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Kaizad Patel
January 01, 2017


Kaizad Patel

January 01, 2017


  1. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 1 EES

    140 Soil Science Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel Classifying our favorite natural resource 1. Horizons and nomenclature 2. Diagnostic horizons 3. US classification system 4. Soil survey 2 Outline
  2. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 2 1.

    to understand the relationship between soils and soil forming factors 2. to communicate soil science 3 4
  3. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 4 1.

    universal 2. multicategoric 3. real soil bodies 4. properties that can be observed in the field or measured in the lab 5. capable of modification 6. keep undisturbed soils and cultivated soils in the same taxa 7. provide taxa for all soils observed or known 7 1. universal 2. multicategoric 3. real soil bodies 4. properties that can be observed in the field or measured in the lab 5. capable of modification 6. keep undisturbed soils and cultivated soils in the same taxa 7. provide taxa for all soils observed or known 8
  4. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 5 1.

    universal 2. multicategoric 3. real soil bodies 4. properties that can be observed in the field or measured in the lab 5. capable of modification 6. keep undisturbed soils and cultivated soils in the same taxa 7. provide taxa for all soils observed or known 9 1. universal 2. multicategoric 3. real soil bodies 4. properties that can be observed in the field or measured in the lab 5. capable of modification 6. keep undisturbed soils and cultivated soils in the same taxa 7. provide taxa for all soils observed or known 10
  5. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 6 1.

    universal 2. multicategoric 3. real soil bodies 4. properties that can be observed in the field or measured in the lab 5. capable of modification 6. keep undisturbed soils and cultivated soils in the same taxa 7. provide taxa for all soils observed or known 11 1. universal 2. multicategoric 3. real soil bodies 4. properties that can be observed in the field or measured in the lab 5. capable of modification 6. keep undisturbed soils and cultivated soils in the same taxa 7. provide taxa for all soils observed or known 12
  6. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 7 1.

    universal 2. multicategoric 3. real soil bodies 4. properties that can be observed in the field or measured in the lab 5. capable of modification 6. keep undisturbed soils and cultivated soils in the same taxa 7. provide taxa for all soils observed or known 13 1. universal 2. multicategoric 3. real soil bodies 4. properties that can be observed in the field or measured in the lab 5. capable of modification 6. keep undisturbed soils and cultivated soils in the same taxa 7. provide taxa for all soils observed or known 14
  7. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 8 smallest

    volume that can be called “a soil” 15 group of similar pedons on the landscape, also referred to as “soil individual” 16
  8. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 9 17

    Alfisol Andisol Aridisol Entisol Gelisol Histosol Inceptisol Mollisol Oxisol Spodosol Ultisol Vertisol Twelve soil orders 18
  9. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 10 Alfisol

    Aridisol Gelisol Mollisol Oxisol Spodosol Ultisol Some are climatically controlled cool, moist hot, dry cold, frozen semi-arid, semi-humid hot, wet cool, moist warm, wet AR, CA, CO, IN, KY, MN, MO, NY, OH, VA, WI NV, NM, UT, WY AK IL, IA, KS, MT, NE, ND, OK, SD PR FL, ME, MI, NH, VT AL, DE, DC, GA, LA, MD, NJ, NC, OR, TN, WV State Soils 19 Andisol Entisol Histosol Inceptisol Vertisol Some are not 20
  10. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 11 Andisol

    Histosol Vertisol Some are heavily influenced by parent material volcanic organic matter shrink-swell clays HI, ID, WA - TX 21 Entisol Inceptisol Some show very little pedogenesis CT MA, MS, PA, RI, VI 22
  11. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 13 25

    “a layer of soil or soil material approximately parallel to the land surface, and differing from adjacent genetically related layers” Image: Andic Haplocryod University of Idaho - CALS 26 physical, chemical, and biological properties color structure texture consistency pH nutrients organisms present SSSA Glossary
  12. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 14 O

    B C R B C R A parent material consolidated bedrock 27 Master Horizons E zone of illuviation zone of eluviation How did the horizons get their names? zone of illuviation parent material zone of eluviation 28 A B C O E B C Aridisol Spodosol Images: University of Idaho
  13. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 15 O

    A B C E R 29 O horizon Usually in forest settings Forms at the surface, but may be located at the surface or buried 30 Organic horizon Image: Pywell Series, ID University of Idaho - CALS O
  14. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 16 31

    Organic horizon Image: Pywell Series, ID University of Idaho - CALS O 40% organic matter to be called O horizon “loss on ignition” method A horizon surface mineral soil horizon dark color 32 Mineral horizons Image: Alfisol, MI University of Idaho - CALS A B C accumulation of OM
  15. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 17 B

    horizon subsoil mineral horizon original PM has undergone sufficient changes 33 Mineral horizons Image: Alfisol, MI University of Idaho - CALS A B C 34 B horizon illuvial accumulation residual accumulation gleying OM sesquioxides clay carbonates oxides
  16. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 18 C

    horizon relatively unaffected by pedogenic processes 35 Mineral horizons Image: Alfisol, MI University of Idaho - CALS A B C E horizon eluvial loss of silicate clay, iron, aluminum, or some combination leaving a concentration of sand and silt particles 36 Mineral horizons Image: Wallace series, MI, NY University of Idaho – CALS E eluviation
  17. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 19 E

    horizon found under O or A horizons 37 Mineral horizons Image: Wallace series, MI, NY University of Idaho – CALS E 38 The Solum Image: Alfisol, MI University of Idaho - CALS A B C biogeochemically weathered materials
  18. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 20 L:

    limnic deposited in water by precipitation or by aquatic organisms could be organic or mineral 39 L W: water water layers beneath the soil could be liquid or frozen 40 example: organic soil materials in a floating bog example: ice lens
  19. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 21 M:

    manufactured root-limiting layers beneath the soil surface human manufactured materials 41 dominated by the properties of one horizon, but having subordinate properties of another 42 Transitional horizons B BC C
  20. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 22 43

    Transitional horizons B BC  further divides master horizons  lower case letter 44
  21. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 23 Subordinate

    Distinctions O Horizon  a – SOM highly decomposed with low fiber content  e – SOM of intermediate decomposition and fiber  i – SOM least decomposed Important for Maine and Similar Soils  p – plowing or other disturbances  g – strong gleying  s – illuvial accumulation of sesquioxides and SOM  w – distinctive color or structure  h – illuvial accumulation of SOM  d – dense unconsolidated materials  x – fragipan  r – weathered or soft bedrock (saprolite) Important for Other Soils  o – residual accumulation of sesquioxides  t – illuvial accumulation of silicate clays  f – permanently frozen soil  v – plinthite Often Used for Arid Region Soils  c – concretions or nodules  k – accumulation of carbonates  m – cementation or induration  n – accumulation of sodium  q – accumulation of silica  y – accumulation of gypsum  z – accumulation of soluble salts 45 i: slightly decomposed organic material e: organic material of intermediate decomposition a: highly decomposed organic material 46 O horizon Image: NRCS Oi Oe Oa
  22. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 24 p

    tillage or other mechanical disturbance of surface layer plowing cattle trampling vehicle traffic 47 Image: Mollisol NRCS Ap b buried horizons major genetic features developed before burial “bisequum” 48 Image: Andisol, NZ University of Idaho, CALS A 2Ab Bw 2Bwb
  23. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 25 h

    illuvial accumulation of organic matter 49 Bh Image: Leon series, FL University of Idaho - CALS s illuvial accumulation of sesquioxides and organic matter 50 Bhs Bs Spodosol NRCS
  24. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 26 t

    illuvial accumulation of silicate clay 51 Bt Image: Porthill series, ID NRCS k accumulation of secondary carbonates kk engulfment of horizon by secondary carbonates 52 Bk Image: Mollisol University of Idaho, CALS Btk Bt
  25. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 27 w

    color/structure development, with little illuvial accumulation 53 Btx Image: Santa series, ID, WA University of Idaho - CALS Bw x fragipan firm but brittle root restrictive 54 Btx Image: Santa series, ID, WA University of Idaho - CALS Bw
  26. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 28 f

    permanent ice (frozen) ff dry permafrost does not contain enough ice to be cemented 55 Image: Gelisol, Antarctica University of Idaho - CALS Cff g gleying water saturation likely 56 Bt Btg BCg Image: Goldsboro series, NC, AL NRCS
  27. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 29 57

    Oa E Bhs Bs1 Bs2 BC Cd Ap Bw1 Bw2 Cd Ap BE Bt1 Bt2 Btv A C1 C2 Ab 58 A1 A2 A3 A/B Bw A Bw C 2Ab 2Bwb 2C O E Bs 2C
  28. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 30 1.

    Surface horizons 2. Subsurface horizons 59 albic kandic spodic sombric umbric mollic argillic natric oxic fragipan duripan petrocalcic calcic anthropic histic folistic melanic agric
  29. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 31 not

    synonymous with A or O horizon 61 diagnostic surface horizons 62 Soil material Parent Material Organic Histic Epipedon Folistic Epipedon Volcanic Melanic Epipedon Climate + vegetation Mollic Epipedon Umbric Epipedon Humans Anthropic Epipedon Plaggen Epipedon Other Ochric Epipedon water saturation BS > 50% BS < 50% manuring high P
  30. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 32 Acid

    cations  H+  Al+++ Base/ non-acid cations  Ca++  Mg++  Na+  K+ 63 Base saturation percentage ratio of base cations to total cations (cation exchange capacity, CEC) organic soil material thick horizons found at the surface, but may be buried 64 Histic and Folistic Image: Edwards series (Histic) University of Idaho - CALS
  31. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 33 Histic

    Saturated for >30 days per year Folistic Saturated for <30 days per year 65 Climate? Relief? Requirements 1. dark colored 2. SOC >0.6% 3. thick 4. base saturation >50% Image: Mollisol, Minnesota University of Idaho - CALS 66
  32. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 34 Requirements

    1. dark colored 2. SOC >0.6% 3. thick 4. base saturation >50% Image: Mollisol, Minnesota University of Idaho - CALS 67 A horizon grassland, steppe vegetation Requirements 1. dark colored 2. SOC >0.6% 3. thick 4. base saturation >50% Image: Mollisol, Minnesota University of Idaho - CALS 68 pedoturbation by animals time stable landscapes
  33. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 35 Requirements

    1. dark colored 2. SOC >0.6% 3. thick 4. base saturation >50% Image: Mollisol, Minnesota University of Idaho - CALS 69 base-rich parent material loess calcareous till diagnostic for Mollisols 70
  34. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 36 71

    mollic umbric melanic All are dark, surface, mineral horizons. How do they differ? Images: University of Idaho – CALS, Michigan State University fails to meet the definitions of any of the other seven epipedons too thin or too dry, too light or too dark in color, too little organic carbon Image: Inceptisol University of Idaho - CALS 72
  35. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 37 73

    Image: Tetonka series University of Idaho - CALS 74 eluvial horizon with ≥ 85% albic materials Albus Dumbledore
  36. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 38 Image:

    Tetonka series University of Idaho - CALS 75 eluvial horizon with ≥ 85% albic materials light color eluvial loss of clay, iron oxides mostly contains sand and silt albic horizon vs. E horizon? favorable conditions? aquic conditions What might you find with an albic horizon? 76 illuviation layers beneath
  37. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 39 What

    might you find with an albic horizon? 77 spodic horizon mollic epipedon argillic horizon natric horizon kandic horizon cambic horizon argillic horizon natric horizon kandic horizon clay Image: Wallace series University of Idaho - CALS illuvial layer with ≥85% spodic materials 78 illuvial material containing organic matter and aluminum, with or without iron red or brown in color
  38. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 40 diagnostic

    for Spodosols 79 80 Fe (III) Fe (III) low solubility chelating agent (organic acid) complex higher solubility chelation improves solubility of Fe (III)
  39. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 41 81

    No spodic horizon with mollic epipedon? Images: University of Idaho – CALS 82 No spodic horizon with mollic epipedon? mollic epipedon OM >50% BS Ca+2 forms stable and immobile complexes with the organic acids prevents formation of complexes with Fe/Al
  40. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 42 1.

    downward movement with water a. solution b. suspension 2. formed in place from mineral weathering 83 illuvial residual 1. Argillic 2. Natric 3. Kandic 4. Oxic 84 high activity clays less weathered, high cation exchange capacity (CEC) low activity clays moderately/highly weathered, low cation exchange capacity (CEC) sodium
  41. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 43 85

    argillic kandic oxic Images: University of Idaho – CALS 86 Time argillic horizons take thousands of years to form stable landscapes
  42. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 44 87

    Climate humid climate argillic horizons in arid climate? water for translocation, weathering evidence of past humid climates  pedogenic change without appreciable illuviation  fine texture  does not meet requirements for other diagnostic horizons 88 Image: University of Idaho – CALS
  43. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 45 forms

    in less than 1,000 years 89 Image: University of Idaho – CALS Moisture Regimes Aquic Udic Ustic Aridic/Torric Xeric Temperature Regimes Gelic <0°C Cryic 0-8°C Frigid 0-8°C Mesic 8-15°C Thermic 15-22°C Hyperthermic >22°C increasing dryness 90 Memorize only the names and order of the regimes Maine
  44. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 47 Soil

    Taxonomy Keys to Soil Taxonomy U. S. soil taxonomy 94
  45. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 48 Order

    soil forming processes and contrasting climates Suborder soil moisture and temperature Great Group differentiating horizons and features Subgroup typic, intergrade, outlier Family management Series lowest taxon, catena Phase refinement of series characteristics 95 Order Suborder Great Group Subgroup Family Series CHESUNCOOK COARSE-LOAMY, ISOTIC FRIGID AQUIC HAPLORTHOD 96 order: Spodosols
  46. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 49 Alfisol

    Andisol Aridisol Entisol Gelisol Histosol Inceptisol Mollisol Oxisol Spodosol Ultisol Vertisol Twelve soil orders 97 cool, moist hot, dry cold, frozen semi-arid, semi-humid hot, wet cool, moist warm, wet volcanic organic matter shrink-swell clays very little development very little development 98 Key to soil orders Do not memorize the key
  47. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 50 Maine’s

    soil orders 99 C A C O C Bw E Bh C O (A) O Entisols Inceptisols Spodosols Histosols Bs 100 albic horizon spodic horizon subsurface accumulation of SOM and Al & Fe sesquioxides albic materials (eluviation) Images: University of Idaho – CALS , NRCS
  48. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 51 suffix:

    -od Image: NRCS cool, humid Uses of Spodosols 102 cultivation 1. low nutrient status ⇒ fertilizers needed 2. acidic soils ⇒ lime needed forest habitat E horizon: excavated for road material
  49. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 52 103

    histic epipedon folistic epipedon OM accumulation Images: University of Idaho – CALS, Michigan State University cold, wet regions suffix: -ist slow decomposition of OM Image: NRCS
  50. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 53 Uses

    of Histosols 105 cultivation 1. rice and wetland crops 2. draining needed for other crops ecologically important because of carbon other mined for fuel and horticultural products engineering uses physical properties restrict their use minimal horizon development 106 cambic horizon Images: University of Idaho – CALS
  51. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 54 suffix:

    -ept most climate zones Image: NRCS Uses of Inceptisols 108 Wildlife habitat forestry agriculture
  52. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 55 weakly

    developed soils not much time for soil formation no genetic horizons except an A horizon 109 Images: University of Idaho – CALS suffix: -ent steep, rocky settings Image: NRCS
  53. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 56 Uses

    of Entisols 111 wildlife preserves engineering problems moderately leached forest soils subsurface horizon with clay accumulation 112 argillic horizon natric horizon well developed high native fertility Images: University of Idaho – CALS, Michigan State University
  54. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 57 temperate

    humid, subhumid suffix: -alf Image: NRCS Uses of Alfisols 114 forestry agriculture corn wheat favorable climate high native fertility
  55. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 58 formed

    in volcanic ash or other volcanic ejecta 115 melanic epipedon Images: Michigan State University suffix: -and volcanic activity Image: NRCS
  56. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 59 117

    Uses of Andisols 118 agriculture 1. high water holding capacity 2. relatively unweathered ⇒ high nutrient capacity 3. P fixation (limitation)
  57. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 60 soils

    of arid regions 119 calcic horizon gypsic horizon salic horizon petrocalcic horizon Images: University of Idaho – CALS, Michigan State University warm deserts suffix: -id restricted weathering not enough water for complete leaching accumulation of salts low vegetation cover = low OM Image: NRCS
  58. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 61 Uses

    of Aridisols 121 range, wildlife, and recreation cultivation only if irrigation water is available high in nutrients, except N seasonal grazing permafrost within 2 meters of the surface 122 Images: University of Idaho – CALS, Michigan State University
  59. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 62 polar,

    circumpolar suffix: -el little profile development young soils cryoturbation Image: NRCS Uses of Gelisols 124 wildlife habitat practical considerations 1. properties restrict use 2. sensitive to human activities 3. carbon storage
  60. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 63 soils

    of grassland ecosystems 125 mollic epipedon thick A horizon BS >50% Images: University of Idaho – CALS middle latitudes, midwest suffix: -oll Image: NRCS
  61. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 64 Uses

    of Mollisols 127 cultivation among the most productive soils in the world very highly weathered soils 128 contain few weatherable minerals often rich in Fe and Al oxide minerals oxic horizon Images: University of Idaho – CALS
  62. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 65 suffix:

    -ox tropical/ intertropical Image: NRCS Uses of Oxisols 130 cultivation low native fertility input of lime and fertilizers forests
  63. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 66 highly

    weathered soils subsurface horizon with clay accumulation 131 kandic horizon Images: University of Idaho – CALS humid tropical, subtropical suffix: -ult Image: NRCS
  64. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 67 Uses

    of Ultisols 133 cultivation low native fertility poorly suited to continuous agriculture input of lime and fertilizers forests favorable climate clay-rich soils that shrink and swell with changes in moisture content 134 Images: University of Idaho – CALS
  65. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 68 Image:

    NRCS seasonal dry period suffix: -ert Uses of Vertisols 136 cultivation systems that require water retention engineering problems volume expands on wetting pasture
  66. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 70 139

    140 World Resource Base (web link)
  67. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 71 -OD

    Order Suborder Great Group Subgroup Family Series Order: Spodosol 141 -ORTHOD Order Suborder Great Group Subgroup Family Series 142 Other Spodosol suborders: Aquod (wet) Cryod (cold) Gelod (very cold) Humod (organic matter)
  68. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 72 HAPLORTHOD

    Order Suborder Great Group Subgroup Family Series 143 AQUIC HAPLORTHOD Order Suborder Great Group Subgroup Family Series 144
  69. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 73 Order

    Suborder Great Group Subgroup Family Series FRIGID AQUIC HAPLORTHOD 145 Order Suborder Great Group Subgroup Family Series CHESUNCOOK COARSE-LOAMY, ISOTIC FRIGID AQUIC HAPLORTHOD 146
  70. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 74 sandy,

    siliceous, thermic Aeric Alaquod Image: Leon series University of Idaho - CALS 147 spodic horizon order suborder aquic conditions, redoximorphic features <0.1% iron great group aeration subgroup family euic, frigid Typic Haplosaprist 148 organic material order suborder sapric material typical saprist great group typical haplosaprist subgroup family pH > 4.5, cold Oap Oa Oe Oa’ Pywell Series
  71. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 75 loamy-skeletal,

    mixed, superactive, nonacid, mesic Lithic Xerorthent 149 No development order suborder Loamy, clayey, OM decreases with depth (typical) Xeric soil moisture great group lithic contact subgroup family Image: Flybow series University of Idaho - CALS 150 Ondawa Series Fluventic Dystrudept alluvial soil stratification Soils of Maine (Maine Association of Professional Soil Scientists)
  72. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 76 151

    Scantic Series Typic Epiaquept poorly drained soil in glaciomarine sediment Lamoine Series Aeric Epiaquept somewhat poorly drained soil in glaciomarine sediment Soils of Maine (Maine Association of Professional Soil Scientists) 152 Humod Soils of Maine (Maine Association of Professional Soil Scientists)
  73. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 77 153

    Folist 42” of organic material granite bedrock at 42” Soils of Maine (Maine Association of Professional Soil Scientists) 154 Brayton Series Aeric Endoaquept poorly drained soil in lodgement till in lower landscape positions Colonel Series Aquic Hapolorthod somewhat poorly drained soil in lodgement till Soils of Maine (Maine Association of Professional Soil Scientists)
  74. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 78 SOILS

    OF NEW ORLEANS and Louisiana 156 An Update to the Field Guide to Louisiana Soil Classification
  75. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 79 157

    An Update to the Field Guide to Louisiana Soil Classification 158 Gulf Coast Marsh marine sediments alluvium fine sands, silts, clays very deep very poorly drained An Update to the Field Guide to Louisiana Soil Classification
  76. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 80 159

    A C O C Entisols Histosols Saprists Aquents 160 Bancker Series very-fine, smectitic, non-acid, hyperthermic Sodic Hydraquents Oa: 0-4 inches Ag: 4-10 inches Cg1: 10-22 inches Cg2: 22 to 38 inches Cg3: 38 to 50 inches Cg4: 50 to 72 inches Lafitte Series euic, hyperthermic Typic Haplosaprists Oa1: 0 to 6 inches Oa2: 6 to 16 inches Oa3: 16 to 30 inches Oa4: 30 to 48 inches Oa5: 48 to 52 inches Oa6: 52 to 75 inches Ag: 75 to 90 inches Cg: 90 to 100 inches
  77. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 81 161

    Southern Mississippi Valley Loess loess alluvium marine sediments A C O C Ultisols Alfisols E Bt A Bt E C A C Bw O (A) Entisols Inceptisols An Update to the Field Guide to Louisiana Soil Classification 162 Gulf Coast Prairies alluvium loess very deep well to poorly drained A C O C Mollisols Alfisols E Bt A Bt E A C Vertisols Bss An Update to the Field Guide to Louisiana Soil Classification
  78. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 83 165

    Aurelie-Daigle-Perham-Burnham association Dixfield-Colonel-Lyman-Brayton association Scantic-Lamoine-Buxton-Lyman association 166
  79. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 84 167

    Web Soil Survey (web link) 168
  80. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 85 169

    PtB (soil map unit) Peru-Tunbridge Association, 3-8% slopes, very stony Soil Map: University of Maine 170 suitability: fair suitability: poor Soil Suitability: Sand Source
  81. EES 140 – Spring 2017 Kaizad F. Patel 86 171

    suitability: fair suitability: poor suitability: good Soil Suitability: Helicopter Landing Zones Soil Suitability: Yield of Alfalfa hay 172 yield: high yield: medium yield: low unrated