These are the slides to my talk at the W3C Responsive Images Community Group meet-up which included participants from Google, Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Opera, W3C and Akamai (event hosted by Mozilla)
◦ Lightweight ◦ Fast ◦ Works on everything ★ Enhanced (Mobile: 52 HTTP requests, 270k total download) ◦ Bootstraps async JS application ◦ Enhances existing components ◦ Effectively a form of “Progressive Enhancement”
also pass our "Cutting the Mustard" test. ★ "Cutting The Mustard" `querySelector`, `localStorage`, `addEventListener` ★ “Spreading The Marmalade” Internet Explorer 8 isn’t going anywhere
specific recipes written in json (e.g. ★ Sits between website and static image server ★ Creates new image based off the original ★ CDN’ed & heavily cached
or Picture element polyfills ★ `srcset` polyfills can result in downloading multiple image variations all at once ★ Picture element polyfills suffer from considerable markup bloat
replaces placeholders with transparent 1x1 image with width set to `data-width` ★ We use `max-width: 100%` to ensure our images resize as the browser window gets smaller (this effects rendering of the image) How does it work? (part 1)
image to determine its actual rendered width ★ JS application checks the screen dimensions and replaces temp image with more appropriately sized image ★ Monitor resize event and rinse/repeat