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From iOS to Android(or reverse)

From iOS to Android(or reverse)

From iOS to Android(or reverse)


April 26, 2015

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Other Decks in Programming


  1. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 From iOS To Android(or

    reverse) José Manuel Ortega Candel @jmortegac http://www.linkedin.com/jmortega1
  2. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 ARCHITECTURE / iOS /

  3. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Android Architecture DALVIK ART

    Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) Compilation Cache builds up over time Boot times are faster Cache is built at first boot Rebooting device takes significantly longer Apps compiled when executed Stores Compiled Apps Consumes much more internal storage space
  4. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 IDES Android iOS https://developer.android.com/sdk/

    installing/studio.html APPCode http://www.jetbrains.com/objc/
  5. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 on Android Studio 

    InteliJ IDE Based  Maven based Build Dependency  Combines Ant && Maven / Gradle Tasks
  6. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Instruments on iOS 

    Debugging, performance analysis, and testing  Real-time CPU, memory, disk, energy, and network usage  Threads, network, and energy usage  I/O system and thread activity  Allows detecting memory leaks
  7. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Android Applications import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.app.Activity; public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);} } public static void invokeWebBrowser(Activity activity){ Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(Uri.parse("http://www.google.com")); activity.startActivity(intent); }  Activity  Intents [Explicit,Implicits]  Services  Content Providers[Sharing data between apps]  Fragments from 3.0
  8. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Android’s RecyclerView  Adapter

     ViewHolder  LayoutManager  ItemDecoration  ItemAnimator https://developer.android.com/training/material/lists-cards.html
  9. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Layout Systems UINavigationBar UITableView

    TextView TextView LinearLayout TextView TextView
  10. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 LifeCycle Applications - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication

    *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { self.window.rootViewController = self.navigationController; [self.window makeKeyAndVisible]; return YES; }
  11. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 iOS Applications  C

     Objective –C,[message passing]  Swift  PlayGround for leaning Swift  Programming with Objetive-C in windows/ linux  http://www.gnustep.org/ https://developer.apple.com/swift
  12. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Objective-C vs Swift NSString

    *string = @“hello”; let string = "hello" as NSString let s: NSString = "hello" var string: NSString = "hello" string= "Hello" NSLog(@“This is a string”); println("This is a string"); NSArray *myArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@“string1", @“string2", nil]; var myArray = [“string1", "string2"] var myArray : [String] = [“string1", "string2"]
  13. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 iOS Applications  @synthesize

    will generate getter and setter methods for your @property @interface MyObject:NSObject { NSString *_name; } @property (nonatomic,assign) NSString* name; @end @implementation MyObject @synthesize name = _ name; @end
  14. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 UIKit Framework  UIButton

     UILabel  UIImageView  UITextField  UIPickerView  UIWindow  UIView  UIViewController  NSObject,NSString,NSMutableString, NSDate,NSNumber  Collections(NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet,NSEnumerator) Foundation Framework
  15. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 iOS Applications #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

    @interface MyViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>{ IBOutlet UITableView *table; NSMutableData *dataReceive; } @property(nonatomic,assign) NSMutableData *dataReceive; @end  UIViewController interface MyViewController.h  implementation MyViewController.m @implementation MyViewController @synthesize dataReceive,table; - (void)viewDidLoad{ [super viewDidLoad]; NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@“url"]; self.dataReceive = [[NSMutableData data] retain]; }
  16. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 iOS Applications  UINavigationController

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"MainStoryboard" bundle:nil]; //Recuperamos el ViewController UIViewController *rootViewController = [storyboard instantiateInitialViewController]; // Creamos un UINavigationController, que se encargará de controlar y almacenar los distintos viewControllers de nuestra aplicación. UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc]initWithRootViewController:rootViewController]; //Asignamos el navigationController como principal. self.window.rootViewController = navigationController; return YES; } -(IBAction)goToPantalla2:(id)sender { UIStoryboard *storyBoard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"MainStoryboard" bundle:nil]; //Obtenemos el controlador con Identifier "Pantalla2" Pantalla2ViewController *pantalla2Controller = [storyBoard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"Pantalla2"]; //Lanzamos el controlador en el navigation de forma animada: [self.navigationController pushViewController:pantalla2Controller animated:YES]; }
  17. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Design patterns on iOS

    Applications  MVC  Target-action  Delegate and protocols A delegate is an object that control of the user interface for that event.
  18. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Multilanguage NSString *localizedString =

  19. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Certificates and Signing Android

    iOS Self-signed certificate Apps are signed by developers Apple certificate Apps are signed by Apple Java Keytool Generate a distribution provisioning profile Export + Sign APK iOS Provisioning Portal Debug and distribution certificate App ID (unique ID of your app) Set of device unique identifiers Developer certificate
  20. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Permissions on Android 

    AndroidManifest.xml  Protection mechanism to interact with other applications <uses--‐permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <uses--‐permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/> <uses--‐permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/> <uses--‐permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/> <uses--‐permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
  21. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Permissions on iOS o

    Declare your application requirements in its manifest-like Info.plist. This is used only for ensuring device compatibility. o UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities allows you to list ’hardware-like’ capabilities that your app needs. o AppStore reads this information for filter installer devices.
  22. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Permissions on iOS 

    Privacy Analysis Tools for iOs Applications  patia.unileon.es
  23. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Android Material design 

    Minimalist and consistency  Transitions, animiations  Cards https://developer.android.com/training/material/get-started.html
  24. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Android Material design 

    Ldrawer  https://github.com/kanytu/android-material-drawer-template https://github.com/IkiMuhendis/LDrawer <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Material.Light"> <item name="android:colorPrimary"> @color/primary</item> <item name="android:colorPrimaryDark"> @color/primary_dark</item> <item name="android:colorAccent"> @color/accent</item> <item name="android:textColorPrimary"> @color/text_primary</item> <item name="android:textColor"> @color/text_secondary</item> <item name="android:navigationBarColor"> @color/primary_dark</item> </style> </resources>
  25. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Android Fragments  Fragment

    is a chunk of user interface with its own life cycle.  Fragment must exist within an Activity  Interaction with fragments is done through FragmentManager  Fragment API was introduced in API 11  http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library
  26. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Static analysis code on

    Android Studio  Inspect Profile  Lint
  27. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Static analysis code on

    Java projects  SonarQube  Sonnar-runner
  28. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Static analysis code on

    XCode  Static Analyzer  Detect memory leaks
  29. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Mobile Application Testing TYPES

    Unit Testing Functionality Testing Integration Testing Regression Load Testing Stress Testing Performance Usability Testing
  30. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 CheckList  Rotating the

    screen  Behavior of when network is not available  Navigation between screens  Behavior of app if app is running for longer period of time and checking memory
  31. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Testing on Android 

    Unit & Integration,TDD  Junit  RoboElectric  Acceptance,BDD  RobotiumTesting User Interface  Calabash
  32. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Unit testing on iOS

     XCTest #import <XCTest/XCTest.h> #import “TestObject.h" @interface TestOjectLogicTests : XCTestCase { @private TestObject *object; } @end
  33. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Emulator vs Simulator Android

    iOS Emulator Simulator Very slow integrated with SDK Integrated with Xcode Emulates hardware and software Simulates only software Launched apps are equal binaries from the apps compiled for Device CPU Launched apps are different binaries from the apps compiled for Device CPU
  34. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Genymotion  Integration with

    Eclipse and Android Studio  MULTI OS Compatible with Linux,Windows and Mac  Requires VirtualBox
  35. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Alternatives  http://jimulabs.com/ for

    Android live preview  https://appthwack.com/ for testing in the cloud with real devices
  36. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014  Android Handles memory

    management automatically Garbage Collector  iOS release, retain, autorelease ARC(Automatic Reference Counting)  Developer maintain the count number for each object  Destroys object when reference counting become 0  @autoreleasepool  With ARC, compiler set this methods where its necessary
  37. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 ARC  Migrating to

    ARC  Project Build Settings
  38. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Android iOS SQLite android.database.sqlite

     Tables and relations Core Data  Objects  DataModel Content Providers /data/data/<Application-Package> /databases/<database-name> Only acces with root DataModel editor in Xcode for register objects and their relationships
  39. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Android <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" > <item android:id="@+id/share" android:title="@string/share" android:showAsAction="ifRoom" android:actionProviderClass="android.widget.ShareActionProvider"/> </menu> private ShareActionProvider mShareActionProvider; mShareActionProvider.setShareIntent(getDefaultShareIntent()); private Intent getDefaultShareIntent(){ Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); //IMPLICIT INTENT intent.setType("text/plain"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT,"Extra Text"); return intent;}
  40. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 iOS - (IBAction)shareButton:(UIBarButtonItem *)sender

    { NSString *textToShare = @“textToShare"; UIImage *imageToShare = [UIImage imageNamed:@"yourImage.png"]; NSURL *myWebsite = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.example.com/"]; NSArray *objectsToShare = @[textToShare, imageToShare ,myWebsite]; UIActivityViewController *activityVC = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:objectsToShare applicationActivities:nil]; NSArray *excludeActivities = @[UIActivityTypeAirDrop,UIActivityTypePrint]; activityVC.excludedActivityTypes = excludeActivities; [self presentViewController:activityVC animated:YES completion:nil]; }  UIActivityViewController
  41. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Check connectivity on Android

     ConnectivityManager <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> public static boolean checkConnectivity(Context context) { ConnectivityManager cm =(ConnectivityManager)context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); return activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnectedOrConnecting(); }
  42. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Check connectivity on iOS

     Reachability internetReach = [[Reachability reachabilityForInternetConnection] retain]; [internetReach startNotifier]; if([internetReach currentReachabilityStatus] == ReachableViaWWAN) { // Tenemos conexión a Internet } wifiReach = [[Reachability reachabilityForLocalWiFi] retain]; [wifiReach startNotifier]; if([wifiReach currentReachabilityStatus] == ReachableViaWiFi) { // Estamos conectados mediante Wi-Fi }
  43. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Android iOS Google requires

    a one time fee of US$25 iOS Developer Program $99 /year Greater capacity for monetization Google play + Publish in other stores like Amazon,Opera AppStore Alpha/beta testing before put in production Upload to store in 30 min Review process 5-7 days Android Developer Console Beta Testing http://ibetatest.com/ http://testflightapp.com/
  44. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 Async connections  iOS

     Thread managed by NSURLConnection  Android  Services, AsyncTask  Libraries for Android  Otto Event Bus,RoboSpice  http://square.github.io/otto/
  45. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014  Classes comparative iOS

    Android Base UIApplication Application Controller UIViewController Activity/Fragment Event Emitter Target Action/Responder Chain Event Listener i.e. onClick() Data Saving NSUserDefaults / SQLite SharedPreferences / SQLite Multi Thread NSThread Thread/AsyncTask/Service Internationalization NSLocalizedString Resource files GPS CoreLocation LocationManager for MapView, use Google SDK Accelerometer UIAccelerometer SensorManager Local Notification UILocalNotification NotificationManager Remote Push Notification Apple Push Notifiation Service C2DM (external package) com.google.android.c2dm
  46. MADRID · NOV 21-22 · 2014 References o www.developer.android.com o

    http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/ introduction.html o http://tools.android.com/ o https://android-arsenal.com/ o http://android-developers.blogspot.com.es/ o www.developer.apple.com o https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/ o https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/referencelibrary/Getting Started/RoadMapiOS/