Things to do (1/3) § Attend the lecture. Attendance is required. Announcements are made in class. I will try to post all important information on Blackboard. If you come to class you are expected to participate. The slides will be available on blackboard and are intended for your personal studies. You are not allowed to distribute the slides. All contents of these lectures, including written materials distributed to the class, are under copyright protection. Notes based on these materials may not be sold or commercialized without the express permission of the instructor. [ACD 304-06].
Things to do (2/3) § Read the textbook. Yes, you are still required to read the book for a better and more complete understanding of the topics in this class. § Practice Implement the examples in the slides. Search for more examples online or in books. Understand the theory and the implementation § Quizzes They can never be made up and can never be turned in late. Review syllabus and ASU policies and procedures.
Things to do (3/3) § Project. There is one big project divided in three releases. Approximately, 10 hours of work outside of class per week. If you miss a class you will need more time. Work in teams of 3. Consider the following roles: Product Owner, Developers, and Testers. They can never be made up and can never be turned in late. Review syllabus and ASU policies and procedures. § Exams. Midterm during the semester (around Fall break) and a final exam (comprehensive)
Ethic and Support § Violations of academic integrity include (but are not limited to) cheating, fabrication, tampering, plagiarism or facilitating such activities. § it is unethical to bring to your instructor's attention the possible impact of your course grade on your future plans, including graduation, scholarships, jobs, etc. § ASU provides tutoring, career, health and wellness and financial resources. Review policies for an (I)ncomplete grade and Medical or Compassionate withdrawal. Check this In summary, ask for help when you need it. But not ask for a grade that you did not earn
Textbook § Tomas Akenine-Moller and Eric Haines. Real-Time Rendering (3rd Edition). AK Peters, Ltd. § D. Hearn and M. P. Baker. Computer Graphics with OpenGL (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall. § J. Neider, T. Davis, M. Woo, The OpenGL Programming Guide, Addison-Wesley