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JSF Mashups in Action

JSF Mashups in Action

Integrating Mashups in web applications is not an easy job. Web developers need to write intensive JavaScript code and much duplicate feed parsing code in order to create an interactive Mashup web application. Mashups4JSF is an open source library that aims at integrating Mashup services in JSF web applications. Using Mashups4JSF, JSF developers will be able to construct rich and customized Mashups using a set of custom JSF components. They will be able to export domain model data as mashup feeds. They will be able to create rich Google Maps declaratively and create custom Ajax actions powered by JSF 2.x architecture. This session discusses how to utilize this library in order to build interactive mashups in the JavaServer Faces applications.

This session was presented by (Hazem Saleh) in JavaOne Russia in April 2013.

Hazem Saleh

April 24, 2013

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  1. My Bio  Nine years of experience in open source

    technologies and Java Enterprise.  I worked with many clients in Europe (Sweden), North America (USA and Canada), Latin America (Peru), Asia (Qatar and Kuwait) and Africa (Egypt, Morocco and South Africa).  Apache MyFaces Committer.  Co-author of “The Definitive Guide to Apache MyFaces” book (Apress).  Author of “JavaScript Unit Testing” book (Packtpub).  DeveloperWorks Contributing Author.  Technical Speaker in (JavaOne San Francisco, CON-FESS Vienna, IBM Regional Technical Exchange …etc).
  2. Agenda What is Mashups? Common Mashup Architecture. Common Mashup Scenarios.

    Current Mashup Complexities. Mashups4JSF = Mashups meet the JavaServer Faces. Mashup Demo1. Building Mashup Application using Mashups4JSF. Mashup Demo2. Consuming feed sources from JSF Applications. Producing feeds from JSF Applications.
  3. Agenda What is Mashups? Common Mashup Architecture. Common Mashup Scenarios.

    Current Mashup Complexities. Mashups4JSF = Mashups meet the JavaServer Faces. Mashup Demo1. Building Mashup Application using Mashups4JSF. Mashup Demo2. Consuming feed sources from JSF Applications. Producing feeds from JSF Applications.
  4. What is Mashups? Mashup is an application that combines data

    or functionality from two or more sources for creating a new service. Two main actors: Service Provider Service Consumer Mashup Service Consumer cycle: Aggregation Visualization Data Retrieval and Formatting
  5. What is Mashups? Composing different mashups and linking them with

    organization data may produce a new service that is not realized by the Mashup service providers (Mashability). Mashup Styles: Server-based Mashups. Web-based Mashups
  6. What is Mashups? Common Mashup Architecture. Common Mashup Scenarios. Current

    Mashup Complexities. Mashups4JSF = Mashups meet the JavaServer Faces. Mashup Demo1. Building Mashup Application using Mashups4JSF. Mashup Demo2. Consuming feed sources from JSF Applications. Producing feeds from JSF Applications. Agenda
  7. What is Mashups? Common Mashup Architecture. Common Mashup Scenarios. Current

    Mashup Complexities. Mashups4JSF = Mashups meet the JavaServer Faces. Mashup Demo1. Building Mashup Application using Mashups4JSF. Mashup Demo2. Consuming feed sources from JSF Applications. Producing feeds from JSF Applications. Agenda
  8. <script type="text/javascript"> … function getWeatherForecast(map, address) { var geocoder =

    new GClientGeocoder(); geocoder.getLatLng(address, function(location) { if (!location) { alert(location + " not found"); } else { var countryWeatherStatus = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var iconObject = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON); iconObject.iconSize = new GSize(45, 45); iconObject.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34); iconObject.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34); iconObject.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2); iconObject.image = weatherForecasts[countryWeatherStatus]; var marker = new GMarker(location, {icon: iconObject}); map.addOverlay(marker); } } ); } function initialize() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map")); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(24, 15), 13); map.setZoom(4); //get the weather status for countries. getWeatherForecast(map, "Egypt"); getWeatherForecast(map, "Turkey"); getWeatherForecast(map, "Libya"); getWeatherForecast(map, "Spain"); getWeatherForecast(map, "Algeria"); getWeatherForecast(map, "Mali"); getWeatherForecast(map, "Kenya"); getWeatherForecast(map, "Saudi Arabia"); getWeatherForecast(map, "Niger"); //add the map control. var mapControlPosition = new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, new GSize(10, 10)); map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl(), mapControlPosition); } } </script> JavaScript
  9. Common Mashup Scenarios • GET http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?p=03592 • Parse RSS feed:

    <rss version="2.0" ...> <channel> <title>Yahoo! Weather - Pittsburg, NH</title> <link>...</link> <description>Yahoo! Weather for Pittsburg, NH</description> <language>en-us</language> <lastBuildDate>Fri, 22 Mar 2013 6:51 pm EDT</lastBuildDate> <ttl>60</ttl> <yweather:location city="Pittsburg" region="NH" country="US"/> <yweather:units temperature="F" distance="mi" pressure="in" speed="mph"/> <yweather:wind chill="23" direction="330" speed="6" /> <yweather:atmosphere humidity="60" visibility="10" pressure="29.59" rising="1" /> <yweather:astronomy sunrise="6:42 am" sunset="6:58 pm"/> <image <title>Yahoo! Weather</title> <width>142</width> <height>18</height> <link>http://weather.yahoo.com</link> <url>http://l.yimg.com/a/i/brand/purplelogo//uh/us/news-wea.gif</url> </image> <item> <title>Conditions for Pittsburg, NH at 6:51 pm EDT</title> <geo:lat>45.05</geo:lat> <geo:long>-71.39</geo:long> <link>...</link> <pubDate>Fri, 22 Mar 2013 6:51 pm EDT</pubDate> <yweather:condition text="Cloudy" code="26" temp="29" date="Fri, 22 Mar 2013 6:51 pm EDT" /> <description>...</description> <yweather:forecast day="Fri" date="22 Mar 2013" low="14" high="26" text="Snow Showers" code="14" /> <yweather:forecast day="Sat" date="23 Mar 2013" low="18" high="28" text="Few Snow Showers" code="14" /> <guid isPermaLink="false">USNH0186_2013_03_23_7_00_EDT</guid> </item> </channel> </rss> Retrieve content + Custom RSS parsing
  10. Common Mashup Scenarios • GET http://gdata.youtube.com/ feeds/api/videos?alt=atom&v=2&max-results=5&q=javaone • Parse ATOM

    Feed (Sample for a single item): <entry gd:etag="W/&quot;CU8DR347eCp7I2A9WhBXEUk.&quot;"> <id>tag:youtube.com,2008:video:I5lAgaCbqZ0</id> <published>2012-10-01T16:09:27.000Z</published> <updated>2013-03-24T16:51:16.000Z</updated> <category scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" term="http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#video" /> <category scheme="http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/categories.cat" term="Tech" label="Science &amp; Technology" /> <title>Welcome to JavaOne 2012</title> <content type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/I5lAgaCbqZ0?version=3&amp;f=videos&amp;app=youtube_gdata" /> ... <author> <name>java</name> <uri>http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/java</uri> <yt:userId>mRtPmgnQ04CMUpSUqPfhxQ</yt:userId> </author> ... <media:group> ... <media:title type="plain">Welcome to JavaOne 2012</media:title> <yt:aspectRatio>widescreen</yt:aspectRatio> <yt:duration seconds="97" /> <yt:uploaded>2012-10-01T16:09:27.000Z</yt:uploaded> <yt:uploaderId>UCmRtPmgnQ04CMUpSUqPfhxQ</yt:uploaderId> <yt:videoid>I5lAgaCbqZ0</yt:videoid> </media:group> <gd:rating average="4.716216" max="5" min="1" numRaters="74" rel="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#overall" /> <yt:statistics favoriteCount="0" viewCount="4835" /> <yt:rating numDislikes="5" numLikes="69" /> </entry> Retrieve content + Custom ATOM parsing
  11. • GET https://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=javaone&rpp=10 • Parse JSON Feed (Sample for a

    single item): { "completed_in":0.021, "max_id":320699880265891840, "max_id_str":"320699880265891840", "next_page":"?page=2&max_id=320699880265891840&q=javaone&rpp=10", "page":1, "query":"javaone", "refresh_url":"?since_id=320699880265891840&q=javaone", "results":[ { "created_at":"Sun, 07 Apr 2013 00:49:44 +0000", "from_user":"rob_ratcliff", "from_user_id":265460384, "from_user_id_str":"265460384", "from_user_name":"Rob Ratcliff", "geo":null, "id":320699880265891840, "id_str":"320699880265891840", "iso_language_code":"en", "metadata":{ "result_type":"recent" }, "profile_image_url":"http:\/\/a0.twimg.com\/profile_images\/2376270945\/rfa2u2nheyb6jj5k9bv8_normal.jpeg", "profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/si0.twimg.com\/profile_images\/2376270945\/rfa2u2nheyb6jj5k9bv8_normal.jpeg", "source":"&lt;a href=&quot;http:\/\/twitter.com\/tweetbutton&quot;&gt;Tweet Button&lt;\/a&gt;", "text":"RT @karianna: Don't forget that the CFP for @javaone is closing in only 8-9 days! Submit your paper today --&gt; http:\/\/t.co\/6AAWdIf87h #java #dev" } ... ], "results_per_page":10, "since_id":0, "since_id_str":"0" } Retrieve content + Custom JSON parsing
  12. Common Mashup Scenarios In order to interact with the most

    popular mashup service providers, we have to: Write Intensive JavaScript code. Write extra Java code to interact with the server and then parse different formats: JSON ATOM RSS
  13. Agenda What is Mashups? Common Mashup Architecture. Common Mashup Scenarios.

    Current Mashup Complexities. Mashups4JSF = Mashups meet the JavaServer Faces. Mashup Demo1. Building Mashup Application using Mashups4JSF. Mashup Demo2. Consuming feed sources from JSF Applications. Producing feeds from JSF Applications.
  14. Current Mashup Complexities There is no economic-incentive model agreed by

    all the mashup service providers for mashup service creation and consumption. Representations of Mashup services SOAP REST Formats of Mashup Data ATOM Custom RSS JSON Programming Models for Mashup consumption Server side (Java, PHP, ...etc) Client side (JavaScript)
  15. Current Mashups Complexities Study low level APIs of the Mashup

    service provider. Ending up in writing a great deal of similar code.
  16. What is Mashups? Common Mashup Architecture. Common Mashup Scenarios. Current

    Mashup Complexities. Mashups4JSF = Mashups meet the JavaServer Faces. Mashup Demo1. Building Mashup Application using Mashups4JSF. Mashup Demo2. Consuming feed sources from JSF Applications. Producing feeds from JSF Applications. Agenda
  17. Mashups4JSF One of the possible ways for simplifying mashup development

    in the JavaServer Faces world. Provides a set of JSF components that allows the JSF developer to construct rich and customized mashups inside the web page: Public Feed search components, and drill down the results for: Twitter YouTube Google Search Digg Yahoo Weather Component.
  18. Mashups4JSF Provides feed reader components for reading different types of

    feeds: Provides feed export annotations; @Feed annotation for exporting application data as Mashup feeds. ATOM RSS JSON
  19. Mashups4JSF GMaps4JSF: Allows creating declarative maps with all of their

    details (markers, notes, graphics. …etc) in the JavaServer Faces world without using JavaScript. Fully integrated with Google Maps v2 and v3. Fully integrated with the JSF 2.x Ajax model: Ajaxified Map Actions. Ajaxified Marker Actions. Home: http://code.google.com/p/gmaps4jsf/
  20. Mashups4JSF – GMaps4JSF <m:map> <ui:repeat var="country“ value="#{countryFactory.countries}" > <m:marker address="#{country.name}">

    <m:icon imageURL="#{country.weatherStatusImage}" /> </m:marker> </ui:repeat> <m:mapControl /> </m:map>
  21. Mashups4JSF – YouTube <mashup:youTubeVideoList searchQuery=“JavaOne” resultItemVar="searchItem" resultItemIndex="index"> <f:facet name="resultItem"> <h:panelGrid

    columns="2"> #{searchItem.title}, #{searchItem.author}, #{searchItem.pubDate} .. </h:panelGrid> </f:facet> </mashup:youTubeVideoList>
  22. Mashups4JSF – Twitter <mashup:twitterSearchList searchQuery="JavaOne" resultItemVar="searchItem" resultItemIndex="index"> <f:facet name="resultItem"> <h:panelGrid

    columns="2"> #{searchItem.title}, #{searchItem.authorName}, #{searchItem.publishDate}, ... </h:panelGrid> </f:facet> </mashup:twitterSearchList>
  23. What is Mashups? Common Mashup Architecture. Common Mashup Scenarios. Current

    Mashup Complexities. Mashups4JSF = Mashups meet the JavaServer Faces. Mashup Demo1. Building Mashup Application using Mashups4JSF. Mashup Demo2. Consuming feed sources from JSF Applications. Producing feeds from JSF Applications. Agenda
  24. What is Mashups? Common Mashup Architecture. Common Mashup Scenarios. Current

    Mashup Complexities. Mashups4JSF = Mashups meet the JavaServer Faces. Mashup Demo1. Building Mashup Application using Mashups4JSF. Mashup Demo2. Consuming feed sources from JSF Applications. Producing feeds from JSF Applications. Agenda
  25. What is Mashups? Common Mashup Architecture. Common Mashup Scenarios. Current

    Mashup Complexities. Mashups4JSF = Mashups meet the JavaServer Faces. Mashup Demo1. Building Mashup Application using Mashups4JSF. Mashup Demo2. Consuming feed sources from JSF Applications. Producing feeds from JSF Applications. Agenda
  26. Consuming feed sources in JSF Mashups4JSF provides the following components

    in order to consume Mashup feeds: <mashup:atomFeedReader> <mashup:rssFeedReader> <mashup:jsonFeedReader>
  27. What is Mashups? Common Mashup Architecture. Common Mashup Scenarios. Current

    Mashup Complexities. Mashups4JSF = Mashups meet the JavaServer Faces. Mashup Demo1. Building Mashup Application using Mashups4JSF. Mashup Demo2. Consuming feed sources from JSF Applications. Producing feeds from JSF Applications. Agenda
  28. Producing feeds from JSF Applications Mashups4JSF provides the following annotations

    in order to produce Mashup feeds: @Feed which refers to the feed class. @FeedItems which refers to a Java List object of the feed items. All of the other feed producing annotations are optional.
  29. Conclusion  Mashups4JSF (including GMaps4JSF) is an open source project

    that provides a layer of abstraction to create rich mashup applications without the need to use JavaScript extensively or writing a great deal of code.  Mashups4JSF (including GMaps4JSF) is compliant with the JSF 2.x Ajax model and architecture.  Mashups4JSF (including GMaps4JSF) is an open source project, so your contributions and ideas and improvements are welcome: http://code.google.com/p/gmaps4jsf http://code.google.com/p/mashups4jsf