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October 15, 2022



October 15, 2022


  1. 2 / Kalan Frontend Engineer @LINE Fukuoka Twitter: @kalanyei Blog:

    blog.kalan.dev Github: kjj6198 Facebook Svelte.js Taiwan
  2. WCAG: Web Content Accessbility Guidelines How to meet WCAG 12

 erceivable O 
 perable U 
 nderstandable R 
  3. 14

  4. 17

  5. 21

  6. 22

  7. 23

  8. ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) HTML aria roles 25 aria-label

    aria-labelledby aria-haspopup aria-expanded aria-modal aria-valuenow aria-posinset aria-describedby aria-labelledby combobox
  9. 30

  10. 31

  11. 34

  12. 35

  13. 36

  14. 38

  15. 39

  16. 45

  17. 46

  18. 48

  19. 1. role combobox 2. aria-haspopup aria-expanded 3. aria-controls 4. role

    listbox 5. role option 6. aria-selected true 49
  20. downshift 51 You need an autocomplete, a combobox or a

    select experience in your application and you want it to be accessible. You also want it to be simple and fl exible to account for your use cases. Finally, it should follow the ARIA design pattern for a combobox or a select, depending on your use case.
  21. 54

  22. 56 1. role slider 2. 3. tabindex 4. aria-valuemin aria-valuemax

    aria-valuenow 5. aria-valuetext 6. aria-orientation
  23. 57

  24. 60

  25. 63

  26. 64

  27. 65

  28. 66

  29. 81