This is the preamble for a hands-on workshop on Vault, a single binary secrets management system, to build a secrets management system for a production Kubernetes environment from scratch.
cluster on Kubernetes. – Set up for high availability – Demonstrate (some) production hardening approaches ▪ Retrieve secrets from Vault for an application. – Dynamic retrieval – Native Kubernetes integrations Objectives 3
the desired number of application pods. StatefulSet provides sticky identity for pods that require some preservation of state. DaemonSet deploys a pod per node. Useful Constructs 7
for access control ▪ Eases Vault cluster lifecycle management ▪ Manages secrets lifecycle (rotation, revocation) ▪ Can be sidecar for application (lower latency) Why on Kubernetes? 12
Time to Live (TTL), listed in a lease. ▪ After TTL has expired… – Lessee must renew – OR Vault automatically revokes by invalidating secret Lease, Renew, & Revoke 18
to get (larger) Kubernetes clusters ▪ Variations in workstations = tough for workshops ▪ Auto-unseal requires key management service Credit to Seth Vargo’s workshop for Vault on GKE. Why are we using GCP? 22