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IGDShare 160306 "Good Sound, Good Game" by IMBA Interactive

March 28, 2016

IGDShare 160306 "Good Sound, Good Game" by IMBA Interactive

The presentation PDF for the Skype video chat with game audio studio IMBA Interactive in Singapore.

(Embedded video not included)


March 28, 2016


  1. 1

  2. Session Overview What is “Sound Design”? What does IMBA Do?

    Communication in Game Dev What went well? (Case Studies) What didn’t go so Well? Game Trailers Resources
  3. IMBA Interactive Excellence in Audio (2013) 
 Dusty Revenge, PD

    Design Studio Best Game Audio (2014)
 Dusty Revenge, PD Design Studio Best Game Audio (2013) 
 Amazing Studly Strikes, 
 Inzen Studio Best Game (2013) 
 One Upon Light, SUTD Game Lab NOW
 on STEAM! Releasing 2016
  4. IMBA Interactive Sweety Prince (Android;
 iOS coming soon) Dr. Panda:

 (Android, iOS) I Wanna Be 
 a Hero
 (Android, iOS) JUST RELEASED! Dr. Panda: Candy Factory
 (Android, iOS)
  5. Communication Audio Team
 ᶪ毱㿁檤 Your Players
 ሻਹ Game Dev. Product

 叨ߝ揗揣Ո " " Art Team
 廫悬㿁檤 Other
 ٌ՜㿁檤 ! "
  6. Communication Audio Team
 ᶪ毱㿁檤 Game Dev. Product Owner
 叨ߝ揗揣Ո Art

 廫悬㿁檤 Other
 ٌ՜㿁檤 Your Players
 ሻਹ #
  7. Communication Audio Team
 ᶪ毱㿁檤 Game Dev. Product Owner
 叨ߝ揗揣Ո Art

 廫悬㿁檤 Other
 ٌ՜㿁檤 Your Players
 ሻਹ $ #
  8. One Upon Light • Pre-production: Casting a vision right from

    the beginning • Constant communication with Programmers • Problem solving and respecting of disciplines for their craft • A crazy amount of testing
  9. Sweety Prince • BGM Direction and References • Revisions, Iterations

    and bouncing new ideas • Using Vocals in Music > Surprising results!
  10. Sweety Prince • BGM Direction and References • Revisions, Iterations

    and bouncing new ideas • Using Vocals in Music > Surprising results!
  11. Bad Pipelines… • Differing Expectations • Breakdown in Communication •

    Becoming an “Asset Churner” • Non-gamers…
  12. Game Trailers • More than Music • Customised Music •

    Screencap SFX only • Script a Voiceover
  13. Resources Our Website: ➡ www.imbainteractive.com
 Reads: ➡ www.gamasutra.com/category/audio/ ➡ http://designingsound.org/tag/game-audio/

    ➡ “The Complete Guide to Game Audio” by Aaron Marks ➡ Game Sound” by Karen Collins
 Sounds: ➡ freesound.org ➡ www.bfxr.net/
 Audio Software: ➡ Reaper: www.reaper.fm ➡ Garageband (Mac) ➡ Logic X (Mac) ➡ Audio Middleware ➡ www.audiokinetic.com/products/wwise/ ➡ www.fmod.org