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Kaizad Patel
January 01, 2017


Kaizad Patel

January 01, 2017


  1. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 1 EES 140

    Soil Science Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel Soil profile image credits: University of Idaho, Michigan State University, NRCS 1. Color 2. Texture 3. Density 4. Consistence 5. Atterberg Limits 6. Drainage 2 Outline
  2. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 2 3 Organic

    matter mollic epipedon folistic epipedon histic epipedon 4
  3. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 3 5 Black

    doesn’t always mean organic manganese dioxide 6 Drainage and redox Redox Mottling Gleying Images: www.nesoil.com, www.nzsoils.org.nz Redox conditions? Drainage?
  4. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 5 9 Topography

    and soil color DRAINAGE WAY TOE-SLOPE FOOT-SLOPE SHOULDER SUMMIT Source: Soil Science Society of America 10 Eluviation
  5. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 6 11 Precipitation

    of salts calcium 12 Effect of moisture dry moist
  6. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 7 13 Hue

    Value/Chroma dominant spectral color degree of darkness or lightness of the color strength/saturation of spectral color 14 Soil hues 10R 2.5YR 5YR 7.5YR 10YR 2.5Y 5Y red yellow
  7. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 8 15 16

    The Munsell System Image: Cecil Series University of Idaho - CALS 5YR 5/4
  8. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 9 Images: University

    of Idaho - CALS 17 Soil Taxonomy Mollic epipedon Dominant color with chroma of 3 or less, moist Albic materials Color value of 3, moist Chroma of less than 2 Spodic materials Hue of 5YR or redder Color of 10YR 3/1 18 Bangor soil series A horizon has hue of 10YR to 5Y, value of 3 or 4, and chroma of 1 to 3. E horizon has hue of 10YR to 5Y, value of 5 or 6, and chroma of 0 to 2 Bs horizon has hue of 5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 3 to 8. BC horizon has hue of 7.5YR to 5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 2 to 8 Image taken at Dwight B. DeMerritt Forest, ME
  9. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 10 19 EGU

    blog Glass beads of the Viking Age Munsell blog 20 The Soil Colors of the National Parks (web link)
  10. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 11 the relative

    proportions of sand, silt, clay in a soil 21 mineral particles, <2.0 mm in equivalent diameter, ranging between specified size limits 22 Soil Separates
  11. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 12 mineral particles,

    <2.0 mm in equivalent diameter, ranging between specified size limits 23 Soil Separates mm 2.0 - 1.0 1.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.10 0.10 - 0.05 Silt 0.05 - 0.002 Clay <0.002 SAND USDA Classification of Soil Separates Fine Sand Very Fine Sand Silt Clay Very Coarse Sand Coarse Sand Medium Sand Sand – gritty, low nutrient and water retention Silt – velvety, medium to low nutrient and water retention Clay – sticky and ribbons, high nutrient and moisture retention 24
  12. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 13 mineral particles,

    <2.0 mm in equivalent diameter, ranging between specified size limits 25 Soil Separates does not include OM does not include coarse fraction > 2 mm = coarse fraction < 2 mm = fine fraction 26 Soil texture triangle
  13. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 14 27 50%

    clay 20% silt 30% sand Total = 100% 28 Loam Exhibits properties of sand and clay in equal amounts Does this mean loam contains sand and clay in equal amounts?
  14. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 15 29 What

    is the texture of the soil? 10% clay 60% sand Sandy loam silt? 30 Rock Fragments
  15. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 16 Soil texture

    influences specific surface area 31 Importance of soil texture 32 specific surface area surface area per unit mass units: m2/g Michael J. Singer and Donald N. Munns Soils: An Introduction, 6e smaller particles = greater specific surface area
  16. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 17 33 Specific

    surface area 1536 mm2 = 1181.5mm2/g 384 mm2 =295.4mm2/g Specific surface area and adsorption 34 adsorption vs. absorption greater surface area greater adsorptive capacity =
  17. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 18 Specific surface

    area and adsorption 35 H2 O water water retention? drainage? erosion? shrink-swell capacity? Specific surface area and adsorption 36 Ca+2 Na+ Mg+2 nutrients
  18. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 19 Specific surface

    area and adsorption 37 O2 CO2 gases porosity? Specific surface area weathering 38 charges microorganisms
  19. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 20 1. “Feel”

    2. Mechanical Analysis by Hydrometer Method 3. Mechanical Analysis by Pipette Method 39 field lab 40
  20. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 21 1. “Feel”

    2. Mechanical Analysis by Hydrometer Method 3. Mechanical Analysis by Pipette Method 41 Stokes’ Law 42 Stokes’ Law: settling velocity For a given solid in a given liquid V = kD2 V ∝ D2 Bigger particles settle out of suspension earlier. V = settling velocity g = gravitational acceleration ρp = density of particle ρf = density of fluid D = diameter of particle µ = viscosity of fluid Stoke’s Law V=g ρp −ρf D2 18µ
  21. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 22 43 Stokes’

    Law: settling velocity D 2D V 4V V ∝ D2 Solve: Radius 5 cm, velocity = V Radius 25 cm, velocity=? Coarse soil particles settle out first Hydrometer method Pipette method 44 Stokes’ Law Stoke’s Law V ∝ D2
  22. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 23 45 46

    You put 5 pedologists in a pit together, they return with 7 different opinions.
  23. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 24 47 sand

    silt 30 seconds 12 hours pipette hydrometer Transmission Electron Microscopy Scanning Electron Microscopy X-ray attenuation Particle counting (Coulter Counter) Light scattering 48 Modern techniques Electron Microscopy David J. Morgan, Wikimedia
  24. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 25 the arrangement

    of sand, silt, clay, and organic particles in soil 49 Dave Lindbo discusses soil structure (video) 50
  25. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 26 51 structural

    aggregate A horizon Surface horizons OM 52 Granular structure David Lindbo, Soil Science flickr
  26. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 27 B horizon

    53 Blocky structure Blocky structure A. Jordán. EGU Blogs 54 Angular blocky John Kelley, Soil Science flickr Subangular blocky David Lindbo, Soil Science flickr
  27. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 28 55 Prismatic

    structure John Kelley, Soil Science flickr EGU Blogs 56 prism
  28. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 29 high salt

    concentrations arid climates 57 Columnar structure Flint Hills Guide Compacted soils 58 Platy structure Dave Lindbo, soil science flickr A. Jordán. EGU Blogs
  29. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 30 59 no

    aggregates single grained individual particles do not form aggregates massive the entire horizon appears cemented sandy soils Type Class Grade ped name size distinctness 60
  30. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 31 61 Grade

    (Strength/ firmness) Structureless Weak peds cannot be removed without being destroyed Moderate peds can be removed from the profile Strong peds, when removed, are rigid and durable in the hand Strong Prismatic John Kelley, Soil Science flickr 62
  31. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 32 water flow

    air circulation 63 Why is structure important? Colorado State University Biological factors Physico-chemical factors 64 Formation and stabilization of aggregates
  32. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 33 65 Organisms:

    Pedoturbation Plants Mammals Macroinvertebrates earthworms termites Burrowing Breaks up big clumps Pushes soil particles together 66 Organisms: roots and fungal hyphae Soil particles enmeshed in sticky networks
  33. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 34 67 Organisms:

    organic glues soil aggregate stability Glomalin Produced by mycorrhizae Glycoprotein Root exudates Polysaccharides – sticky bacteria Polysaccharides – sticky sugar sugar-protein fungi associated with plant roots 68 Physico-chemical: pedoturbation Freeze-thaw Drying of clay domains Pushes soil particles together Shrink-swell Cracks in clay Cracks in clay
  34. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 35 69 Physico-chemical:

    flocculation cation bridging between clay platelets Calcium flocculant Sodium deflocculant, dispersant 70 Physico-chemical: cementation by OM aggregates fall apart aggregates are stable
  35. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 36 71 Physico-chemical:

    tillage John Deere Tillage can promote or destroy aggregation. 72 Physico-chemical: tillage Tillage can promote or destroy aggregation. break large clods into aggregates incorporate OM into soil oxidative loss of OM (long term) crush and smear soil aggregates (if wet) puddled soil well-granulated soil
  36. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 37 73 mass

    per unit volume of a substance ρ = mass volume density 74 rho g cm3 g/cm3 density of water = 1 g/cm3 at standard temperature and pressure 1 cm3 of water weighs 1 g density of 1 g water vs. 10 g water?
  37. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 38 75 Mass

    of soil particles divided by volume of the solid soil particles Mass of soil particles divided by bulk volume of soil Units? 76 Mass same Bulk volume greater Which type of density is greater?
  38. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 39 77 The

    metric system micro milli centi kilo mega gram (g) 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 10 102 103 104 105 106 liter (L) meter (m) 1 Mg/m3 = 1 g/cm3 µg mg cg kg Mg 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds
  39. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 40 79 80

    Influence of Porosity less pore space more pore space bulk density? total pore space
  40. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 41 81 Influence

    of texture size of pores vs. total pore space sands vs. clays 82 Influence of OM Low bulk density
  41. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 42 83 Influence

    of Location in profile surface bulk density? subsurface 84 Influence of land management no till BD decreases (short term) BD increases tilling compaction Long-term: loss of OM till BD increases
  42. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 43 85 water

    infiltration and runoff composition 86 Organic Matter ~ 0.2 Mg m-3 Mineral Soils (average) ~2.65 Mg m-3 Gibbsite (Al(OH)3 ) ~2.00 Mg m-3 Hematite (Fe2 O3 ) ~5.3 Mg m-3 Galena (PbS) ~7.6 Mg m-3
  43. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 45 total percent

    pore space 89 Soil A 2.5 Mg/m3 2 Mg/m3 Soil B 2.5 Mg/m3 1 Mg/m3 Which soil has higher porosity? Particle density Bulk density same mass lower bulk density = more volume more pore space Total Soil Porosity = 100−( Db Dp 100) 90 The densities of a soil are: 2 Mg/m3 1 Mg/m3 What is the porosity of the soil? 50%
  44. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 46 Total Soil

    Porosity = macropores + micropores 91 total pore space vs. pore size resistance to mechanical stress
  45. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 47 The ease

    with which soil can be reshaped or ruptured Amount of forced needed to crush a clod Manner in which soil responds to the force 93 Rupture resistance Stickiness Plasticity Penetration resistance 94
  46. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 48 Strength of

    soil to withstand applied stress 95 Rupture resistance  Loose  Soft  Slightly hard  Hard  Very hard  Extremely hard 96 Dry soils  Loose  Very friable  Friable  Firm  Extremely firm  Slightly rigid Wet and moist soils Rupture resistance What kind of food do pedologists like? Anything, as long as its friable soil clod crumbles increasing force
  47. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 49 97 Stickiness

    adhesion vs. cohesion clinging of like molecules clinging of unlike molecules 98 Stickiness
  48. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 50 99 Plasticity

    elastic vs. plastic object is permanently deformed does not regain original shape when force is removed object is not permanently deformed regains original shape when force is removed Degree to which “puddled” or reworked soil can be permanently deformed without rupturing 100 Plasticity
  49. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 51 Consistence Resistance

    to rupture Used by soil scientists Consistency Resistance to penetration Used by engineers 101 102 critical limits of water content in fine grained soil
  50. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 52 103 soil

    can be molded crumbly soil behaves like a viscous liquid 104 more compressibility more shrink-swell capacity high LL values
  51. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 53 105 coefficient

    of linear extensibility change in length of clod when it loses moisture high COLE = high shrink-swell capacity 106
  52. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 54 1. Excessively

    drained 2. Somewhat excessively drained 3. Well Drained 4. Moderately Well Drained 5. Somewhat Poorly Drained 6. Poorly Drained 7. Very Poorly Drained 8. Subaqueous 107 Soil Drainage Classes water table upper surface of zone of saturation groundwater water within the saturated zone vadose zone unsaturated zone above the water table capillary fringe zone of wetting by capillary movement
  53. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 55 110 Why

    is drainage important? Plants Water damage to roots Oxygen availability Chemistry Redox conditions Habitat for flora and fauna weathering
  54. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 56 Redoximorphic features

    – presence and location gleying (color) mottles Soil texture Rooting depth (unofficial) 111 How to determine drainage class 112
  55. EES 140: Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 57 http://nesoil.com/plymouth/catena.gif 113

    114 Topography and soil color DRAINAGE WAY TOE-SLOPE FOOT-SLOPE SHOULDER SUMMIT Source: Soil Science Society of America drainage