Almost every developer in the industry has, or is using Apache Tomcat in some capacity, either as a standalone web server or embedded by frameworks such as Spring Boot.
Apache Tomcat implements several of the Jakarta EE specifications such as Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Server Pages, Jakarta Expression Language, Jakarta WebSocket, Jakarta Annotations, and Jakarta Authentication. When the Jakarta EE namespace switched from javax.* to jakarta.* in Jakarta EE 9, it became very apparent to the industry mostly because of the wide adoption of Apache Tomcat.
Apache TomEE extends Apache Tomcat with all the APIs required for Jakarta EE Web Profile and is one of the Certified Compatible Products of Jakarta EE Web Profile 9.1.
In this talk, I will use Apache Tomcat and Apache TomEE as examples of how the establishment of Jakarta EE at Eclipse Foundation opened up the ecosystem and enabled Apache projects once again to be able to certify as compatible implementations. And, of course, there will be code in the form of live demos.