John Nunemaker (@jnunemaker)

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Esteve Castells


I am the Global Head of SEO at Adevinta. I am responsible for SEO success, making sure that the group marketplaces ge...

12 followers 6 decks
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Speaker Deck


Follow us for new feature announcements and other updates.

64 followers 5 decks
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This user hasn't published any decks.

Erik Runyon


Purveyor of finely crafted HTML and HTML-related products since 1995.

2 followers 14 decks

Brandon Keepers


Developer at GitHub, mostly working on this site.

41 followers 19 decks

Steve Smith


Steve makes pretty things on the internet. He is an entrepreneur, founding Ordered List, and co-founding Sidebar Crea...

27 followers 9 decks