whole body a s a medium for eng a gement with digit a l environments. • Theoretic a l b a sis: physic a l sp a ce, a nd soci a l context in sh a ping hum a n inter a ctions • Immersive Computing, (VR/AR) - users feel fully present • A ff ective Computing - Physical actions c a n gener a te emotion a l st a tes; f a ci a l expressions can enh a nce soci a l a nd emotion a l eng a gement also • The Sensorimotor Loop: body’s movement provides feedback that shapes perception and decision-making. 4
tion of hand tracking, a nd AI-based body estimation to tr a ck the user’s movements. The system prim a rily focuses on head, hand, and body tracking, with emerging techniques for full-body tr a cking. • he a dset itself cont a ins a ll necess a ry sensors to tr a ck motion • Multiple outw a rd-f a cing c a mer a s th a t sc a n the environment a nd detect ch a nges in position. • Uses Simult a neous Loc a liz a tion a nd M a pping (SLAM) a lgorithms to cre a te a m a p of the sp a ce a nd tr a ck the user’s movement within it. • 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DoF): Met a Quest c a n tr a ck position (X, Y, Z) a nd rot a tion (pitch, y a w, roll) of the he a dset a nd controllers in re a l time. 5
a s & AI: The he a dset’s c a mer a s tr a ck h a nd position, f inger movements, a nd gestures using infr a red light a nd AI-b a sed computer vision models. • Skeleton Model Estim a tion: The system identi f ies key points (knuckles, f ingertips, p a lm center) a nd reconstructs a 3D model of the h a nds. • Gestures a s Inputs: Recognizes pinches, swipes, open/closed h a nds, pointing, a nd other movements. • 6
h a ve built-in full-body tr a cking, but Met a introduced AI- b a sed body tr a cking solutions. • Upper-Body Estim a tion: Using h a nd tr a cking + he a d movement, the system infers the position of shoulders, elbows, a nd torso. • Inverse Kinem a tics (IK): AI predicts the position of hidden body p a rts (like elbows) b a sed on h a nd a nd he a d movement p a tterns. • VR a pplic a tions use IK models to simul a te full-body motion with limited tr a cking points. 7
(lower-body movements a re not n a tively c a ptured). • Uses AI inference to a pproxim a te w a lking a nd sitting poses. • Some VR a pps require extern a l tr a ckers (like Vive tr a ckers) or Kinect-like c a mer a s for full-body motion. • Extern a l a ccessories: w a ist a nd foot sensors for more precise tr a cking. 8
Kinem a tics (FK): Given the a ngles of joints (like a n elbow or knee), FK c a lcul a tes the position of the end-e ff ector (like a h a nd or foot). • Inverse Kinem a tics (IK): The opposite of FK—given the position of the end-e ff ector, IK c a lcul a tes the joint a ngles needed to a chieve th a t position. • Elbows a nd shoulders (using h a nd positions a nd movement). • Torso positioning (using rel a tive h a nd a nd he a d positioning). 9
left Move the circle left • Look right Move the circle right • Look up Move the circle up • Look down Move the circle down • Raise left hand Change circle color to red (e.g., “select”) • Raise right hand Change circle color to blue (e.g., “highlight”) • Lean forward (bend down) Shrink the circle (closer interaction) • Stand up straight Expand the circle (broader interaction)