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Python; Solving Real World Problems

Python; Solving Real World Problems

Introduction to Python
Application of Python
Automating the boring stuff
Solving real-life problems
-Define problem
-Propose solution
-Write your algorithm
-Design solution
-Develop solution

AbdulKabir Sulaiman

October 20, 2018

More Decks by AbdulKabir Sulaiman

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Objectives – Python – Application – Automation – Problems –

    Define problem – Propose solution – Design solution – Develop solution
  2. Python Fibonacci series up to n >>> def fib(n): >>>

    a, b = 0, 1 >>> while a < n: >>> print(a, end=' ') >>> a, b = b, a+b >>> print() >>> fib(1000) 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 -Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.
  3. Applications GUI Development – tkInter – PyGObject – PyQt –

    PySide – Kivy – wxPython System Administration – Ansible – Salt – OpenStack Web Development – Django – Pyramid – Bottle – Tornado – Flask – web2py Scientific and Numeric – SciPy – Pandas – IPython Software Development – Buildbot – Trac – Roundup *I don’t know all these items too, Google them.
  4. Automations – Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions – Reading and

    Writing Files – Organizing Files – Web Scraping – Working with Excel Spreadsheets – Working with PDF and Word Documents – Working with CSV Files and JSON Data – Keeping Time, Scheduling Tasks, and Launching Programs – Sending Email and Text Messages – Manipulating Images *Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
  5. More automation – Computer Vision (Facilities like face-detection and color-detection)

    – Machine Learning – Robotics – Scripting – Artificial Intelligence – Data Analysis – Games and 3D Graphics – Early Cancer Detection
  6. – For example, my dip into writing Python from scratch

    (I didn't stay long) was to create a program to display the weather forecast. That meant finding free weather information (I chose OpenWeatherMap), signing up, learning how to make web requests, and learning how to display the information. It's not the most sophisticated program, of course, but it was useful enough that I used it long enough to find and fix bugs. – Let's assume that you're a soccer fan. Why don't you create a script that will scrap information about you favorite player or team from few different sites, and present it to you in some fancy GUI or make it send you an email report after each game of your favorite team with detailed results of the game. Instead of soccer informations, you can pick everything here - aggregate news about science, programming, cats, pick whatever you want here! – Use python and opencv to extract information from video or image.for eg: I have made a software that can count the number of vehicle and also classify them under car,hcv,lcv, two wheelers and also find speed of each vehicle. *https://www.quora.com/What-is-Python-mainly-used-for-in-the-real-world-today-Is-it-beneficial-to-use-Python-for-desktop-apps
  7. Problem Definition The difference between you and that programmer that

    “blew” is creativity. Look for a problem, a real life problem, preferably that affects not only you, that can be solved using automation or can be improved.
  8. Propose Solution – Analyze the problem – Check if it

    can be solved – How can you solve or improve it? – Any alternative? – What resources do you have? – Now propose a solution to the problem – You can propose two or three solutions
  9. Design Solution – Do a project breakdown – Do you

    need a database? – Would you be using a microcontroller or any other integrations – Structure your menu, interface, processes etc. – Build required items like; database, webpages, UI, forms etc.
  10. Develop Solution – Setup your IDE – Install Django or

    any other package required – Build your system – Make adjustment as necessary. – Do final testing until desired result is gotten. *This is not a Python or Django class