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DWX23: Jakarta Data – Standardized Data Access for SQL and NoSQL Databases

DWX23: Jakarta Data – Standardized Data Access for SQL and NoSQL Databases

The amount of data collected by applications nowadays is growing rapidly. Many of them need to support both relational SQL and non-relational NoSQL databases. Jakarta Data provides an API to allow easy data access. Developers can split the persistence mechanism and the model using common features like the Repository pattern and seamlessly switch between SQL and NoSQL databases or even use both in the same application.

First we'll compare popular Java data access frameworks for SQL/JPA and NoSQL databases. We are going to look at Jakarta NoSQL/JNOSQL, Spring Data, Micronaut Data, Quarkus/Panache or DeltaSpike Data. What do they have in common? How do they compare, what are the differences and similarities? We'll show each of them with a selection of different NoSQL or SQL databases to learn how they work and what concepts like CRUD operations, the Repository pattern, pagination or sorting they support - followed by an overview of Jakarta Data and how it can help migrate your data applications to a vendor-neutral future, becoming greater than the sum of all existing solutions.

Werner Keil

July 07, 2023

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  1. Werner Keil Jakarta EE Specification Committee Member Let’s meet @emilyfhjiang

    @wernerwedge Emily Jiang Cloud Native Architect, IBM
  2. What are these challenges? @emilyfhjiang @wernerwedge • Agile development process

    • High performance and availability • Manage huge data volumes
  3. Advantages of NoSQL @emilyfhjiang @wernerwedge • Handles large volumes of

    data at high-speed • Stores unstructured, semi-structured, or structured data • Easy updates to schemas and fields • Developer-friendly • Takes advantage of the cloud to deliver zero downtime
  4. Why this talk Tons of persistence frameworks Which one performs

    best for your case? JVM can cope with heavy loads Why is there no common standard?
  5. Column-Oriented Apollo Aphrodite Ares Kratos Duty Duty Duty Dead Gods

    Love, happy Sun War 13 Color weapon Sword Row-key Columns HBase Scylla SimpleDB Cassandra DynamoDB Clouddata
  6. Document stores { "name":"Diana", "duty":[ "Hunt", "Moon", "Nature" ], "siblings":{

    "Apollo":"brother" } } ApacheCouchDB MongoDB Couchbase
  7. Graph databases Apollo Ares Kratos was killed by was killed

    by killed killed Neo4j InfoGrid Sones HyperGraphDB
  8. Multi-Model 01 02 03 04 OrientDB (graph, document) Couchbase (key

    value, document) Elasticsearch (document, graph) ArangoDB (document, graph, key-value)

    Column family Collection Row Key/value pair Column Documents Vertex Column Key/value pair Key/value pair Vertex and Edge property Relationship Link Edge
  10. BASE vs ACID • Basically Available • Soft state •

    Eventual consistency • Atomicity • Consistency • Isolation • Durability
  11. CAP

  12. Relational Application NoSQL Application Logic Tier Logic Tier DAO DAO

  13. JPA problem for NoSQL 01 02 03 04 05 06

    Saves Async Async Callback Time to Live (TTL) Consistency Level SQL based Diversity in NoSQL
  14. Annotated Entities 01 02 03 Mapped Superclass Entity Column @Entity(”person")

    public class Person { @Column private String name; @Column private long age; @Column private Set<String> powers; }
  15. Template Person artemis = ...; DocumentTemplate template = … template.insert(artemis);

    template.update(artemis); DocumentQuery query = ... List<Person> people = template.select(query);
  16. Repository @MongoRepository interface BookRepository extends CrudRepository<Book, ObjectId> { Book find(String

    title); } Or @MongoRepository public abstract class AbstractBookRepository implements CrudRepository<Book, ObjectId> { public abstract List<Book> findByTitle(String title); }
  17. Entity @MappedEntity public class Book { @Id @GeneratedValue private ObjectId

    id; private String title; private int pages; public Book(String title, int pages) { this.title = title; this.pages = pages; } // ... }
  18. Query by Text @MongoFindQuery(filter = "{title:{$regex: :t}}", sort = "{title:

    1}") List<Book> customFind(String t); @MongoAggregateQuery("[{$match: {name:{$regex: :t}}}, {$sort: {name: 1}}, {$project: {name: 1}}]") List<Person> customAggregate(String t); @MongoUpdateQuery(filter = "{title:{$regex: :t}}", update = "{$set:{name: 'tom'}}") List<Book> customUpdate(String t); @MongoDeleteQuery(filter = "{title:{$regex: :t}}", collation = "{locale:'en_US', numericOrdering:true}") void customDelete(String t);
  19. Entity @Entity class User { ObjectId id String emailAddress String

    password String fullname Date dateCreated Date lastUpdated static constraints = { emailAddress email: true password nullable: true fullname blank: false } }}
  20. @Document(collection = ”people") public class person { … } interface

    GodRepository extends MongoRepository<Person, String> { … } What about the Controller? <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb</artifactId> </dependency> spring.data.mongodb.database=mythology spring.data.mongodb.port=27017 Logistics Domain
  21. MovieEntity MovieRepository PersonEntity Roles … Other reactive dependencies … <dependency>

    <groupId>org.neo4j.springframework.data</groupId> <artifactId>spring-data-neo4j-rx-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>1.1.1</version> </dependency> org.neo4j.driver.uri=bolt://localhost:7687 org.neo4j.driver.authentication.username=neo4j org.neo4j.driver.authentication.password=secret Logistics Domain
  22. Entities @Node("Person") public class PersonEntity { @Id private final String

    name; private final Integer born; } @Node("Movie") public class MovieEntity { @Id private final String title; @Property("tagline") private final String description; @Relationship(type = "ACTED_IN", direction = INCOMING) private Map<PersonEntity, Roles> actorsAndRoles = new HashMap<>(); @Relationship(type = "DIRECTED", direction = INCOMING) private List<PersonEntity> directors = new ArrayList<>(); }
  23. Entity public class Person extends PanacheMongoEntity { public String name;

    public LocalDate birthDate; public Status status; // return name as uppercase in the model public String getName(){ return name.toUpperCase(); } // store all names in lowercase in the DB public void setName(String name){ this.name = name.toLowerCase(); } }
  24. Repository @ApplicationScoped public class PersonRepository implements PanacheMongoRepository<Person> { // put

    your custom logic here as instance methods public Person findByName(String name){ return find("name", name).firstResult(); } public List<Person> findAlive(){ return list("status", Status.ALIVE); } public void deleteLoics(){ delete("name", "Loïc"); } }
  25. Motivation BaseDocument baseDocument = new BaseDocument(); baseDocument.addAttribute(name, value); Document document

    = new Document(); document.append(name, value); JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.create(); jsonObject.put(name, value); ODocument document = new ODocument(“collection”); document.field(name, value);
  26. Make NoSQL easier @Inject Template template; … template.insert(book); List<Book> books

    = template.select(Book.class) .where("title").eq("Effective Java").list();
  27. Now What? Jakarta Data is to unify the data access

    world! @emilyfhjiang @wernerwedge
  28. Jakarta Data relational database business logic repository interface repository interface

    Jakarta Data Provider NoSQL database Jakarta Data / Jakarta NoSQL Provider JPA or JDBC
  29. Entity @Entity public class Person{ @Id private String id; @Column

    private String name; @Column private String city; } @Entity public record Book(@Id String id, @Column("title") String title, @Column("edition") int edition){}
  30. Entity @Entity public class Person{ @Id private String id; @Column

    private String name; @Column private String city; } key value key key key value value value Column Family Graph Document Key Value
  31. Template @Inject Template template; ... Car ferrari = template.insert(ferrari); Optional<Car>

    car = template.find(Car.class, 1L); List<Car> cars = template.select(Car.class).where("city").eq("Rome").result(); template.delete(Car.class).where("id").eq(1L).execute(); Optional<Car> result = template.singleResult("select * from Car where id = 1");
  32. Basic Entity and Repository ▪ DataRepository doesn’t come with any

    built-in methods. To further simplify… @Inject Products products; … products.save(new Product(1, "$25 gift card", 25.0f)); List<Product> found = products.findByPriceLessThan(100.0f); @Repository public interface Products extends DataRepository<Product, Long> { List<Product> findByPriceLessThan(float maxPrice); void save(Product product); ... } public record Product( long id, String name, float price ); entity class key type
  33. Basic Entity and CRUD Repository @Inject Products products; … products.save(new

    Product(1, "$25 gift card", 25.0f)); List<Product> found = products.findByPriceLessThan(100.0f); @Repository public interface Products extends CrudRepository<Product, Long> { List<Product> findByPriceLessThan(float maxPrice); ... } public record Product( long id, String name, float price ); entity class key type save(E entity); saveAll(Iterable<E> entities); findAll(); findById(K id); existsById(K id); delete(E entity); deleteById(K id); ... Inherited via CrudRepository:
  34. Naming Conventions Compose your own save, findBy, deleteBy, countBy &

    more methods by following precise naming conventions with reserved keywords and entity property names within the method name. Product[] findByNameLikeAndPriceBetween(String namePattern, float minPrice, float maxPrice); find...By indicates a query returning results And keyword separates NameLike and PriceBetween conditions Name and Price are entity property names Like keyword is a type of condition, requires 1 parameter Between keyword is a type of condition, requires 2 parameters
  35. Repository with Queries Some queries are too complex to be

    defined within a method name. @Query gives you a way to supply a query written in: JPQL (for Jakarta Persistence-based providers) @Repository public interface Products extends CrudRepository<Product, Long> { @Query("UPDATE Product o SET o.price = o.price - o.price * ?1") int discountAll(float discountRate); }
  36. Named Parameters If you prefer to use named parameters, you

    can do that with @Param, @Repository public interface Products extends CrudRepository<Product, Long> { @Query("UPDATE Product o SET o.price = o.price - o.price * :rate") int discountAll(@Param("rate") float discountRate); }
  37. Sorting of Results Reserved keywords OrderBy, Asc, and Desc enable

    sorting of results. Product[] findByNameLikeAndPriceBetweenOrderByPriceDescNameAsc(String namePattern, float minPrice, float maxPrice); OrderBy keyword indicates the start of the sorting criteria Asc keyword indicates ascending sort Desc keyword indicates descending sort
  38. Sorting of Results – better ways @OrderBy(value = "price", descending

    = true) @OrderBy("name") Product[] findByNameLikeAndPriceBetween(String namePattern, float minPrice, float maxPrice); Method names can get a bit lengthy, so there is also @OrderBy annotation for sorting criteria that is known in advance Sort parameters for dynamic sorting Product[] findByNameLikeAndPriceBetween(String namePattern, float minPrice, float maxPrice, Sort...); found = products.findByNameLikeAndPriceBetween(namePattern, 10.00f, 20.00f, Sort.desc("price"), Sort.asc("name"));
  39. Without Method Name Magic? @Filter(by = "price", op = Compare.Between)

    @Filter(by = "name", fn = Function.IgnoreCase, op = Compare.Contains) @OrderBy("price") Product[] inPriceRange(float min, float max, String namePattern); @Filter(by = "name") @Update(attr = "price", op = Operation.Multiply) boolean inflatePrice(String productName, float rate); @Delete @Filter(by = "reviews", op = Compare.Empty) int removeUnreviewed(); It could be possible to define queries entirely with annotations. • This idea was deferred to post v1.0, but Open Liberty has it working in a prototype: Javadoc: https://ibm.biz/JakartaData
  40. Limiting the Number of Results @OrderBy("price") Product[] findFirst10ByNameLike(String namePattern); Sometimes

    you don’t want to read the entire matching dataset and only care about the first several results. First keyword indicates the start of the sorting criteria 10 numeric value optionally indicates how many. When absent, only the very first result is returned. Another way: @OrderBy("price") Product[] findByNameLike(String namePattern, Limit limit); found = products.findByNameLike(namePattern, Limit.of(10));
  41. Offset Pagination @OrderBy("price") @OrderBy("name") Page<Product> findByNameLikeAndPriceBetween(String namePattern, float minPrice, float

    maxPrice, Pageable pagination); For large datasets, you can read data in pages, defined by the Pageable parameter, Offset pagination is convenient to users jumping multiple pages ahead or behind. But it’s inefficient in making the database fetch unwanted results, and if data is modified, some results might be missed or duplicated between pages! for (Pageable p = Pageable.ofSize(50); p != null; ) { Page<product> page = products.findByNameLikeAndPriceBetween(pattern, 40.0f, 60.0f, p); ... p = page.nextPageable(); }
  42. Keyset Pagination Reduces scenarios where results are missed or duplicated

    across pages. • Entity properties that serve as the sort criteria must not be modified. Gives the Pageable awareness of cursor position from a prior page. • Jakarta Data provider automatically adds conditions to the query making the previous cursor the starting point for the next page. Can be more efficient because it does not require fetching and skipping large numbers of results. Unwanted results never match to begin with!
  43. Keyset Pagination Examples @OrderBy("lastName") @OrderBy("id") KeysetAwarePage<Employee> findByHoursWorkedGreaterThanEqual(int minHours, Pageable pagination);

    Traversing all results, Or relative to a specific position, for (Pageable p = Pageable.ofSize(100); p != null; ) { KeysetAwarePage<Employee> page = employees.findByHoursWorkedGreaterThanEqual(1500, p); ... p = page.nextPageable(); } Pageable p = Pageable.ofSize(100).afterKeyset(employee.lastName, employee.id); page = employees.findByHoursWorkedGreaterThanEqual(1500, p); Order of keyset keys matches the order of sort criteria
  44. Keyset Pagination – How it Works @OrderBy("lastName") @OrderBy("firstName") @OrderBy("id") KeysetAwarePage<Employee>

    findByHoursWorkedGreaterThanEqual(int minHours, Pageable pagination); Let’s visualize what this could look like if transformed to JPQL: SELECT o FROM Employee o WHERE (o.hoursWorked >= ?1) AND ( (o.lastName > ?2) OR (o.lastName = ?2 AND o.firstName > ?3) OR (o.lastName = ?2 AND o.firstName = ?3 AND o.id > ?4) ) pagination.getKeysetCursor() provides the values for ?2, ?3, ?4
  45. Demo Entity: CrewMember Repository: CrewMembers CRUD Service CrewService @Inject CrewMembers

    crewMembers; … @DELETE @Path("/{id}") public String remove(@PathParam("id") String id) { crewMembers.deleteByCrewID(id); return ""; } @Repository public interface CrewMembers extends DataRepository<CrewMember, String> { @OrderBy("crewID") List<CrewMember> findAll(); void deleteByCrewID(String crewID); void save(CrewMember a); } @Entity public class CrewMember { @NotEmpty(message = "All crew members must have a name!") private String name; @Pattern(regexp = "(Captain|Officer|Engineer)", message = "Crew member must be one of the listed ranks!") private String rank; @Id @Pattern(regexp = "^\\d+$", message = "ID Number must be a non-negative integer!") private String crewID;
  46. ▪ GitHub repositories ▪ https://github.com/OpenLiberty/sample-jakarta-data ▪ OpenLiberty Beta ▪ https://openliberty.io/blog/2023/05/16/

    ▪ Specifications ▪ Jakarta Data: https://jakarta.ee/specifications/data/ @ wernerwedge Links @emilyfhjiang
  47. • Flaticon.com • Michael Simons • Jean Tessier • Teo

    Bais • Nathan Rauh • Mark Swatosh • Otavio Santana Credits @emilyfhjiang @wernerwedge