VO: Infantilization!!! Action: Swooshes to the right for each shot switch SFX: swoosh Score: same tune of ragtime piano, but more intense free-form jazz
It's time we get a say in how this place is run. Action: Camera is steadily moving in on Ivan during shot Score: same tune of ragtime piano, but more intense free-form jazz
LISTEN HERE MISTER THIS ZOO IS A LIE!!! ALL FOOD AT THIS ZOO HAS BEEN A LIE. THE RATS WERE A LIE. A DEAD FROZEN LIE!!!!!!!!! Action: Stevie is straight up strangling the struggling customer
LISTEN HERE MISTER THIS ZOO IS A LIE!!! ALL FOOD AT THIS ZOO HAS BEEN A LIE. THE RATS WERE A LIE. A DEAD FROZEN LIE!!!!!!!!! Action: Ivan literally home-run slides it onscreen Stevie's rant continues for several seconds, even when Ivan tries to talk her down.