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Two-factor authentication at GDG Riga

Harri Kirik
September 01, 2017

Two-factor authentication at GDG Riga

Two-factor authentication presentation at a GDG Riga event.

Harri Kirik

September 01, 2017

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  1. designing & developing for mobile Factors of authentication ➔ Knowledge

    factors ➔ Posession factors ➔ Inheritance factors
  2. designing & developing for mobile Knowledge factors ➔ Pin ➔

    Password ➔ Passphrase ➔ Shape ➔ Hidden compartment ➔ “Secret” question
  3. designing & developing for mobile Posession factors ➔ Key ➔

    Code card ➔ Pin generator / calculator ➔ Id card ➔ USB stick based token ➔ Your phone
  4. designing & developing for mobile Inheritance factors ➔ Fingerprints ➔

    Retinal scans ➔ Voice ➔ Text typing patterns ➔ Your guard dog
  5. designing & developing for mobile Multi-factor authentication, using ➔ Knowledge

    factors ➔ Posession factors ➔ Inheritance factors
  6. designing & developing for mobile 2FA - You’ve done it!

    ➔ Taking money out of the ATM ➔ Accessing banks via web page ➔ Adding a “secret lock” to your car ➔ Getting past your dog
  7. designing & developing for mobile Use a code, which is

    ➔ Valid only for one time use ➔ Specific for every use ➔ Human readable ➔ Simple to enter ➔ Nonreversible
  8. designing & developing for mobile 1. Generate the Key (once)

    2. Calculate Hash = HMAC-SHA-1(Key, Counter); 3. Make it “human-usable” HOTP value = Truncate(Hash)
  9. designing & developing for mobile 1. Generate and share the

    Key (once) 2. Calculate Counter = (Current time - Epoch) / Step 3. Use HOTP TOTP value = HOTP(Key, Counter)