WD, Found in K2 Campaign 1 TNT/ULTRASPEC Discovered by Vanderburg, Johnson, Rappaport et al. 2015 • Transits recur every ~4.5 hr (near WD tidal disruption radius) • There are many extended, changing features in the transits minimum transits > 3 min, model is 5.4 RE (4x WD radius)
Dennihy et al. 2020 • Transits recur every ~107 d (debris likely at high eccentricity) • This is a pulsating WD part of ZTF search within 200pc for new DAV; had one ZTF alert
et al. 2022 • 65th harmonic of Porb is exceptionally strong 9/1/21, 03:48 The only tentative [physical explanation] I have come up with is that there is an unseen object on an orbit that intersects the ~25 hour orbit but with a period that differs from it by 23 minutes. As this object (and associated debris perhaps) crosses the 25h orbit, I think of it leaving some sort of "wake" in the more uniformly distributed 25 hour trail, which we pick up when it crosses the WD, as the 23 min signal. There is no independent evidence, but also no reason why all orbits should cross the WD. However, there are probably insuperable difficulties with this idea that I am unaware of, so I'll shut up. Tom
(hr) to long (months) timescales • If connected to tidal disruption, longer à more eccentric • Lots of questions remain with these events • Why the 65th harmonic? • Why are transits grey? Mark Garlick
et al. 2021 • Transits appear to recur on either quite long (months) or short (hours) timescales highly eccentric? more recently disrupted? nearer Roche radius? more evolved?
et al. 2022 • 65th harmonic of Porb is exceptionally strong Re: Incorrect harmonic counting in 1054 paper? 1/11/22, 07:55 Ah, this is an old one! I am not sure who is right. … For instance, a text book I have called "Vibrations & Waves in Physics", by I.G.Main (2nd edition), agrees with us because on page 96 it describes cos(3*omega*t) as the "third harmonic". This is even though it calls cos(omega*t) the "fundamental" and all other terms "harmonics", but still according to it, cos(2*omega*t) would be the second harmonic. I tend to think that the fundamental can also be called the "first harmonic", but I guess that's arguable. … Tom
Johnson, Rappaport et al. 2015 • Transits recur every ~4.5 hr (near WD tidal disruption radius) • <200 WDs in first two 80-day K2 campaigns • WD1145+017 is the only transiting WD among 2200 WDs in K2
every ~4.5 hr (near WD tidal disruption radius) • There are many extended, changing features in the transits WD1145+017, 1st Transiting WD, Found in K2 Campaign 1 TNT/ULTRASPEC
Dennihy et al. 2020 • Transits recur every ~107 d (debris likely at high eccentricity) • A pulsating WD part of ZTF search within 200pc for new DAV; had one ZTF alert WHT/ISIS