it is to drive your consumption online pour BILLIONS into R&D to harness and focus this deluge of information • Government Services can only do the bare minimum 2017 R&D spend (definitely not to scale!) $300m *since 2012 £3.2bn* $22.6bn $16.6bn $12.3bn $11.6bn $7.8bn
this decade in UK/Europe • However you feel - we can all agree it’s hard to know what is going to happen, may happen or will not happen • To defend against intentional misinformation • To cut through the noise and get to key information for you <<Insert that famous misquote about the importance of an “informed democracy” here>>
the auto-upload feature • Link to twitter bot @papersbrexit In conclusion, the modern world has advanced so fast in such a short space of time, that public institutions and bodies are struggling to keep up. We all have skills that are for the 21st century, that would be welcomed with open arms in the public sector. What can we do to help, big or small?