following payment method: %p== #{@org.card_brand}: **** **** **** #{@org.card_last4} %p== Expires #{@org.card_exp_month} / #{@org.card_exp_year} - if @org.last_charge %p== The last payment of $#{@org.last_charge.amount/100} was taken on #{@org.last_charge.created_at.strftime("%d %b % %p== The next payment of $100 is due to be taken on #{(@org.last_charge.created_at + 1.month).strftime("%d %b %Y")} = link_to "Update credit card", edit_subscription_path, class: "btn btn-primary" %p = link_to "Cancel my subscription", subscription_path, method: "DELETE", class: "btn btn-danger", data: {confirm: 'Ar sure?'} - else - if @org.trial_ended? %h2 Thank you for trialing our product %h4 To continue using our product please subscribe to the following plan: - else %h2== Thank you for trialing our product (#{distance_of_time_in_words(@org.created_at,} left) %h4 To continue using our product after trial please subscribe to the following plan: %p $100/month %p Up to 500 devices and 200 users %p 3 admin users %p CSV/XLS upload = link_to "Subscribe", new_subscription_path, class: 'btn btn-primary'