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Touch ID and Face ID. Is It Secure?

Julia Mezher
June 29, 2019

Touch ID and Face ID. Is It Secure?

Julia Mezher

June 29, 2019


  1. JULIA POTAPENKO • iOS Software Engineer at Stuzo • Mobile

    Dev Lead at WWCode Kyiv • Co-organizer of OWASP Zhytomyr • Speaker at OWASP, CocoaHeads, WWCode and WTM events
  2. WE WILL TALK ABOUT ★ Touch ID and Face ID

    ★ Secure Enclave ★ Keychain
  3. WE WILL TALK ABOUT ★ Touch ID and Face ID

    ★ Secure Enclave ★ Keychain How to do it? What can go wrong?

    PRIVATE KEYS. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/certificate_key_and_trust_services/keys/ storing_keys_in_the_secure_enclave
  5. SECURE ENCLAVE • A part of A7 and newer chips

    • Secure Enclave Processor (SEP) is separate from Application Processor (AP) • Shares the RAM with AP but encrypted (TZ0) • SEP has its own OS
  6. SECURE ENCLAVE • Stores only 256-bit elliptic curve private keys

    • Can’t import preexisting keys You can create private key, store it and perform operations on it.
  7. • Biometry is stored on device as mathematical representation •

    It is encrypted with a private key stored in Secure Enclave • Biometry data is used by Secure Enclave only • It can’t be accessed by OS or any application
  8. LocalAuthentication • Specify a particular policy and user message •

    The framework coordinates with Secure Enclave • Validation returns boolean value
  9. LocalAuthentication • Specify a particular policy and user message •

    The framework coordinates with Secure Enclave • Validation returns boolean value WARNING
  10. LAContext *myContext = [[LAContext alloc] init]; NSError *authError = nil;

    NSString *myLocalizedReasonString = @"For Securing App with TouchID"; if ([myContext canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&authError]) { [myContext evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics localizedReason:myLocalizedReasonString reply:^(BOOL) success, NSError *error) { if (success) { // User authenticated successfully } else { // User failed to authenticate successfully } }]; } else { // Could not evaluate policy https://nvisium.com/blog/2016/06/22/dont-touch-me-that-way.html LocalAuthentication
  11. LAContext *myContext = [[LAContext alloc] init]; NSError *authError = nil;

    NSString *myLocalizedReasonString = @"For Securing App with TouchID"; if ([myContext canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&authError]) { [myContext evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics localizedReason:myLocalizedReasonString reply:^(BOOL) success, NSError *error) { if (success) { // User authenticated successfully } else { // User failed to authenticate successfully } }]; } else { // Could not evaluate policy https://nvisium.com/blog/2016/06/22/dont-touch-me-that-way.html LocalAuthentication
  12. LAContext *myContext = [[LAContext alloc] init]; NSError *authError = nil;

    NSString *myLocalizedReasonString = @"For Securing App with TouchID"; if ([myContext canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&authError]) { [myContext evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics localizedReason:myLocalizedReasonString reply:^(BOOL) success, NSError *error) { if (success) { // User authenticated successfully } else { // User failed to authenticate successfully } }]; } else { // Could not evaluate policy https://nvisium.com/blog/2016/06/22/dont-touch-me-that-way.html VULNERABLE AGAINST REVERSE ENGINEERS LocalAuthentication
  13. LAContext *myContext = [[LAContext alloc] init]; NSError *authError = nil;

    NSString *myLocalizedReasonString = @"For Securing App with TouchID"; if ([myContext canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&authError]) { [myContext evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics localizedReason:myLocalizedReasonString reply:^(BOOL) success, NSError *error) { if (success) { // User authenticated successfully } else { // User failed to authenticate successfully } }]; } else { // Could not evaluate policy https://nvisium.com/blog/2016/06/22/dont-touch-me-that-way.html VULNERABLE AGAINST REVERSE ENGINEERS LocalAuthentication USABLE PAYLOAD
  14. KEYCHAIN • A database storing encrypted items • Good for

    storing passwords, tokens, not for files • Each item is protected by passcode/biometry and device secret • Keychain items are available when user authenticates to the device
  15. THE CORRECT FLOW EXAMPLE • The user secret is stored

    in Keychain. • When the protected action is triggered, Keychain should be unlocked with Touch ID to get the secret. • BE should enforce the client to include that secret when the protected action is performed.
  16. THE CORRECT FLOW EXAMPLE • The user secret is stored

    in Keychain. • When the protected action is triggered, Keychain should be unlocked with Touch ID to get the secret. • BE should enforce the client to include that secret when the protected action is performed. WHAT ELSE CAN GO WRONG?
  17. KEYCHAIN • Accessibility and authentication rules SecAccessControlRef • kSecAccessControlTouchIDAny –

    Use any of the registered fingerprints • kSecAccessControlTouchIDCurrentSet – Use the current set of fingerprints when data saved to keychain. If current set changes, the TouchID evaluation fails.
  18. IS IT SECURE? ★ Chance that someone else fingerprint will

    unlock you device is 1 in 50 000 ★ For Face ID it is 1 in 1 000 000 https://images.apple.com/business/docs/FaceID_Security_Guide.pdf
  19. IS IT SECURE? ★ Chance that someone else fingerprint will

    unlock you device is 1 in 50 000 ★ For Face ID it is 1 in 1 000 000 ★ To compare: 4 digit passcode has 1 in 10 000 chance while 6 digit passcode has 1 in 1 000 000 https://images.apple.com/business/docs/FaceID_Security_Guide.pdf
  20. WHERE TO GO NEXT OWASP MSTG – Testing Local Authentication

    https://github.com/OWASP/owasp-mstg/blob/master/Document/0x06f-Testing-Local- Authentication.md iOS Security Guide https://www.apple.com/business/site/docs/iOS_Security_Guide.pdf WWDC 14 – Keychain and Authentication with Touch ID https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/wwdc/ 2014/711xx6j5wzufu78/711/711_keychain_and_authentication_with_touch_id.pdf David Lindner – Don’t Touch Me That Way https://nvisium.com/blog/2016/06/22/dont-touch-me-that-way.html