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January 17, 2023



January 17, 2023


  1. THEOplayerとは • 最先端のビデオを効率的にかつあらゆるデバイスで配 信できるよう支援 • ビデオプレイヤーの実装に必要な要素を SDK として提 供 (SDK:Software

    Development Kit) “ THEOplayer, is the Universal Video Player that enables hundreds of leading payTV and OTT service providers, broadcasters, and publishers worldwide. Through its feature-rich SDKs and wide video ecosystem pre-integrations, THEO enables video service providers to quickly bring a consistent video playback experience across any device or platform. “
  2. コントロールバーの追加 // Create player and setup source var containerElement =

    document.querySelector('.player'); var player = new THEOplayer.Player(containerElement, {libraryLocation : 'https://cdn.theoplayer.com/dash/theoplayer/'}); player.source = { sources: '//cdn.theoplayer.com/video/elephants-dream/playlist.m3u8' }; // THEOplayer videojs object var videojs = THEOplayer.videojs; // Create center controlbar var ControlBar = videojs.getComponent('ControlBar'); var CustomCenterControlBar = videojs.extend(ControlBar, { constructor: function (player, options) { options.children = []; ControlBar.call(this, player, options); this.addClass('custom-center-controlbar'); } }); … // Add custom big play pause toggle to center controlbar customCenterControlBar.addChild('CustomBigPlayToggle');
  3. エラーメッセージ var player = new THEOplayer.Player(videoContainer, { libraryLocation: 'https://cdn.theoplayer.com/dash/theoplayer/', ui:

    { language: 'langCode', languages: { 'langCode': { "Could not load the manifest file. Make sure the source is set correctly and that CORS support is enabled.": "Your stream is currently unavailable. Please try again.", "Play": "Reproducir", "Pause": "Pausa", ... } } } });