Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project 💦 Created by Nawicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project 9 8 7 , 6 5 4 Created by Alzam from Noun Project
from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Alzam from Noun Project ××ʜ 🙅 💦
by Afianroc from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Alzam from Noun Project × ✔︎
送信メールの管理が分散し運用効率が悪い 8 Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project MSA (Mail Submission Agent) MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project MUA (Mail User Agent) MX (Mail Exchanger) Career A Platform A Hosting A Created by kliwir art from the Noun Project Created by kliwir art from the Noun Project
サービス品質の低下につながる 9 Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project MSA (Mail Submission Agent) MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project MUA (Mail User Agent) MX (Mail Exchanger) Career A Platform A Hosting A Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project … Created by Muhamad Sukron from Noun Project
• 実際にはルーティングによってMSAの外部25 番ポート宛のパケットがWarpへ渡され、Warp は再び正しい宛先へパケットを送信する - WarpはSMTPセッションを中継するが、宛先サーバ とのTLS接続はWarpが終端する 11 Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project MSA (Mail Submission Agent) Proxy Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project MX (Mail Exchanger) Career A Platform A Hosting A Warp MUA (Mail User Agent)
けが可能 • このように、集約サーバとしてキューを管 理しないことと多くの情報を収集できるこ とがWarpの利点である 12 Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project MSA (Mail Submission Agent) Proxy Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Laxouri Studio from the Noun Project Created by Sentya Irma from Noun Project MX (Mail Exchanger) Career A Platform A Hosting A … Warp Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Muhamad Sukron from Noun Project MUA (Mail User Agent)
サーバも異なるドメインで複数用意した • 送信プログラムのMUAは各MSAへ同時に 送信する 16 Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project 集約サーバ Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project MSA 1 MSA 2 MSA 3 MX 1 MX 2 MX 3 MUA Postfix or Warp Postfix Postfix Postfix Postfix Postfix Postfix Go 視覚的にメールの流れを分かりやすくするため、送信プログラムのMUAは以降分割して表示する
• また、宛先サーバが行う(迷惑メール対 策による)受信制限を模擬するために、 宛先サーバをTarpitとして動かした 18 Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project MSA 1 MSA 2 MSA 3 MX 1 MX 2 MX 3 送信プログラム Tarpit 10秒ごと60回送信 Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project 10通 10通 1,000通 MUA 1 MUA 2 MUA 3 集約サーバ Postfix or Warp
by Heztasia from the Noun Project 集約サーバ Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project MSA MX End-to-End レイテンシー リレーレイテンシー Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project MUA 1秒 レイテンシーの定義 経過時間 (sec) 平均レイテンシー(sec) 対数目盛 極端に長くなっている
合計3,333,000通を各MSAから集約サーバ へ送った • 集約サーバ全体のリソース消費を比較 23 Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project MSA 1 MSA 2 MSA 3 MX 1 MX 2 MX 3 10秒ごと4回送信 nは回数 送信プログラム Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project MUA 1 MUA 2 MUA 3 10 通 n+2 10 通 n+2 10 通 n+2 集約サーバ Postfix or Warp
by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Warp Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project MSA 1 MSA 2 MSA 3 MX 1 Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project MUA 1 MUA 2 MUA 3 Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project MSA 1 MSA 2 MSA 3 MX 1 Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project MUA 1 MUA 2 MUA 3 Postfix Postfix Warp メリット • MSA間の影響分離 • 高いスループット • 低Disk I/O 全体管理されたキューと コネクション MSAごとのコネクション
Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Alzam from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project … 数万ユーザー Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project メールサービス [email protected] Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project 複数のコネクションを再 利用して数万ユーザーの メールを送信
by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Warp Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project MSA 1 MSA 2 MSA 3 MX 1 Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project MUA 1 MUA 2 MUA 3 Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project MSA 1 MSA 2 MSA 3 MX 1 Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project MUA 1 MUA 2 MUA 3 Postfix Postfix Warp 同時接続 1 × × デメリット • 接続制限による MSA間の配送影響 同時接続 1 ✔︎ 全体管理されたキューと コネクション MSAごとのコネクション
• mx1のPostfixは、同一クライアントの同時接続数を 制限する smtpd_client_connection_count_limit を defaultの50から10に変更 30 Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project Postfix or Warp Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project MSA 1 MSA 2 MSA 3 MX 1 1回送信 同時接続 10 送信プログラム Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project Created by Syaeful Amri from Noun Project MUA 1 MUA 2 MUA 3 10,000通 10,000通 10,000通
Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Jae Deasigner from Noun Project Created by Alzam from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project Created by Lordz from Noun Project … 数万ユーザー Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project メールサービス [email protected] Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project Created by Galaxicon from the Noun Project 複数のコネクションを再 利用して数万ユーザーの メールを継続的に送信 Postfixはコネクションの再利用 を行うキャッシュ機能がある Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project … Created by Heztasia from the Noun Project 各MSA Warp