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Technology alone is not enough

April 27, 2024

Technology alone is not enough


April 27, 2024


  1. pineapple.cc ۚ୩Ұ࿕ Ichi Kanaya w ೥ੜ·Ε w ؔ੢େֶ޻ֶ෦ిؾ޻ֶՊ w ಸྑઌ୺Պֶٕज़େֶӃେֶ

    ৘ใՊֶݚڀՊ w "53ਓؒ৘ใ௨৴ݚڀॴ w ࿨ՎࢁେֶγεςϜ޻ֶ෦ w ༣੓ল௨৴૯߹ݚڀॴ w ಸྑઌ୺Պֶٕज़େֶӃେֶ ৘ใՊֶݚڀՊ w େࡕେֶେֶӃجૅ޻ֶݚڀՊ w ژ౎ࠧեܳज़େֶ w େࡕେֶେֶӃ޻ֶݚڀՊ w ௕࡚ݝཱେֶ৘ใγεςϜֶ෦ w ௕࡚େֶ৘ใσʔλՊֶ෦
  2. pineapple.cc c(u) = (x(u), y(u)) s(u) = ∫ (· x2

    + · y2) 1/2 du r(u) = (· x2 + · y2) 3/2 · x·· y − ·· x· y where · z ≡ d du z x y 0 c(u)
  3. pineapple.cc K(u) ≡ (log r(u), log ∂s(u) ∂ log r(u))

    I. Kanaya, Y. Nakano, K. Sato: Classi fi cation of Aesthetic Curves and Surfaces for Industrial Designs; Design Discourse, 2007.
  4. pineapple.cc Designer’s view Divergent Convergent Industrial design Ferrari Toyota Aviation

    design Spit fi re Zero fi ghter Fine arts David Basara Construction Ei ff el Tower Tokyo Tower Math functions y=sin(x) y=log(x) dK(u)/du Negative Positive
  5. pineapple.cc Research fields Kyoto Institute of Technology University of Nagasaki

    Tokyo Denki University Tai-Nichi Institute of Technology Aalborg University Denmark Royal Institute of Engineering Sweden Egypt-Japan University of Science Egypt (Tentative) Kyoto University of Arts
  6. pineapple.cc w TEDxKyoto (2012–) w TEDxSaikai (2017–) w TEDxDejima Studio

    (2022–) w TEDxDejima Live (2023) w TEDxDejima ED (2023) w TEDxDejima Women (2023) Our experiences
  7. pineapple.cc Newsletter STEAM NEWS w ຖि༵ۚ೔ൃߦ w Պֶɾٕज़ɾ޻ֶɾΞʔτɾ਺ ֶͷ࿩୊ w

    ಡऀ਺ ໊Ҏ্ w ແྉ 45&".χϡʔε https://bit.ly/steamnews