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CSC486 Lecture 02

CSC486 Lecture 02

Human-Computer Interaction
Affect I

Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez

January 09, 2025


  1. Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] www.javiergs.info office: 14 -227 CSC 486

    Human-Computer Interaction Lecture 02. Affective Factors
  2. Human-Computer Interaction 2 Thinking Input Output Data Processing Input Output

    Reciprocal Action or Influence Affective Factors Cognitive Factors
  3. Motivation 4 Emotions signals what humans care about is involved

    in rational decision-making and action selection.

  4. Key Ideas 7 +P+A+D Engagement +P-A+D Meditation Concentration Thought Relaxation

    +P+A-D Excitement Interest Dependence +P-A-D Starting Agreement Docility -P+A+D Disagreement Hostility -P-A+D Disdain -P+A-D Frustration Unsureness Anxiety -P-A-D Boredom
  5. Key Ideas 8 Many technologies may be improved by the

    capability to recognize human affect and to respond adaptively by appropriately modifying their operation Empathy is the capacity to understand what another person is experiencing Emotion AI

  6. Context 11 Rosalind Picard MIT MediaLab Winslow Burleson University of

 HCI Affective Computing 1997 
 SW Engineering Self- Adaptive Systems
  7. • Body Level One • Body Level Two • Body

    Level Three • Body Level Four • Body Level Five 1
  8. Brain 16 Timestamp AF3 F7 F3 FC5 T7 P7 O1

    O2 P8 T8 FC6 F4 F8 AF4 AccX AccY 101116112544901 4542.05 4831.79 4247.18 4690.26 4282.56 4395.38 4591.79 4569.23 4360 4570.77 4297.44 4311.28 4282.56 4367.18 1660 2003 101116112544901 4536.92 4802.05 4243.08 4673.85 4272.31 4393.33 4592.82 4570.26 4354.87 4570.26 4292.31 4309.74 4277.95 4370.77 1658 2002 101116112545010 4533.33 4798.97 4234.87 4669.74 4301.03 4396.92 4592.31 4570.77 4351.28 4561.03 4281.54 4301.54 4271.28 4363.59 1659 2003 101116112545010 4549.23 4839.49 4241.03 4691.28 4333.85 4397.95 4596.41 4567.18 4355.9 4556.41 4286.15 4306.15 4277.95 4369.74 1659 2003 101116112545010 4580 4865.64 4251.79 4710.26 4340 4401.54 4603.59 4572.82 4360 4558.46 4298.97 4324.62 4296.41 4395.9 1657 2004 101116112545010 4597.44 4860 4252.82 4705.64 4350.26 4412.31 4603.59 4577.44 4357.44 4555.9 4295.38 4329.23 4296.41 4414.36 1656 2005 101116112545010 4584.62 4847.69 4246.67 4690.26 4360 4409.23 4597.44 4569.74 4351.79 4549.74 4278.97 4316.92 4272.82 4399.49 1656 2006 101116112545010 4566.15 4842.05 4238.46 4684.1 4322.05 4389.74 4592.82 4566.67 4351.79 4549.74 4274.36 4310.26 4262.05 4370.77 1655 2005 101116112545010 4563.59 4844.62 4231.79 4687.69 4267.69 4387.69 4594.36 4580 4361.03 4556.41 4278.97 4310.77 4274.36 4370.77 1653 2006 101116112545010 4567.18 4847.18 4233.33 4688.72 4285.13 4409.23 4602.05 4589.23 4368.21 4560 4280.51 4310.77 4281.54 4390.26 1655 2004 101116112545010 4562.05 4840.51 4227.18 4673.85 4300 4405.13 4611.28 4601.03 4376.41 4561.54 4280 4303.59 4279.49 4374.87 1652 2000
  9. Brain 17 14 channels 128 samples per second 1,792 values

    por second 107,520 values per minute 6,451,200 values per hour
  10. Brain 18 Timestamp Short Term Excitement Long Term Excitement Engagement

    Meditation Frustration 101116091145065 0.447595 0.54871 0.834476 0.333844 0.536197 101116091145190 0.447595 0.54871 0.834476 0.333844 0.536197 101116091145315 0.447595 0.54871 0.834476 0.333844 0.536197 101116091145440 0.487864 0.546877 0.834146 0.339548 0.54851 101116091145565 0.487864 0.546877 0.834146 0.339548 0.54851 101116091145690 0.487864 0.546877 0.834146 0.339548 0.54851 101116091145815 0.487864 0.546877 0.834146 0.339548 0.54851 101116091145940 0.521663 0.545609 0.839321 0.348321 0.558228 101116091146065 0.521663 0.545609 0.839321 0.348321 0.558228 101116091146190 0.521663 0.545609 0.839321 0.348321 0.558228 101116091146315 0.521663 0.545609 0.839321 0.348321 0.558228 101116091146440 0.509297 0.544131 0.84401 0.358717 0.546771 101116091146565 0.509297 0.544131 0.84401 0.358717 0.546771 101116091146690 0.509297 0.544131 0.84401 0.358717 0.546771 101116091146815 0.509297 0.544131 0.84401 0.358717 0.546771 101116091146941 0.451885 0.541695 0.848087 0.368071 0.533919
  11. Brain 19 24 5 samples per second 5 affective states

    25 values per second 1,500 values per minute 90,000 values per hour
  12. CSC 486 Human-Computer Interaction Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. [email protected] Winter 2025

    Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC 486 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.