including severe head injury, stroke and brain ischemia show better clinical outcomes when treated with induced hypothermia. ✤ Current methods for measuring brain temperature are invasive. ✤ Current models of brain temperature can’t reproduce the variety of experimental results.1,2 2 1 J.G. McElligott and R. Melzack, Experimental Neurology 17, 293-312 (1967). 2 G Zeschke and V G Krasilnikov, Acta Biologica Et Medica Germanica 35, 935-41 (1976). Friday, May 11, 12
differently depending on the oxidative state: ✤ Deoxygenated: paramagnetic ✤ Oxygenated: diamagnetic Deoxyhemoglobin alters the local magnetic susceptibility, thereby producing a slight change in the local MR signal. Images from and 3 Friday, May 11, 12
signal increases and gives rise to a blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal change. Figure modified from Richard B Buxton, Kâmil Uludağ, David J Dubowitz, and Thomas T Liu, NeuroImage 23, S220-33 (2004). 4 Friday, May 11, 12
of interest as an average voxel deep within the brain ✤ Surrounding voxels are a heat sink ✤ Predict a decrease in temperature after an increase in activity ✤ Multi-voxel Approaches ✤ Treat each voxel independently and respect the location of each voxel ✤ Capable of predicting an increase or a decrease in temperature after increased activity based on a voxel’s location 6 Friday, May 11, 12
brain with a model of calculating the normalized changes in blood flow, f(t), and metabolism of oxygen, m(t). 8 From Greggory H Rothmeier, A. G. Unil Perera, and Mukeshwar Dhamala, Physical Review Letters, In Review (2012). ⇢c dT dt = kr2T ⇢ blood f(t)wc blood (T T blood ) + m(t)Q m Friday, May 11, 12
used during calculations 11 From Greggory H Rothmeier, A. G. Unil Perera, and Mukeshwar Dhamala, Physical Review Letters, In Review (2012). Tissue f0 100 ml/ ( g min ) ⇢ kg/m3 c J kg 1 C 1 k W m 1 C 1 Qm W/m3 Skin 12 1,100 3,150 0.342 1,100 Bone 3 1,080 2,110 0.65 26.1 Soft Tissue 3.8 1,041 3,720 0.4975 687 Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) 0 1,007 3,800 0.50 0 Gray Matter 67.1 1,035.5 3,680 0.565 15,575 White Matter 23.7 1,027.4 3,600 0.503 5,192 Friday, May 11, 12
C Sotero and Yasser Iturria-Medina, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 73, 2731-47 (2011). ✤ Resting state calculated (S0 ) ✤ fMRI data normalized to rest state (S(t)/S0) 12 Parameter Description Value ↵ steady state flow-volume relation 0.4 field-strength dependent parameter 1.5 A maximum BOLD signal change 0.22 a parameter from fitting E(f) vs f 0.4992 b parameter from fitting E(f) vs f 0.2216 c parameter from fitting E(f) vs f -0.9872 Friday, May 11, 12
C Sotero and Yasser Iturria-Medina, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 73, 2731-47 (2011). ✤ Resting state calculated (S0 ) ✤ fMRI data normalized to rest state (S(t)/S0) 12 Parameter Description Value ↵ steady state flow-volume relation 0.4 field-strength dependent parameter 1.5 A maximum BOLD signal change 0.22 a parameter from fitting E(f) vs f 0.4992 b parameter from fitting E(f) vs f 0.2216 c parameter from fitting E(f) vs f -0.9872 Friday, May 11, 12
t ; x, y, z ) @y 2 ⇡ T ( t ; x, y + h, z ) 2 T ( t ; x, y, z ) + T ( t ; x, y h, z ) h 2 @ 2 T ( t ; x, y, z ) @z 2 ⇡ T ( t ; x, y, z + h ) 2 T ( t ; x, y, z ) + T ( t ; x, y, z h ) h 2 14 Friday, May 11, 12
t ; x, y, z ) @y 2 ⇡ T ( t ; x, y + h, z ) 2 T ( t ; x, y, z ) + T ( t ; x, y h, z ) h 2 @ 2 T ( t ; x, y, z ) @z 2 ⇡ T ( t ; x, y, z + h ) 2 T ( t ; x, y, z ) + T ( t ; x, y, z h ) h 2 14 Friday, May 11, 12
considered a heat sink and is kept at a constant temperature (24 °C) ✤ Voxels in contact with air conduct heat out, thereby lowering their temperatures ✤ This is turns causes voxels in contact with them to loose heat ✤ While important, this process is very slow 15 Friday, May 11, 12
all tissue voxels are started at 37°C ✤ Calculated by repeatedly applying the 3-D bioheat equation until the temperature stabilizes for every voxel 16 Distance through head From Greggory H Rothmeier, A. G. Unil Perera, and Mukeshwar Dhamala, Physical Review Letters, In Review (2012). y = -12 Friday, May 11, 12
all tissue voxels are started at 37°C ✤ Calculated by repeatedly applying the 3-D bioheat equation until the temperature stabilizes for every voxel 16 Distance through head From Greggory H Rothmeier, A. G. Unil Perera, and Mukeshwar Dhamala, Physical Review Letters, In Review (2012). y = -12 Friday, May 11, 12
temperature changes 17 From Greggory H Rothmeier, A. G. Unil Perera, and Mukeshwar Dhamala, Physical Review Letters, In Review (2012). y = -12 Friday, May 11, 12
(20 s) 18 Start Stop From Greggory H Rothmeier, A. G. Unil Perera, and Mukeshwar Dhamala, Physical Review Letters, In Review (2012) and Mukeshwar Dhamala, et al., NeuroImage 20, 918-26 (2003). ~ 25 mK x = -44 Friday, May 11, 12