Kubernetes Cooperate with ONF(Open Network Foundation) to provide Kubernetes solution. Many community founder/co-founder GolangTW Docker.Taipei SDNDS-TW
Version Control Github/Git/Bitbucket Deep Learning Tensorflow/Darkflow/ImageNet/Yolo/Caffe Programming Language Nodejs/Go/Python Browser Chrome, Firefox
shallow Tends to produce better quality software Hard to insert backdoors You can watch whole Linux Kernel source code https://elixir.free-electrons.com/linux/latest/source
Make it better When a bug/vulnerability is discovered Don’t wait the specific vendor/owner to fix it. You can fix it Cisco says router bug could be result of ‘cosmic radiation’
work Don’t reinvent wheels Stand on the shoulders of giants If you want to write a simple ”Hallow World” application. Kernel (support keyboard, monitor, mouse) Editor (modify the language) Compiler/Assembler (for existing language) Write your application printf(“Hello World\n”)
Flexibility Stability There are also many tools/docs can help you to improve your coding style. Pylint, jslint, golint, etc. Coding style reference (google) Diagnostic tool
go Any frameworks Django,Rais, Any infrastructure/deployment/virtualization Kubernets, OpenStack, Docker, Ansible Any useful tools Any funny side projects