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Building Webflow Ecommerce in 3 stories

Building Webflow Ecommerce in 3 stories

Olena Sovyn

November 06, 2018

More Decks by Olena Sovyn

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Software Engineer at Webflow Last year creating: - data manager

    for Ecommerce - Ecommerce settings Currently working and tech leading Ecommerce variants project
  2. Stripe Setup Manual Shipping Options Auto Tax Calcs FTU &

    Setup Product Management Inventory Management Product Variants Product Lists & Pages Add-To-Cart & Cart Checkout Order Management Customisable Emails Orders CSV Export Webflow Ecommerce MVP Features
  3. “If it walks like a duck and it quacks like

    a duck, then it must be a duck”
  4. “If it walks like a duck and it quacks like

    a duck, then it must be a duck”
  5. Stripe Setup Manual Shipping Options Auto Tax Calcs FTU &

    Setup Product Management Inventory Management Product Variants Product Lists & Pages Add-To-Cart & Cart Checkout Order Management Customisable Emails Orders CSV Export Webflow Ecommerce MVP Features
  6. Ruling with Fear, Guiding with Trust Camille considers herself to

    be a good leader: technical, charismatic, capable of making decisions and getting things done. She’s also sometimes short-tempered, and when people don’t live up to her expectations or things go wrong, she can be visibly annoyed and openly angry. She doesn’t realize that this hard edge and short temper are making people afraid of her. They don’t want to risk getting blamed for failure or openly criticised for making a mistake, so they take fewer risks and hide their mistakes. Camille has accidentally created a culture of fear. Michael is also a good leader: technical, charismatic, capable of making decisions and getting things done. He’s also good at keeping his cool. Instead of getting tense and angry, he gets curious when things don’t seem to be going well. His first instinct is to ask questions, and these questions often cause the team to come to their own realizations about what’s going wrong.