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EMRS 2016 Lille, 12 minute contributed talk to session V, on modelling the Voc deficit in CZTS thin films.

Jarvist Moore Frost

May 03, 2016

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  1. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Jarvist Moore Frost,Suzanne Wallace, Adam Jackson, Jonathan Skelton, Aron Walsh (University of Bath, UK) Walsh Materials Design Group, University of Bath, UK j.m.frost@bath.ac.uk Disorder and Recombination in CZTS
  2. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Voc loss → recombination 1) Bandgap fluctuation 2) Electrostatic Potential variation
  3. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Quaternary - entropy driven substitional disorder
  4. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Every inequivalent site → different chemistry X2 X1 X1
  5. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Formation energy of defects in CZTS [Cu- Zn + Zn+ Cu ] antisite pair Minimum energy defect complex: ~ 0.4 eV Cu-on-Zn; Zn-on-Cu is lowest energy defect pair Chen, S., Yang, J.-H., Gong, X. G., Walsh, A., & Wei, S.-H. (2010). Intrinsic point defects and complexes in the quaternary kesterite semiconductor Cu_{2}ZnSnS_{4}. Physical Review B, 81(24), 245204. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.245204
  6. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 CZTS has a low dielectric constant → weak screening d+ Germanium 16.2 Silicon 11.7 Hybrid Halide Perovskite * 24 GaAs 12.9 CuZnSnS * ~ 7.0 / 9.0 AgZnSnSe * 11.9 (* PBESol DFT; Berry phase analysis, VASP code)
  7. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Eris: Substitutional Site Disorder • On-lattice Monte Carlo • Written in the C programming language • Fast (cut-off) Evjen summations for electrostatics
  8. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 [Cu- Zn + Zn+ Cu ] antisite pair in CZTS Cu S Zn Sn • Hybrid DFT Defect formation energies – (HSE06 Functional, VASP code, 25 % HF exchange) • 3 inequivalent antisite pairs • ‘Infinite’ distance defect pair → ~0.25 eV to produce a defect pair
  9. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Point defect concentration
  10. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Eris → Classical electrostatics with cut-offs
  11. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 • Crystals are not 0K ◦ (But this is usually what we study with DFT ) • Phonons → Harmonic description ◦ Sample with Boltzmann statistics Phonons: APL Mater. 3, 041102 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917044 Molecular Dynamics
  12. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 • Ab-initio Molecular Dynamics → Fully anharmonic description, but costly to sample phase space ( Born-Oppenheimer ab-initio MD, PBESol functional, VASP, lightweight cut-offs ) Molecular Dynamics
  13. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 POLARON POLARON Real space off-set in gap Real space potential fluctuations
  14. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Real space recombination model:
  15. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Sinusoidal potential variation...
  16. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Recombination rates: Statistical Mechanics V h+ h+ h+ e- e- Recombination...
  17. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Recombination energy: Quantum Mechanics V h+ h+ h+ e- e- Recombination... Requires a larger scale calculation that possible with KS DFT
  18. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Boltzmann / mid-gap Fermi Dirac Fermi level
  19. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Fermi-Dirac e- quasi Fermi level h+ quasi Fermi level Fermi Level
  20. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Mobility (Boltzmann distribution of electrons, at 300 K) Simple thermal de- trapping model, with assumed percolation threshold.
  21. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Conclusion ERIS: Custom codes for On-lattice MC Classical electrostatics, parameterized with hybrid DFT calculations Molecular dynamics (harmonic phonons, Born- Oppenheimer MD) Statistical Mechanics informed recombination Require a semi-empirical method to calculate delocalised electrons and holes
  22. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 WMD Group, Bath Acknowledgments:- EPSRC - EP/K016288/1 EPSRC Archer - EP/L000202 University of Bath HPC http://go.bath.ac.uk/wmd Suzanne 'Suzy' Wallace
  23. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 The backpages
  24. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 R→ infinity value is the same as the Landau order (but SNR has increased by R^2 !) Define a radially-dependent autocorrelation function of the dipoles Ziman - Models of Disorder, 1979
  25. Jarvist Moore Frost (University of Bath, UK) EMRS Spring 2016

    - Lille Tue 3rd May 2016 Plan - 12 minutes • Voc Loss; at Voc all charges recombine • PL/EL ; Why EL (+ EQE) would be good • Dielectric constant - v. low for CZTS. Ag material - higher; ref Su Hei paper • Disorder:- ◦ Substititonal Disorder (Eris) ◦ Positional Disorder (Phonons, MD) • Eris - Code; early results • Positional disorder; MD vid, • Conclusion?