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Fronteers conference 2011 summary

Fronteers conference 2011 summary

Presentation I did at our firm to summarize Fronteers 2011


October 14, 2011

More Decks by houbenkristof

Other Decks in Programming


  1. MULTIPLE BORDER WITH BOXSHADOW box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px black,

    0 0 0 10px gold, 0 0 0 20px black, 0 0 0 35px white; vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  2. OTHERS REDIFINED Such as small and u?! The <u> element

    represents a span of text with an unarticlared, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation, such as labeling the text as being a proper name in Chinese text (a Chinese proper name mark), or labeling the text as being misspelt. vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  3. THERE IS NO <CONTENT> Exclusion method, everthing that has nog

    specific tag is content! vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  4. H1 = H3 = H6 “Section may contain headings of

    ANY rank, but authors are strongly encouraged to either use only h1 elements, or to use elements of the appropriate rank for the sections nesting level. vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  5. CSS3 REGIONS <div class=”src”> <p>some content....</p> </div> <div id=”one”></div> <div

    id=”two”></div> div.src { flow-into: ‘flowname; } #one, #two { flow-from: ‘flowname’; } vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  6. NEW UNITS! vw, vh, rem (em from root), ch (width

    from char 0) vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  7. ::CUE(:PAST) -::CUE(:FUTURE) I only see use in it for karaoke?

    For use with <video> vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  8. RAPID EVOLVING PLATFORMS Chrome is lighting fast, updates every 6

    weeks Firefox is catching up Well, lets just not mention IE :) vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  9. EXTENDING THE DOM Extend the DOM with own symantics (like

    for ex. <x- comment>) vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  10. CREATING TEMPLATES <html> <head> <datasource type="json" src="foo.json" id="dm"></datasource> </head> <body

    model="dm"> <template iterate="items" id="t"> <li>{{name}} <ul> <template ref="t" iterate="children"></template> </ul> </li> </template> </body> <html> vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  11. STILL DO THE SAME THING Design in photoshop, well photoshop

    doesn’t really fit our needs anymore vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  12. MASTER THE DEV TOOLS Master at least one dev tool

    (firebug, inspector). Doesn’t really matter what you choose. vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  13. NEW TYPES color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, range,

    search, tel, time, url, week vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  14. MOST AWESOME DEMO EVER! 230+ smartphones connected to be a

    pixel of a large display vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  15. PROVIDE GOOD DOCS If people get lost in your API

    they will never use it again! vrijdag 14 oktober 11
  16. WEBFONT LOADER Adds classes for each separate loaded font. Prevent

    changes in heights when hitting a fallback. vrijdag 14 oktober 11