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JavaScript’s Single Thread and Event Loop

Xiaodong Hu
October 17, 2024

JavaScript’s Single Thread and Event Loop

Xiaodong Hu

October 17, 2024


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  4. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. 目次 6

    • Let’s Look at Codes • JS single thread and Async task • Event Loop and Async task Execution in the Browser • Let's look at the codes again • Summary TOC
  5. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. Out of

    the blue, what are the outputs of the following codes? Let’s Look at the Code 7 console.log: Synchronous operation (executed immediately) setTimeout: Asynchronous operation
  6. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. Oops, both

    of results are 1 3 2. Let’s Look at the Code 8 1 3 2 1 3 2
  7. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. 9 But

    why?? I would like to explain in the following three steps • JS single thread • Synchronous and asynchronous tasks • Way of browser executing sync/async tasks
  8. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. JS single

    thread and Async task 10 In fact, Javascript is single-threaded The primary usage of JS are user interaction and manipulation of the DOM. This makes JS has to be single-threaded add 1 dom element delete 1 dom element thread 1 thread 2 Different threads are manipulating the same dom tree, which can cause conflicts
  9. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. JS single

    thread and Async task 11 JS is single-threaded, meaning JS can only do one thing at a time. Some tasks are time consuming and can cause thread blocking Problems with single thread If JS is single-threaded, the output of 3 takes at least 2s In real project, it will results in bad user experience (e.g. UI freezing, performance degradation)
  10. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. How to

    solve the thread blocking problem? → Separate synchronous and asynchronous tasks execution. JS single thread and Async task 12 • Synchronous task ◦ put them into the JS engine immediately, execute them, and wait for results on the fly. • Asynchronous task ◦ give them to the browser or node first, no need to wait. When the JS thread is free, functions from the task queue will be picked and executed. It may be hard to understand with just text, so let's do SIMULATION!
  11. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. • Synchronous

    task ◦ put them into the JS engine immediately, execute them, and wait for results on the fly. • Asynchronous task ◦ give them to the browser or node first, no need to wait. When the JS thread is free, functions from the task queue will be picked and executed. Event Loop and Async task Execution in the Browser 13 JS single thread browser task queue system output
  12. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. • Synchronous

    task ◦ put them into the JS engine immediately, execute them, and wait for results on the fly. • Asynchronous task ◦ give them to the browser or node first, no need to wait. When the JS thread is free, functions from the task queue will be picked and executed. Event Loop and Async task Execution in the Browser 14 JS single thread browser task queue system output 1
  13. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. • Synchronous

    task ◦ put them into the JS engine immediately, execute them, and wait for results on the fly. • Asynchronous task ◦ give them to the browser or node first, no need to wait. When the JS thread is free, functions from the task queue will be picked and executed. Event Loop and Async task Execution in the Browser 15 JS single thread browser task queue system output 1
  14. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. • Synchronous

    task ◦ put them into the JS engine immediately, execute them, and wait for results on the fly. • Asynchronous task ◦ give them to the browser or node first, no need to wait. When the JS thread is free, functions from the task queue will be picked and executed. Event Loop and Async task Execution in the Browser 16 JS single thread browser task queue system output 1 3
  15. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. • Synchronous

    task ◦ put them into the JS engine immediately, execute them, and wait for results on the fly. • Asynchronous task ◦ give them to the browser or node first, no need to wait. When the JS thread is free, functions from the task queue will be picked and executed. Event Loop and Async task Execution in the Browser 17 JS single thread browser task queue system output 1 3 After 2s, push the callback function to the task queue
  16. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. • Synchronous

    task ◦ put them into the JS engine immediately, execute them, and wait for results on the fly. • Asynchronous task ◦ give them to the browser or node first, no need to wait. When the JS thread is free, functions from the task queue will be picked and executed. Event Loop and Async task Execution in the Browser 18 JS single thread browser task queue system output 1 3 2
  17. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. Event Loop

    and Async task Execution in the Browser 19 JS single thread task queue Event loop means that a single thread keeps asking task queue if there are tasks to be performed Free now, any tasks? Yup, got some!
  18. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. Let's look

    at the code again 20 • Output 1 first. • Even though the delay is 0s, callback function is pushed into task queue. • Output 3 • When the JS thread becomes free, callback function is taken from the task queue • 2 is output.
  19. Copyright © ONE CAREER Inc. All Rights Reserved. Where these

    knowledge is used at work • Understand how code works • Understand wired output from console.log ◦ Check if there are asynchronous tasks • Basically, get resources by asynchronous operation ◦ to prevent thread blocking Knowledge Summary • JS is single thread. • Asynchronous operations are handled by the browser / node, picked up from the task queue and executed. • The event loop is the (infinite) communication between the JS thread and the task queue Summary 21