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🎓 Certification Study Group - Session d’informa...

🎓 Certification Study Group - Session d’information sur les certifications Google Cloud

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSE_iT2bO4g
Intervenants à la table ronde : Julien Landuré, Vincent Ledan, Bodo Razakalalao

“Road to Google Cloud Certification” est un programme gratuit de 6 semaines conçu pour tous ceux et celles qui souhaitent se préparer ou renouveler une certification Google Cloud.

Vous serez guidés dans votre apprentissage par un mélange de cours et d’ateliers en ligne. Le plus : un groupe d'études francophone avec un slack dédié pour échanger.

Avec l'aide de ce groupe d’étude, animé plusieurs GDGs, vous ferez ce "road trip" non seulement avec des personnes qui ont déjà une (ou plusieurs) certification(s) GCP, mais aussi avec des personnes qui sont dans le même cycle d'apprentissage que vous. Un point de rencontre hebdomadaire le mardi midi sera calé pour échanger sur ce que vous avez appris et vos difficultés.

Rien de mieux pour parfaire vos connaissances et vous aider à obtenir la certification Google Cloud.

A savoir :

- Vous devez vous enregistrer avant 18 avril 2023 pour avoir accès au contenu
- Nos ateliers seront orientés pour préparer la certification “Google Cloud Architect” (examen en anglais, la préparation et nos échanges seront en français)
- Il n'y aucune obligation à passer une certification
- Nous ferons une première session le 30 Mars pour vous donner toutes les explications et vous aider à participer à cette aventure.

Autour d’une table ronde de plusieurs intervenants, nous discuterons de
- L’évolution du Cloud et de ses rôles
- L’importance des certifications
- Le détail du programme “Road to Certification” en groupe : un programme de 6 semaines jusqu’à la certification
- Comment Google Cloud nous aide avec des plans de formation complets
- Les pré-requis
- L’accès à Cloud Skills Boost

Si vous souhaitez apprendre plus sur les opportunités training offertes par Google, suivez gdg.community.dev/road-to-google-dev-certification/

Julien Landuré

March 30, 2023

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  6. Associate level certifications Professional level certifications Technical Requirements Build Deploy

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  7. Foundational No cloud experience needed Associate Recommended 6+ months hands-on

    experience with Google Cloud Professional Cloud Security Engineer Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Professional Google Workspace Administrator Professional Cloud Architect Professional Data Engineer Associate Cloud Engineer Professional Cloud Developer Professional Cloud Network Engineer Professional Recommended 3+ years industry experience & 1 year hands-on experience with Google Cloud Professional Machine Learning Engineer Cloud Digital Leader Google Cloud certifications
  8. Proprietary + Confidential Google Cloud Certifications https://cloud.google.com/certification Associate Cloud Engineer

    Professional Cloud Architect Professional Cloud Developer Professional Data Engineer Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Deploys applications, monitors operations of multiple projects, and maintains enterprise solutions to ensure that they meet target performance metrics. Enables organizations to leverage Google Cloud technologies with a thorough understanding of cloud architecture and Google Cloud Platform. Builds scalable and highly available applications using Google-recommended practices and tools, such as cloud-native applications, developer tools, managed services, and next-generation databases. Enables data-driven decision making by collecting, transforming, and publishing data. Also enables to leverage, deploy, and continuously train pre-existing machine learning models. Responsible for efficient development operations using Google Cloud Platform to build software delivery pipelines, deploy and monitor services, and manage and learn from incidents. Professional Cloud Network Engineer Professional Cloud Security Engineer Professional Collaboration Engineer Professional Machine Learning Engineer Implements and manages network architectures in Google Cloud Platform, having at least 1 year of hands-on experience working with Google Cloud Platform by using the command line interface or the Console. Enables to design and implement a secure infrastructure through security best practices and industry security requirements. Designs, develops, and manages a secure infrastructure leveraging Google security technologies. Transforms business objectives into tangible configurations, policies, and security practices as they relate to users, content, and integrations. Designs, builds, and productionizes ML models to solve business challenges using Google Cloud technologies and knowledge of proven ML models and techniques. Cloud Digital Leader A Cloud Digital Leader can articulate the capabilities of GC core products and services and how they benefit organizations. The Cloud Digital Leader can also describe common business use cases and how cloud solutions support an enterprise.
  9. Professional Cloud Architect Google Cloud certifications About Prerequisite knowledge Prerequisite

    labs and courses for Certification Study Group More about the role of a Cloud Architect than testing the use of tools. It's about creating systems that implement best practices and strategy to make it more secure, scalable, high available and reduce costs. Knowledge on all products and services on the Google Cloud Platform. • Preparing for the Professional Cloud Architect Exam • Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure • Create and Manage Cloud Resources
  10. About the exams Length 2 hours Exam Format Multiple choice

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  11. Exam Delivery Method Online or Onsite Now take the online-proctored

    exams remotely, meeting the testing requirements. Find the requirements on: https://cloud.google.com/certification/faqs Onsite-proctored exam will continue to be offered at testing centers (when they reopen).
  12. Pourquoi la certification ? • • Pour apprendre et pour

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  13. Professional Cloud Architect Learning Journey Pre-work Week 1 Week 2

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  14. Certification Study Groups What is it? • A 6-week program

    to go through certification content and exam questions • Learn with a mix of live sessions, peer-to-peer support and on-demand content • Google Cloud training platform Cloud Skills Boost will be used to go through courses and labs. Attendees will receive free access to Google Cloud Skills Boost. • Connect and get support from community members that are preparing for Google Cloud Certificate • Find events like this on the: gdg.community.dev/road-to-google-dev-certification
  15. Certified trainers deliver weekly live sessions to guide you through

    the certification content and answer your questions. Get free access to on-demand courses and labs on Google Cloud. These courses and labs mirror real life applications. Get practice with Google Cloud technologies in a sandbox environment and earn Skill Badges. Skill badges are shareable credentials that recognize your ability to solve real-world problems with your cloud knowledge. Learn together with a local community to get support from experts and other fellow developers. Ask questions and share your experience. Study groups On-demand Hands-on labs Community 01. 02. 03. 04. Program offer