The Notifier Component is marked stable with the Symfony 5.3 release. A good time to have a closer look at how the Symfony Notifier works and what you can do with it.
'notify', methods: ['GET'])] public function __invoke(NotifierInterface $notifier): Response { $notification = ??? $recipient = ??? $notifier->send( $notification, $recipient ); // ... } } The Recipient and how we can use it. Deep dive into how the Notifier works and how we can customize the process of sending a Notification. The Notification and how we can use it. Agenda
$recipient = new Recipient( '', '+351 0815’ ); final class SmsRecipient implements SmsRecipientInterface { use SmsRecipientTrait; public function __construct(string $phone) { $this->phone = $phone; } } $smsRecipient = new SmsRecipient('+351 0815'); final class EmailRecipient implements EmailRecipientInterface { use EmailRecipientTrait; public function __construct(string $email) { $this->email = $email; } } $emailRecipient = new EmailRecipient('');