A J a v a Archive, or JAR f ile, cont a ins a ll of the v a rious components th a t m a ke up a self- cont a ined, execut a ble J a v a a pplic a tion or, most commonly, a J a v a libr a ry to which a J a v a Runtime Environment c a n link. 6
a ven a utom a tes dependency m a n a gement by a utom a tic a lly downlo a ding required libr a ries a nd their dependencies, ensuring consistent builds with speci f ied versions. • In contr a st, m a nu a lly downlo a ding JARs is l a bor-intensive a nd error-prone. 8
th a t simpli f ies working with HTML a nd XML. • O ff ers URL fetching, d a t a p a rsing, extr a ction, a nd m a nipul a tion. • https://jsoup.org/ 18
chine le a rning a nd d a t a a n a lysis • W a ik a to Environment for Knowledge An a lysis (Wek a ) • developed a t the University of W a ik a to, New Ze a l a nd • https://ml.cms.w a ik a to. a c.nz/wek a • 39
a ho? • A set of MQTT client libr a ries developed by the Eclipse Found a tion. • It supports multiple l a ngu a ges, such a s J a v a , Python, J a v a Script, etc. J a v a Dependency (M a ven) <dependency> <groupId>org.eclipse.paho</groupId> <artifactId>org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3</artifactId> <version>1.2.5</version> </dependency> 48
th a t occur during the execution of a progr a m. • Proper logging is essenti a l for m a int a ining a nd troubleshooting a pplic a tions e ff ectively throughout their lifecycle. 63
a c a de for J a v a • It provides a uni f ied interf a ce for logging oper a tions, a llowing developers to write logging code without binding their a pplic a tion to a speci f ic logging implement a tion. • We need to t a lk a bout the F a c a de P a ttern 65
ven project stores non-source-code f iles th a t your a pplic a tion needs, such a s con f igur a tion f iles, property f iles, im a ges, a nd other resources. • These f iles a re included in the f in a l build output a nd a v a il a ble on the cl a ssp a th a t runtime. 74
a tion f ile for SLF4J Logb a ck. • It de f ines how logging should be h a ndled, including log levels, a ppenders (where logs a re written), a nd log form a ts. • When your a pplic a tion st a rts, SLF4J Logb a ck a utom a tic a lly looks for this con f igur a tion f ile. 75
[email protected] Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.