at How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the analyst designed it How the programmer wrote it What the beta testers received How the business consultant described it How the project was documented What operations installed How the customer was billed How it was supported What marketing advertised What the customer really needed
and manage my bank account As a bank customer I should be able to withdraw and deposit money into my account Scenario: Successful fund withdraw Given there are $1000 on my bank account When I withdraw $800 from the account Then I should have $200 remaining 54
and manage my bank account As a bank customer I should be able to withdraw and deposit money into my account Scenario: Successful fund withdraw Given there are $1000 on my bank account When I withdraw $800 from the account Then I should have $200 remaining 55 Gherkin
and manage my bank account As a bank customer I should be able to withdraw and deposit money into my account Scenario: Successful fund withdraw Given there are $1000 on my bank account When I withdraw $800 from the account Then I should have $200 remaining 60
specific context. */ class FeatureContext implements Context { /** * @Given /^there are (\$[\d]+) on my bank account$/ */ public function thereAreOnMyBankAccount($total) { // ... } /** * @When /^I withdraw (\$[\d]+) from the account$/ */ public function iWithdrawFromTheAccount($amount) { // ... } /** * @Then /^I should have (\$[\d]+) left$/ */ public function iShouldHaveLeft($remaining) { // ... } } 63
access and manage my bank account As a bank customer I should be able to withdraw and deposit money into my account Scenario: Successful fund withdraw # features/account.feature:7 Given there are $1000 on my bank account # FeatureContext::thereAreOnMyBankAccount() When I withdraw $800 from the account # FeatureContext::iWithdrawFromTheAccount() Then I should have $200 left # FeatureContext::iShouldHaveLeft() 1 scenario (1 passed) 3 steps (3 passed) 0m0.02s (11.21Mb) 68