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The Local Digital Humanities Landscape

The Local Digital Humanities Landscape

Childress, Dawn. “The Local Digital Humanities Landscape: Understanding and Building Community, Capacity, and Infrastructure,” Bibliothekartag 2013, Leipzig, Germany (March 2013)

Dawn Childress

March 28, 2013

More Decks by Dawn Childress

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  1. Survey ™  Have you created or contributed to/used ______ in

    the course of your research and teaching? ™  Digital Collections ™  Digital Editions and Digital Publishing ™  Geospatial Analysis and Mapping ™  Data Analysis and Visualization
  2. Survey, cont. ™  Support and Training ™  In which digital

    scholarship tools and methods are you most interested? ™  What types of support would you consider most useful for digital scholarship? ™  Does your department currently support digital scholarship projects or initiatives? ™  Where do you currently go for digital scholarship support?
  3. Interviews & focus groups ™  Interviews ™  More detail about

    digital projects ™  Role of DH in their own research and challenges ™  What they value most in projects ™  Current issues, practices, trends ™  Focus groups ™  Why digital scholarship? ™  What is most important in digital scholarship right now? ™  Methods skilling up ™  Implications for graduate training
  4. Environmental scan ™ What community, capacity, infrastructure currently exists? ™ What services

    do we have in place that we can leverage? ™ Which resources can be repurposed, added to?
  5. According to the survey… ™  there’s a demand for geospatial

    and network analysis ™  most projects are in the classroom, for now… ™  graduate students are integrating digital or data more than faculty ™  scholars want to learn new tech skills to do the work ™  scholars are looking for partners, but may not be thinking collaboratively
  6. Many scholars… ™  are interested because graduate students will need

    it to find jobs ™  like the idea, but unsure yet of usefulness/payoff ™  want more good examples ™  value learning something new over sustainability ™  see need for integration with graduate training
  7. In our current landscape… ™  there are data visualization and

    mapping experts around! ™  groups from other disciplines (sciences, z.B.) are forming around the digital ™  there are other skill-focused workshop series around campus ™  IT units are interested in working together
  8. …to build community ™ DH Interest Group meet-ups with Open Mic

    ™ Local DH listserv ™ Online community forum ™ Speaker series
  9. …to build infrastructure ™  Host and support virtual server for

    experimentation ™  Support and host databases and web apps (like Omeka) ™  Explore new uses for institutional repository