= require("twilio")(process.env.ACCOUNT_SID, process.env.AUTH_TOKEN) , getJSON = require("get-json"); const getRecord = function(callback) { getJSON("https://rayons.info/items/random.json", function(err, item) { if (err) { console.log("got an error: ", err); callback(null); } else { const itemURL = `https://rayons.info/items/${item.id}`; callback(`You should listen to "${item.title}" by ${item.artist}: ${itemURL}`); } }); }; const sendSMS = function(message, callback) { twilio.sendMessage( { body: message, from: process.env.FROM_NUMBER, to: process.env.TO_NUMBER }, function(err, responseData) { console.log("Twilio response:", responseData); if (err) { callback("API request completed with error(s)."); } else { callback("API request sent successfully."); } } ); }; exports.handler = function (event, context) { getRecord(function(message) { if (message) { sendSMS(message, function(status) { context.done(null, status); }); } else { context.done(); } }); };