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Introduction to Ansible: From Playbook to Produ...

Introduction to Ansible: From Playbook to Production

An introduction to Ansible along with a step-by-step guide for creating a testing process with Serverspec.

Kevin Day

April 09, 2015

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Objective Teach you how you can use Ansible for the

    entire lifecycle of server development and deployment: • Flawless production deployments • Repeatable environment builds • Infrastructure testing & validation • Seamless flow between developers and ops
  2. What You’ll Learn Part 1: Ansible Basics • What is

    Ansible? • How to write an Ansible playbook Part 2: Ansible in the DevOps Lifecycle • Local Development w/ Vagrant & Serverspec • Continuous Integration w/ Circle CI & AWS • Environment build-out & testing w/ AWS AMI & ASG
  3. About Me • Kevin Day @kday • Lead Developer at

    SparkBase • Fantasy sports websites ◦ Manage 25 servers ◦ 100,000 uniques per day ◦ 700 requests per second • Been using Ansible for last 8 months • Developing a fully tested DevOps process • Building production servers this month with this approach
  4. Why This Talk? • Ansible is awesome • Everyone does

    DevOps differently ◦ Ansible doesn’t have good built-in testing1 ◦ CI is largely ignored ◦ Differences in building vs. provisioning servers • Present and receive feedback on my approach • Curious how others are using Ansible 1 http://docs.ansible.com/test_strategies.html “Ansible resources are models of desired-state. As such, it should not be necessary to test that services are running, packages are installed, or other such things.”
  5. What is Ansible? • Configuration management and orchestration tool •

    Uses YAML syntax to define the state a server should have • Converts YAML statements into bash commands that are run on remote server via SSH • Adhoc and playbooks
  6. How does it compare to other tools? • Competitor to

    Puppet, Chef, and Salt • Different from Puppet and Chef because it: ◦ is agentless ◦ push instead of pull ◦ can also provision servers
  7. Ansible Playbook • Basis for a simple configuration management and

    multi-machine deployment system • Contains one or more plays • Requires a host to be specified --- - hosts: webservers vars: http_port: 80 max_clients: 200 remote_user: root tasks: - name: ensure apache is at the latest version yum: pkg=httpd state=latest - name: write the apache config file template: src=/srv/httpd.j2 dest=/etc/httpd.conf notify: - restart apache - name: ensure apache is running (and enable it at boot) service: name=httpd state=started enabled=yes handlers: - name: restart apache service: name=httpd state=restarted webservers.yml
  8. Roles • Core method to reuse configuration • One playbook

    can execute multiple roles against a server • Ansible Galaxy is the public repository of shared roles --- - hosts: webservers roles: - common - webservers webservers.yml
  9. Directory Convention site.yml webservers.yml fooservers.yml roles/ common/ files/ templates/ tasks/

    handlers/ vars/ defaults/ meta/ webservers/ files/ templates/ tasks/ handlers/ vars/ defaults/ meta/
  10. Variables • Command Line Params • Role Params • Defaults

    • Host Vars • Group Vars Vault: • Password-protect secrets while keeping them in source control ansible-playbook test.yml --extra-vars=”foo=bar” - hosts: webservers vars: http_port: 80 group_vars/webservers/main.yml --- - http_port: 80
  11. Inventory Static Inventory • Create a list of host names

    and their addresses in a file • Must be manually updated Dynamic Inventory • Uses APIs from hosting provider (AWS) to generate a list of servers • Add meta data to each server, such as tags, that can be referenced in playbooks • Highly recommended when using a cloud provider
  12. Tech Stack • Ansible • Amazon AWS • Amazon AMI-based

    deployments • Vagrant & Virtualbox • Packer (for only building one base image) • Serverspec
  13. Goals 1. Use TDD for local infrastructure development 2. Continuous

    Integration for testing Ansible roles 3. Local & production environments as similar as possible 4. Build any new environment quickly
  14. Local Development 1. Write failing test 2. Update playbook 3.

    Run playbook against Vagrant 4. Re-run tests 5. Commit & push spec/flask_web/flask_web_spec.rb
  15. Local Development 1. Write failing test 2. Update playbook 3.

    Run playbook against Vagrant 4. Re-run tests 5. Commit & push roles/machines/flask-web/tasks/main.yml
  16. Local Development 1. Write failing test 2. Update playbook 3.

    Run playbook against Vagrant 4. Re-run tests 5. Commit & push
  17. Local Development 1. Write failing test 2. Update playbook 3.

    Run playbook against Vagrant 4. Re-run tests 5. Commit & push
  18. Local Development 1. Write failing test 2. Update playbook 3.

    Run playbook against Vagrant 4. Re-run tests 5. Commit & push
  19. Continuous Integration On every git push... For each server type:

    1. Spin up EC2 instance 2. Execute playbook 3. Run server spec tests 4. Pass/fail the build
  20. Continuous Integration On every git push... For each server type:

    1. Spin up EC2 instance 2. Execute playbook 3. Run server spec tests 4. Pass/fail the build
  21. Continuous Integration On every git push... For each server type:

    1. Spin up EC2 instance 2. Execute playbook 3. Run server spec tests 4. Pass/fail the build
  22. Continuous Integration On every git push... For each server type:

    1. Spin up EC2 instance 2. Execute playbook 3. Run server spec tests 4. Pass/fail the build
  23. Building Environments DRY: What to reuse? • Reuse roles, not

    playbooks • Tailor each playbook to the environment • Specs for shared machine role • TODO: Specs for environment-specific differences
  24. Unit of Deployment = ASG AWS Auto Scaling Group •

    Defined by an AMI • Rules for scaling up and down (optional) • Allows for multi-AZ redundancy • Netflix model • Useful even for a single server ◦ max instances = 1 ◦ min instances = 1
  25. ASG Playbook 1. Launch temp instance 2. Run Ansible roles

    against temp instance 3. Register AMI 4. Terminate temp instance 5. Create AWS Launch Configuration 6. Create AWS Auto Scaling Group environments/prod/flask-web-asg.yml
  26. ASG Playbook 1. Launch temp instance 2. Run Ansible roles

    against temp instance 3. Register AMI 4. Terminate temp instance 5. Create AWS Launch Configuration 6. Create AWS Auto Scaling Group environments/prod/flask-web-asg.yml
  27. ASG Playbook 1. Launch temp instance 2. Run Ansible roles

    against temp instance 3. Register AMI 4. Terminate temp instance 5. Create AWS Launch Configuration 6. Create AWS Auto Scaling Group environments/prod/flask-web-asg.yml
  28. TODO: Rolling Deployments Ansible playbook for each type of deployment

    deployments/prod/db-migrations-and-web.yml Hard (impossible?) to write good specs for this though.
  29. Conclusion • Ansible basics • Ansible in the DevOps lifecycle

    ◦ Vagrant ◦ Serverspec ◦ Circle CI ◦ AWS • Do as much in Ansible as possible https://github.com/kday/ansible-from-playbook-to-production [email protected] @kday