56 since October. Which could be used for supplies for your classes. So, Art Walk can literally cover for some or all of your class supplies. #4 We collectively sold 79 pieces of artwork!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's 79 pieces in other people's hands! Which means we are successfully spreading our talent! #5 Our top seller sold $240 (8 pieces of work!) and one customer wanted MULTIPLE of one of her prints! Our second biggest seller sold $218 (19 pieces of work!) and she priced things from $5-$45. This goes to show that size and price don't matter as much as being at the Art Walk and talking to customers. Both of these students attended many Art Walks! I hope these statistics were insightful and inspiring. Keep doing what you do Print Guild! Your many hours put into this is totally worth it!
  6. P A P E R S A L E S

    M E N U bfk rives paper $4 Bristol paper $15 per sheet 10 sheets for
  7. Balance due: $25.00 Date: 9/17/17 To: UNF Print Guild Community

    First Credit Union Account #: 9000012638192 Routing #: 263078934 Invoiced to: Coniferous Cafe 42 W Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 ITEM PRICE QUANTITY UNIT Consumables (newsprint, sponges, etc) Sticker paper (3.5”) Acrylic ink Screen emulsion and reclaiming 2 1 1 $8.00 $ 8.00 $2.50 per 100 $5.00 $2.00 $2.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Invoice #003 September 17, 2017 UNF PRINT GUILD $25.00 TOTAL TO BE PAID: $0 $25.00 for 200 stickers LABOR ($10/HR): SUBTOTAL: + + + + +