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Slides for the 2017 version of the PVCDT Modelling course at the university of Bath, designed to dovetail with A.Walsh's intro to electronic structure + K.Butler's surfaces lecture.

About a third of the time was spent discussing algorithms for pairing socks; and discussing these two little implementations of coding in iJulia/Jupyter notebooks:



Jarvist Moore Frost

March 08, 2017

More Decks by Jarvist Moore Frost

Other Decks in Science


  1. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Walsh Materials Design Group, Imperial College London, UK jarvist.frost@imperial.ac.uk From atoms to solar cells Multiscale physics of Photovoltaics
  2. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 The physics of undergraduate textbooks is 90% true; the contents of the primary research journals of physics is 90% false. — John M. Ziman Reliable Knowledge: An Exploration of the Grounds for Belief in Science (1978, 1991), p. 40.
  3. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Walsh Materials Design Group, Imperial College London, UK jarvist.frost@imperial.ac.uk From solar cells to atoms Multiscale physics of Photovoltaics
  4. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 http://www.treehugger.com/renewable-energy/striking-chart-showing-solar-power-will-take-over-world.html Solar is winning!
  5. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 76 GW new capacity in 2016 (Guardian, 7th March 2017)
  6. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Silicon has a 60 years head start. The engineers have done amazing things. As scientists, if we want to beat Silicon - we need to find something an order of magnitude better. (i.e. twice as cheap; or twice as efficient.) Henry Snaith, Oxford So… what are we doing with our lives?
  7. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 What is a solar cell? ...a slab of P and N doped silicon... ...a bulk heterojunction of fullerene and conjugated polymer… ...a conversion of individual quanta of light (photons) to movement of quanta of charge (electrons... ...a thermodynamic engine driven between the heat bath of the sun and the ambient...
  8. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Silicon grown by Czochralski process 1956 George E. Meyers, Raytheon Corp. semiconductor plant in Newton, Massachusetts, USA American Radio History
  9. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Dye sensitised solar cell http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0103-50532003000600005
  10. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 What are the physics? Almost every area of physics outside the nucleus! • Solid State Theory → crystalline solids (Si, CZTS, MAPI ?) • Condensed Matter Theory → amorphous, polymer, liquid (a-Si, Dye SCs, MAPI ?) • Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) & Quantum Field Theory (QFT) → Matter / Light interaction • Statistical physics → structures, defects • Thermodynamics → device operation, light concentration & formation of active layer • Maxwell's equations → classical field theory of light • Group theory → useful for a lot of the above
  11. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Ziman - clear and intuitive descriptions; a delight to read. 1960 - Electrons and Phonons - Great reference for transport 1969 - Elements of Adv. Quantum Theory - Very gentle Intro... 1972 - Theory of Solids (2nd Ed.) - Perhaps the best single Solid State Text 1980 - Models of Disorder - The only real 'disorder' textbook, slightly dated
  12. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 If you read just one book… ( My PhD Supervisor ; I am biased ) Unapologetically physics-based view of solar cells Clear text, fairly well structured, some interesting 'advanced' topics covered (thin films, light trapping strategies) Diagrams a little coarse (but stylish in a 1980s Mac Paint kind of way!)
  13. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 A solar cell... "... is a light absorbing material connected to an external circuit in an asymmetric manner. Photogenerated charge carriers are driven towards one or other of the contacts by the built-in spatial asymmetry." - J.Nelson, Physics of Solar cells A heat engine that silently runs on sunlight and thermodynamics to produce electrical power.
  14. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Life cycle of a PV material • New material! → a spec of dust ← • Contactless Material characterisation: ◦ Compositional (MALDI-ToF, NMR ) ◦ Optical (UV-Vis, PL, TRPL) ◦ Solution electrochemistry (EA,IP) ◦ Scattering (Neutrons, X-Rays) • Electrical Contacts: ◦ Guess at Work function? [or calculate!] ◦ Mobility via: FET, ToF, SCLC (!!! dodgy) • Devices: (Need good _films_ ; Ohmic contacts) ◦ Is it a diode? Transient response. EQE. EL. ◦ → Device efficiency! ←
  15. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 1.6 eV 1.0 eV AM1 AM1.5 θ=48° AM0
  16. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Solving Models • Universal things are well implemented (DFT, etc.) ◦ BUT - opportunity cost (to you) to learn to use codes + methods. • Particular (to your project / scientific problems) are unlikely to be implemented • So you'll have to implement them yourself!
  17. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Labview! (The Horror, The Horror)
  18. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Mathematician Theorist Numericalist (Computational) Experimentalist PURITY UTILITY After taking a course in mathematical physics, I wanted to know the real difference between Mathematics and Physicists. A professor friend told me "A Physicist is someone who averages the first 3 terms of a divergent series". - Benjamin Jones
  19. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 "There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It's a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you 'play' with them! " -- Richard P. Feynman
  20. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 "Computers are bicycles for the mind." - Steve Jobs
  21. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 (UK) Children of the 80/90s had a head start...
  22. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 But you guys have open-source & the Internet!
  23. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Programming languages compared (Potential) Computational Speed Algorithmic Expressiveness C Python Julia Fortran Assembly R Octave go Haskell Note - Turing completeness (universal computability): any Turing complete language can impersonate any other. Any program can be written in any programming language.
  24. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Programming languages compared (Potential) Computational Speed Algorithmic Expressiveness C Python Julia Fortran Assembly R Octave go Haskell
  25. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Static or Dynamically typed Compiled, JIT compiled or Interpreted Procedural or Functional Homoiconic, or not Mathematically expressive, or less so Fortran/C: Static, Compiled, Procedural; laborious Python: Dynamic, Interpreted, Procedural (+ fn), Matrices 'bolted on' Julia: Dynamic and Static, JIT'ed, Proc./fn., homoiconic, extremely strong maths support Programming languages discussed
  26. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 My recommendation... Everyone (particularly experimentalists) should use a Jupyter web notebook; plot data, manipulate, back of the envelope calculations etc. Julia is a lot of fun → responsive, quick, less frustrating; Python has an enormous set of libraries available for it. From a professional skills development point of view, programming skills are probably the most valuable thing you can acquire during a PhD…
  27. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Mathematical expressivity >> Python; Speed ~= C / Fortran
  28. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Pairing Socks Effectively http://www.instructables.com/id/Orphan-Sock-Reunion-Device/
  29. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Fastest approach... • Don't calculate anything! Flickr: Amy Jane Gustafson, Argyle mismatched socks
  30. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Discussion and demonstration on the whiteboard • What algorithm to use? • What is the time complexity of this algorithm? • Is it rigorous to errors (single socks)? • Discussion of data structures, and how this can change the time-complexity of the algorithm, yet doing the same work.
  31. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Big 'O' notation Constant time ~ O(1) Linear scaling DFT ~ O(N) Molecular Dynamics // Monte Carlo ~ O(N) Kohn-Sham DFT ~ O(N^3) Hybrid DFT / Hartree Fock ~ O(N^4) GW-approximation ~ O(N^5/N^6) Exact Schrodinger solution / Full CI ~ O(N!) ( N is usually: # of electrons; or # of atoms. )
  32. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Programming Case Studies • Hellwarth 1999 PRB • Tight binding ◦ Sturm Sequences • Structures by Stat Mech
  33. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Hellwarth 1999 PRB Interactive discussion of an iJulia/Jupyter notebook, which is available at: https://github.com/jarvist/ijulia-notebooks/blob /86fd5779710d5ffc55becb25f2d4e031fe03f4d 9/2017-02-10%20-%20Hellwarth%201999%20 PRB%20-%20Mobility%20of%20an%20electron %20in%20a%20multimode%20polar%20lattice. ipynb
  34. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Step 1) Write down everything you know...
  35. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Step 2) Go and get some help...
  36. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Step 2) Go and get some help...
  37. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Step 3) Fiddle until it works!
  38. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Step 4) Success! (For arbitrary Alpha and Beta) Hellwarth 1999 PRB
  39. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Motivation Motivation: Why do organic solar cells work*? (* at all)
  40. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 A simple type of N-state model Basis of states on monomers… (orthogonal) Coupled with effective transfer-integrals
  41. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 1D polymer Tight Binding Hamiltonian "It is typical of modern physicists that they will erect skyscrapers of theory upon the slender foundations of outrageously simplified models." J.M.Ziman, 1962 "Electrons in metals: a short guide to the Fermi surface"
  42. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Psi & E - results of our efforts
  43. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Density of States by Tight Binding Solve Density Matrix Hamiltonian → Eigenvalues (electronic wavefunction expectation energies) … Density of States is the key transport parameter for amorphous / defective devices (effective mass and scattering distance matters little when charges are being energetically trapped)
  44. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Infinite polymer (10 units)
  45. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 What is β-Phase PFO? Poyfluorene-di-octyl (PF8) [but not the other polyfluorenes] sometimes exhibits noticeable green fluorescence. "Formation of the β-phase effectively corresponds to crystallization in one dimension, a remarkably uncommon phenomenon in nature." Nano Lett., 2007, 7 (10), pp 2993–2998
  46. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 5K PL-spectra, Octamers
  47. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Ran into the limits of what we can do with QC... PFO minima at theta = 45 deg P3HT (+ most other polymers) minima at theta= 0 deg
  48. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Perfectly ordered (+ with trap states) PFO polymer No site disorder... No J disorder...
  49. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Disorder doesn't remove trap states
  50. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Still not fast enough… (only ~1000 DoS points / s) Mostly empty Hamiltonian… yet spending a lot of time solving it Sparse matrix routines? → (10x speedup!) Break into sub problems & combine? Direct mathematical analysis - random matrices? Mathematical interlude
  51. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Random Matrices... Random Matrix Theory...
  52. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Tridiagonal Matrices? ( Reading maths paper on the ArXiv isn't always a complete waste of time. )
  53. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 A 'Mathematical Trick'... ( For any tridiagonal matrix; technique of Sturm sequences is universal but it is slower for full matrix than traditional solvers. What about the intermediate regime w/ offdiagonals? )
  54. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Sturm Sequences (in Julia) O(n) time complexity, for m bins (m<<n) ( vs O(n*n) time complexity, O(m) time complexity to bin eigenvalues & much much more memory use )
  55. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 ~BOOM~ ( ~1'000'000 times faster) N=10'000; elapsed time: 9.4411e-5 seconds ( 86'912 bytes allocated) elapsed time: 112.3307 seconds (803'281'176 bytes allocated)
  56. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Soft Modes Interactive discussion of solving the Time-independent Schrodinger equation, not as difficult as you might imagine. https://github.com/jarvist/ijulia-notebooks/blob /86fd5779710d5ffc55becb25f2d4e031fe03f4d 9/2016-05%20-%201D%20Schr.%20solver%20 -%20Soft%20Phonon%20Modes.ipynb
  57. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Slithering Snakes: Structures by Stat Mech
  58. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Generating Geometries Beyond Born-Oppenheimer Ab-initio MD Empirical MD Coarse grain MD Stat Phy Make stuff up 'optimised geom' Physical Accuracy? Time (exp)
  59. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 ∇U = F F = ma At the core of MD...
  60. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Statistical mechanics view At thermodynamic equilibrium, difference in population: (We don't need no trajectory (history, kinetics) - just ΔE )
  61. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Polyfluorene - a 9 yr love / hate relationship
  62. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Early PhD work… design a PFO MD forcefield
  63. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Simulate molecular dynamics & analyse the result...
  64. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Given a U, how to populate DoS?
  65. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 "This fundamental law is the summit of statistical mechanics, and the entire subject is either the slide-down from this summit, as the principle is applied to various cases, or the climb-up to where the fundamental law is derived and the concepts of thermal equilibrium and temperature T clarified." - Feynman 1972 Feynman says...
  66. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 How to Z? Sum over configurations Continuous variable U(theta) → simple integral
  67. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 How to Z? Sum over configurations Continuous variable U(theta) → simple integral Transcendental function - an absolute pain to analytically integrate!
  68. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 I love Julia. Nb: Z is Z(T , U). Therefore need to reevaluate if they change...
  69. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Codes to take arbitrary potential function → integrate to get Z (=partition function) → populate configurational density of states → parameterise electron transfer Js from result → if tridiagonal, extremely fast Sturm sequence else, standard eigenvalue + histogram → DoS for band of interest Partition Functions are cool (and not scary, honest)
  70. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Zero pressure potential (U from QC, MP2 PFO dimer) eV Red = potential Green = distribution @ 300K
  71. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Increasing (holding flat) sin potential [[ Pressure ]]
  72. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Populate Density of States Hamiltonian... Distribution of thetas from stat mech... Model for transfer integral...
  73. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Acknowledgments WMD Group (Imperial/Bath) James Kirkpatrick (Imperial, now Deepmind / Google) Beth Rice (Imperial) Jenny Nelson (Imperial)
  74. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 “It is simply this: do not tire, never lose interest, never grow indifferent—lose your invaluable curiosity and you let yourself die. It's as simple as that.” ― Tove Jansson, Fair Play
  75. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Supposed end of Slides
  76. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 "I'm afraid I can't put it more clearly," Alice replied very politely, "for I can't understand it myself to begin with." — Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventure in Wonderland Illustration by John Tenniel
  77. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 I really dislike seeing this ~hundreds of times at conferences! - the one utility is to look at the lower right point, and see how recently the speaker refreshed their slides (NREL refreshes this every 3 months)
  78. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Not a CO2 Crisis - we have an Energy Crisis Each person in Britain:- 10'000kg CO2 → ~10MWh pa 10MWh → 36GJ pa 1142W → ~10 Cyclists The world (2008) = 18 TW = 18'000'000'000'000 W Art Installation, V&A museum, Christmas 2009
  79. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 What we need is Fusion! [ E=mc2 ] Opération Canopus, Fangatuafa atoll, 1968. 2.6 MT
  80. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 Vast Power of the Sun Is Tapped By Battery Using Sand Ingredient; NEW BATTERY TAPS SUN'S VAST POWER Special to The New York Times. April 26, 1954, Monday MURRAY HILL, N. J., April 25 -- A solar battery, the first of its kind, which converts useful amounts of the sun's radiation directly and efficiently into electricity, has been constructed here by the Bell Telephone Laboratories. [~6% efficiency - PN Silicon Diode] Vanguard 1 (1958 – NASA) [Still in orbit...] ~5cm square silicon cells [transmitted for 7 years] We have the technology! → Cost is the key issue - the solar resource is low density (1kW / m^2)
  81. Jarvist Moore Frost (Imperial College London, UK) PV-CDT - 2017

    Wed 8th Mar 2017 ~1000 kWh/m^2 per annum